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LeJeu edited this page Jan 8, 2022 · 10 revisions

This page contains technical details on data delivered by intel.

Data timestamp

Most data from intel have a timestamp attached.

Map Data

Field: match creation time (approx, fields closed simultaneously may not share the same timestamp, ~300ms diff)

Link: match last update: creation time or last created field

Portal: match last update:

  • ✅ link from/to create/destroy
  • ✅ resonator/mod deploy/upgrade
  • ✅ recharge/damage/decay
  • ✅ title/location/picture change
  • ✅ drone departure/arrival
  • ∼ picture vote (depends)
  • ❌ field (opposite portal)
  • ❌ history visited
  • ❓ history scout
  • ❓ description
  • ❓ scan

Comm Data

Actions with same timestamp:

  • All link/field destruction messages related to a single portal
  • Resonator destruction on virus
  • Link closing one or two fields
  • Capture and first deployed resonator
  • First capture/link/field with corresponding action

Note: comm timestamps differ from map entity timestamps


Portals are in tiles of level 15 only.

Links/fields are related to S2 Cells. While the Intel does not serve S2 tiles, a link can be seen as stored in the S2 cells (of level depending of its length) that it intersects (for instance, a 3km link is stored in s2 cells of level 10). Then a (square) intel tile contains all the links (with respect to the zoom) stored into the s2 cells it intersects.

Link length Zoom/tile levels S2 cell
< 300 ≥13 14
< 800 ≥12 13
< 2,500 ≥11 11
< 5,000 ≥9 10
< 10,000 ≥8 9
< 60,000 ≥7 7
< 200,000 ≥5 5
≥ 200,000 ≥3 4

Meaning that for a link of length 8,000m, any tile of level ≥ 8 that intersects one of the 9-level S2 cells containing this link holds into its data this link.

A field is served if one of its link is long enough. The tiles holding it depends on this max length and the matching level S2 cells containing the fields (not only the links) following the same rule as links.

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