A service in Python Flask for the generation of WoT AsyncAPI service descriptions for specific IoT devices (e.g. sensors, actuators) that work asynchronously (i.e. not synchronously, not REST-based).
Without Docker:
- Enable Vertual Env:
- API\v1\.venv\Scripts\activate
- Run flask application:
- `cd \API`
- `python -m flask --app v1 run --debug`
With Docker:
- Build & run from Dockerfile in the project root directory (Docker should be already running in your machine):
- docker build -t flask_app .
- docker run -p 5000:5000 flask_app
You have to enter the PHP container (app) docker container (e.g. using Docker Desktop) and run composer install
in the terminal (after navigating in the /docker folder!!) in order to install the dependencies and generate vendor/autoload.php inside the /docker folder.