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Pick and place machine

Guy Fraser edited this page May 11, 2017 · 2 revisions


A Pick and Place machine, for automated laying out of PCBs. Don't think we really need it yet, but it would let people so short runs of production boards (if we got some sort of reflow oven too to do the soldering).

There are much fancier pick-and-place machines, but I've just come across which shows a TM-240A which would take up about the same amount of room as the laser-cutter, and cost about the same amount. I don't think we should seriously sort out a pledge for it now (Jan 2013), but give us another year and I might be tempted...

There's a good video from Dangerous Prototypes showing the model down from that one, that they've just bought. It goes through the steps in programming it, and generally talks through how it works -

Expected cost: £3500?

Who How much? Paid? Comments
AdrianMcEwan £500 No

We could make our own?

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