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Machina Tools
is an experimental plugin, based on the investigation done in the [XF] Machina Research Group (https://t.me/MachinaResearchGroup), the "Machina-Knowledge"-Document and @perringaiden 's "Machina Tools".
Please note, that Machina Tools are experimental. There is no portaldata recorded nor available after a reload of IITC.
When viewing the portal details of a Machina Portal it is possible to find the portals parent or seed. From the seed's portal details it possible to show the complete Machina Cluster's structure as well as link length, link times and other valuable information.
When a Machina portal levels up it can throw links and spawn/spread new Machina portals. The range where such a portal could appear is within the indicated radius. The portals of a cluster span a conflict zone.
When moving around on the map, more and more conflict zones show up. These get merged into an conflict area layer. A button on the left side indicates whether recording is activated or not. With active recording it is possible to move around the map and the conflict area will "remember" the already inspected conflict zones.
Generally the conflict zones get calculated from the Machina portal's current Level. Machina Tools additionally does a first "best guess", when it only sees a Machina link on the map: depending on the link's length the minimum level for the two portals is calculated and used. When the exact level for the portals is available the conflict zone gets updated and merged.
For IITC users
Guide on how to migrate data from an legacy version of IITC Mobile
(click to expand )
Cache (Data caching to prevent reloading)
Controls (Map controls/widgets)
Draw (Allow drawing things onto the current map so you may plan your next move)
Highlighter (Portal highlighters)
- Hide portal ownership
- Highlight portals by level color
- Highlight inactive portals
- Highlight portal weakness
- Highlight high level portals
- Highlight portals by my level
- Highlight portals with ornaments
- Highlight portals that need recharging
- Highlight portals with ornaments
- Highlight portals that need recharging
- Highlight portals missing resonators
- Highlight portals with infrastructure problems
Info (Display additional information)
- Available AP statistics
- Portal count
- Portals list
- Player level guess
- Localized scoreboard
- Missions
- Scoring cycle / checkpoint times
- Layer count
Layer (Additional map layers)
- Find farms on map
- Portal Level Numbers
- Overlay KML / GPX / GeoJSON
- Ingress scoring regions
- Zaprange
- Player activity tracker
- Portal Names
- Keys on map
Map Tiles (Alternative map layers)
- Stamen.com map layers
- Blank map
- Gray Google map
- Bing maps
- OpenStreetMap.org map
- Gaode (高德地图) / AutoNavi map
- Kartverket.no maps (Norway)
- Yandex maps
Portal Info (Enhanced information on the selected portal)
Tweaks (Adjust IITC settings)
Misc (Unclassified plugins)
For plugin developers
For IITC developers