Link to the paper:
credit: Dongqi Han
Tested using Python 3.7.7 on Ubuntu 20.04 and Windows 11
pip install -r requirements.txt
And you also need to install PyTorch. Please install PyTorch >= 1.11 that matches your CUDA version according to
To train the agent to learn habitual behaviors, you can run a command like (see the python file for the arguments)
python --seed 42 --verbose 1 --gui 0
Set --gui 1
if you want to see the visualized environment.
The default arguments (hyperparameters) are the same as used in the paper. For the information of the arguments in training the habitual behavior, see
To run the models for ablation study, use the argument --abalation.
After training the agent's habitual behavior (less than 1 day with a computer with a descent GPU), the result data will be saved at ./data/
and ./details/
in .mat files, for which you can load using MATLAB or scipy:
import as sio
data = sio.loadmat("xxx.mat")
The PyTorch model of the trained agent will also be saved at ./data/
, which can be loaded by torch.load()
After acquiring the habitual bebahviors by self-exploration (the model saved at ./data/
), the agent can perform goal-directed planning with the goal provided.
We provide a pre-trained model at ./data/ if you want to skip training, to use the pre-trained model:
python --seed 0 --goal_marker red --gui 1
where the goal_marker can be "full", "red", "blue", "less_blue" or "less_red" (see the paper).
The result data will be save at ./aif/
containing 6 goal-directed episodes.