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Releases: Inq8/CAmod

1.04 Combined Arms - Final

07 Sep 23:49
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  • Added Machine Shop tech structure (provides Mechanics/Artificers in the same way Hospitals provide Medics/Rejuvenators).


  • Increased Heroes of the Union charge time to 4 minutes.
  • Increased Heroes of the Union rate of fire boost from +33% to +66%.
  • Grenadiers/Flamethrowers no longer targetable by Heroes of the Union.
  • Increased Nuke Cannon splash radius and damage vs heavy armor. Improved deploy behavior to allow pre-targeting.
  • Troop Crawler price increased from 1.5k to 1.6k
  • Reduced V2 projectile speed slightly.
  • Terror Dogs take reduced damage from each other's explosions.
  • Reduced Thrasher HP/damage in line with Heavy->Lasher. Increase Atomic Thrasher speed.
  • Increased Disruptor damage vs defenses.
  • Increased Zone Trooper/Defender HP from 14k to 16k.
  • Reduced Zone Defender shield damage reduction slightly.
  • Increased X-O speed slightly.
  • Increased Wolverine HP from 27.5k to 30k, increased splash damage, increased speed slightly.
  • Increased Firestorm Missile damage vs heavy armor.
  • Make Jumpjet Troopers immune to mind control when airborne. Changed to Aircraft armor (no gameplay difference).
  • Increased Viper damage.
  • Increased Cyclops range by 1.
  • Increased Obliterator spread so damage applies more consistently.
  • Increased range of Laser IFV/Reckoner by 1. Increased damage.
  • Tibcore upgrade applies to IFV/Reckoner.
  • Make Leecher orbs targetable by Chrono Prison.
  • Increased Devastator damage vs light armor.
  • Slightly increased Tripod damage.
  • Slightly increased Atomizer initial hit damage.
  • Reduced Zeus damage vs heavy armor.
  • Reduced Grenadier IFV damage vs buildings/defenses.
  • Add AirToGround modifier to Harrier missiles.
  • Prevent Shock/Tesla Trooper, IFV, Reckoner, Battle Fortress, Chrono Prison from auto attacking static AA in defensive stance.
  • Increase static AA aircraft stealth detection range by 1.


  • Updated Pitbull sprite & added new voice lines.
  • (H)MLRS voice lines.
  • BTR voice lines.
  • Added Thrasher Tank Turret
  • Updated Tech Building Sprites


  • Cloning Vat crash fix.
  • Prevent blocked Temple Prime exit from infinitely accumulating money.
  • Fixed (H)MLRS & Pitbull turrets not tracking target when reloading.
  • Fix queued hacking orders resetting the current hack.
  • Menu background freeze fix.
  • Stop looping ambient sounds when game is paused.
  • Added targeting tints for Tib Stealth & Frenzy.
  • Add target range circle to Helios Bomb.
  • Upgrades, Team Value and Build Order tabs added to spectator/replay UI.
  • Don't include Troop Crawler in army value stats.
  • Fix Nod Banshee/Harvester/MCV husk color in campaign missions.
  • Fixed water pixel in Howitzer sprite.
  • Corrected Apoc to Apoc Eradicator upgrade path.
  • Tooltip corrections.
  • Fix unattached Mini Drone cancelling activities after stopping aiming.
  • Reduced intractable bounds for Sat Hack, Ion Surge, Kill Zone and Rift to prevent cursor blocking.
  • Cyberscrin heals properly on tib.
  • Fix Cloning Vat not updating source when primary building is sold in SQ.
  • Added workaround for rally point crash.
  • Prevent XO firing when parachuting.
  • Fix odd Kirov attack move behavior.
  • Fix (HMLRS) moving forward when attack moving if target dies, even if other targets are within range.
  • Fix Surgical Strike not being available in Testing Grounds.


  • Mission 22 improvements.
  • Removed base regen from Yuri/Mastermind in missions 15/20.
  • Disable GPS for AI in campaign.
  • Allow Guardian Drones and Mini Drones to be built in mission 23.
  • Prevent Advanced Comms Center being built in mission 7.
  • Remove non-elite regen from Boris in mission 12.
  • Enable all non-reinforcement support powers in test maps.
  • Increased Laser Fence regen on mission 15.
  • Prevent loading multiple trucks with a single shipment of liquid tib in mission 29.
  • Remove missile silos from Chernobyl maps.
  • Enabled Microwave Tank (and its upgrade) on final two missions.
  • Fixed briefing typos.

1.03 Combined Arms - Final

13 Aug 14:38
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  • In Multi-Queue Scaled mode (now renamed "Competitive") buildings and defenses are single-queue.
  • Gem density increased from 3 to 8. Value reduced from 50 to 38. Blue Tiberium changed to match (worth 1.5x ore/green Tib, down from 2x, but exhausted more slowly).
  • Construction Yard, War Factory and their equivalents take 15% reduced damage from aircraft.
  • Added a minimum distance to paradrop powers so they don't emerge instantly near map edge.

Faction Changes


  • New "Coalition" system.
  • New Allied structure "Allied HQ" which is required for choosing a coalition.
  • 3 coalition countries to choose from:
    • Greece: Zeus Artillery, Helios Bomb support power, Hoplite (replaces Enforcer).
    • Sweden: Cryo Trooper, Cryostorm support power, Cryo Rockets applies to Longbows (not the case by default anymore).
    • South Korea: Black Eagle, Patriot Strike support power, Improved Helipad (repairs without SD, increased HP).
  • New unit: Enforcer. T3 infantry with high HP and light armor, and armed with a short range shotgun.
  • Chrono Harvester upgrade now requires Allied HQ instead of Ore Purifier.
  • Advanced Ore Processing upgrade removed.
  • Ore Purifier HP reduced from 120k to 100k. Power requirement reduced from 150 to 100. Grants +15% income (up from 10%).
  • Peacemaker requires Allied HQ instead of Tech Center.
  • Removed SEAL C4 cooldown. Restore auto targeting buildings in attack anything stance.
  • Increased Raider APC damage vs light armor & defenses.
  • Increased Harrier speed. Reduced HP from 25k to 22.5k. Increased damage vs infantry, light armor and aircraft.
  • Increased Black Eagle speed & damage. Increased cost from 1600 to 2000. Increased ammo from 2 to 3.
  • Increased projectile speed of AA Gun.
  • Rocket Soldiers with Cryo Rockets no longer apply chill to buildings.
  • Reduced Peacemaker splash radius vs infantry. Reduced turn rate slightly. Reduced HP from 40k to 36k.
  • Entrenchment upgrade moved requires Radar Dome rather than Tech Center. Increased cost from 750 to 1000.
  • Engineer entrenchment deployment time reduced from 5s to 2s. Walls can also be built within radius.
  • Reduced IFV and Missile IFV damage vs buildings and defenses.
  • Renamed Cryo Rockets to Cryo Warheads.
  • Removed USA's Cryo Missile upgrade (Nighthawk & Strafing Run gain their missiles from Cryo Warheads).
  • Added "Advanced Airborne Training" upgrade for USA. Reduces build time of airborne (dropped) units by 25% and grants them rank 2 veterancy.
  • Increase Battle Fortress HP from 130k to 135k.
  • Chrono Tank & Chrono Prison can no longer teleport while chronoshifted by Chronosphere.
  • Mirage Tank replaces Scout Tank instead of Medium Tank for England (rebalanced accordingly). Deals additional damage when firing from disguised state.
  • Gap Generator (structure) is able to fire beam at aircraft as well as ground units.


  • New "Doctrine" system.
  • Player gains ranks via experience, and
  • 3 Doctrines to choose from:
    • Infantry: Troop Crawler 1★ unit. Overlord Tank 3★ unit (upgrade for Mammoth Tank). Cloning Vat T4 structure. Heroes of the Union support power (2★). Improved Paratroopers/Mutation Bomb upgrades (2★).
    • Armor: Rhino Tank 1★ unit (replaces Heavy Tank). Apocalypse Tank 3★ unit (upgrade for Mammoth Tank). Industrial Plant T4 structure. Tank Drop support power (2★). Reactive Armor upgrade (for Rhino Tank & BTR) (2★).
    • Artillery: Grad 1★ unit (replaces Katyusha). Nuke Cannon 3★ unit. Munitions Plant T4 structure. Kill Zone support power (2★). Rocket Pods upgrade (for Grad & Hind) (2★).
  • New unit: Rad Trooper (Iraq only). Precursor to Desolator. Replaces Shock Trooper. Upgradeable to Desolator.
  • New unit: Tesla Trooper (Russia/Ukraine/Yuri). Upgrade for Shock Trooper.
  • New upgrade: Terror Dog. Attack Dogs have explosives attached to them, allowing them to damage vehicles and buildings.
  • Commissar buff bonuses reduced slightly. Now has an additional level; second level can be granted by a combination of a Commissar and either an Overlord or Troop Crawler.
  • Desolator - New appearance. Reduced time between pulses when deployed.
  • Removed V2 Upgrade for Katyusha.
  • Added V3 Upgrade (upgrades V2 to V3).
  • Rapid Industry upgrade removed.
  • Industrial Plant & Apocalypse Tank only available with Tank Doctrine.
  • V2/V3 damage increased. Splash radius reduced. V2 range increased by 1, projectile speed reduced. V2 cost increased from 850 to 900.
  • Increased AA projectile speed of BTR & Gattling BTR.
  • Reduced Flamethrower speed.
  • Katyusha reload time reduced. Damage per missile reduced.
  • Boris airstrike will spawn at a fixed distance from the target, and will be cancelled if the laser is no longer on the target.
  • Increased Apocalypse Tank HP from 110k to 125k. Reduced damage from 17.5k to 15.8k.
  • Reduced Tesla Tank damage vs heavy armor.
  • Chaos cloud duration reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • Reduced Chem Tower rate of fire.


  • New unit: Zone Trooper. Bombardment only. T3 infantry with a jetpack, armed with a railgun.
  • New unit: Zone Raider. Seek & Destroy only. T3 infantry with a jetpack, armed with a sonic grenade launcher.
  • New unit: Zone Defender. Hold the Line only. T3 infantry with a defensive shield ability, armed with an ion rifle.
  • JumpJet Trooper/Bombardier - New appearance. Reduced HP from 8k to 6k. Increased damage vs infantry and light armor. Takes additional damage from Rocket Soldiers and Disintegrators.
  • X-O Powersuit now on vehicle queue and only available to ZOCOM (still available to Talon via X-O Drop). Replaced machinegun with coilgun. Added leap ability. Reduced damage vs infantry, increased vs light armor. Increased range by 2. Reduced HP from 32k to 26k.
  • New unit: Wolverine. Available at T3 for Talon only.
  • Pitbull now available at T3 for Eagle only. Can attack aircraft. Rockets apply short duration blind.
  • New unit: Jackknife. Available at T3 for ARC only.
  • Mobile EMP now immune to EMP. Increased turn rate. Reduced shockwave delay from 2s to 1s.
  • Increased AA projectile speed of Vulcan & static AA.
  • Increased Guardian Drone projectile speed and damage vs light armor.
  • Reduced Upgrade Center cost from 2000 to 1800.
  • Reduced Disruptor HP from 70k to 66k. Increased cost from 1400 to 1600.
  • Increased Battle Drone damage (so DPS matches Battle Tank).
  • Don't apply seek and destroy speed bonus to Aurora's while afterburner enabled.
  • Reduced Orca Bomber HP from 38k to 32k.


  • New upgrade: Laser Tanks. Gives Light Tank/Battle Tank a laser weapon. Increased damage vs infantry/light armor, reduced vs heavy armor.
  • Rhino replaced with Cyclops.
  • Pitbull replaced with Basilisk.
  • Black Eagle replaced with Phantom.
  • Howitzer - Significantly increased projectile speed. Reduced splash radius.
  • Mantis - Now takes reduced damage from aircraft. Increased mobility.
  • Increased Vertigo damage vs defenses. Decloaks 2 cells closer to target.
  • Chem Mortar deals additional damage vs cyborgs.
  • Increased Kamov damage.
  • Increased Cyberscrin health and beam sweep length.
  • Black Hand Trooper HP increased from 13k to 16k.
  • Reduced Airstrip HP from 220k to 200k.
  • Increased rate of fire of Cyborg Elite Reckoner by 20%.
  • Subterranean Strike now unloads 3 Acolytes, 1 Rocket Soldier, 1 Flamethrower, instead of 4 Acolytes (3 Templar, 1 Reaper, 1 Chem Warrior with Temple Prime).
  • Shadow Operatives throw Shadow Beacons rather than plant them, and have 2 instead of 1. Increased pistol rate of fire slightly.
  • Inferno Bomb charge time increased from 6:00 to 6:30.
  • Reduced Hacker range by 1.
  • Reduce Comanche HP from 18k to 16k.


  • New "Allegiance" system. Once 4 Refineries are built, player can choose either Loyalist or Rebel allegiance.
  • New upgrade (Loyalist only): Eviscerator. Upgrades Ravagers, increasing their HP and rate of fire, at the cost of reduced speed and higher price.
  • New upgrade (Rebel only): Impaler. Upgrades Ravagers, increasing their HP, range, and giving them high single-target burst damage that slows targets, at the cost of reduced speed and a higher price.
  • New unit (Loyalist only): Obliterator. Heavy artillery whose projectile damages everything it passes through.
  • New unit (Rebel only): Nullifier. Heavy long range hover tank which blinds targets. Strong against infantry and light armor.
  • New support power (Loyalist only): Overlord's Wrath. Calls down a Tiberium meteor.
  • New support power (Rebel only): Gateway. Opens a wormhole that sends waves of reinforcements.
  • New unit: Watcher. Cloaked when not moving. Can tag enemy vehicles and structures so that they temporarily provide vision. Gains blink with upgrade.
  • Reduced Ravager HP. Will now prone (not proning was an odd exception, only Nod cyborgs don't prone, along with Brutes, Dogs and Bursters due to being melee).
  • Increased AA projectile speed of Gun Walker.
  • Increased Atomizer projectile speed.
  • Increased Devourer damage vs light armor.
  • Reduced Signal Transmitter cost from 2000 to 1800.
  • Reduced Burster cost from 600 to 550. Increased speed from 80 to 92. HP reduced from 7k to 5k. On exploding, will only do 25% damage to other Bursters.
  • Ion Surge moved to Tech Center.
  • Increased Greater Coalescence healing rate.
  • Buzzer Swarm applies blind to any units caught within it.
  • Interlopers gain shields with Shield Generation upgrade (renamed from Fleet Shields).
  • Reduced Intruder splash radius slightly.
  • Reduced Stormrider price from 1750 to 1650.
  • Increased PAC damage by 10%.
  • Suppression Field radius vs aircraft increased slightly (as it can be hard to target moving aircraft).
  • Reduced Gun Walker & Shard Walker HP from 33k to 31k, and 40k to 38k respectively.

Fixes / Misc

  • Fixed content installation sources. Added Steam Ultimate Collection as a content source.
  • Added CA music to main download. Added Retaliation tracks.
  • Use...
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1.03 Combined Arms - Pre Release #1

03 Aug 11:57
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  • In Multi-Queue Scaled mode (now renamed "Competitive") buildings and defenses are single-queue.
  • Gem density increased from 3 to 8. Value reduced from 50 to 38. Blue Tiberium changed to match (worth 1.5x ore/green Tib, down from 2x, but exhausted more slowly).
  • Construction Yard, War Factory and their equivalents take 15% reduced damage from aircraft.
  • Added a minimum distance to paradrop powers so they don't emerge instantly near map edge.

Faction Changes


  • New "Coalition" system.
  • New Allied structure "Allied HQ" which is required for choosing a coalition.
  • 3 coalition countries to choose from:
    • Greece: Zeus Artillery, Helios Bomb support power, Hoplite (replaces Enforcer).
    • Sweden: Cryo Trooper, Cryostorm support power, Cryo Rockets applies to Longbows (not the case by default anymore).
    • South Korea: Black Eagle, Patriot Strike support power, Improved Helipad (repairs without SD, increased HP).
  • New unit: Enforcer. T3 infantry with high HP and light armor, and armed with a short range shotgun.
  • Chrono Harvester upgrade now requires Allied HQ instead of Ore Purifier.
  • Advanced Ore Processing upgrade removed.
  • Ore Purifier HP reduced from 120k to 100k. Power requirement reduced from 150 to 100. Grants +15% income (up from 10%).
  • Peacemaker requires Allied HQ instead of Tech Center.
  • Removed SEAL C4 cooldown. Restore auto targeting buildings in attack anything stance.
  • Increased Raider APC damage vs light armor & defenses.
  • Increased Harrier speed. Reduced HP from 25k to 22.5k. Increased damage vs infantry, light armor and aircraft.
  • Increased Black Eagle speed & damage. Increased cost from 1600 to 2000. Increased ammo from 2 to 3.
  • Increased projectile speed of AA Gun.
  • Rocket Soldiers with Cryo Rockets no longer apply chill to buildings.
  • Reduced Peacemaker splash radius vs infantry. Reduced turn rate slightly. Reduced HP from 40k to 36k.
  • Entrenchment upgrade moved requires Radar Dome rather than Tech Center. Increased cost from 750 to 1000.
  • Engineer entrenchment deployment time reduced from 5s to 2s. Walls can also be built within radius.
  • Reduced IFV and Missile IFV damage vs buildings and defenses.
  • Renamed Cryo Rockets to Cryo Warheads.
  • Removed USA's Cryo Missile upgrade (Nighthawk & Strafing Run gain their missiles from Cryo Warheads).
  • Added "Advanced Airborne Training" upgrade for USA. Reduces build time of airborne (dropped) units by 25% and grants them rank 2 veterancy.
  • Increase Battle Fortress HP from 130k to 135k.
  • Chrono Tank & Chrono Prison can no longer teleport while chronoshifted by Chronosphere.
  • Mirage Tank replaces Scout Tank instead of Medium Tank for England (rebalanced accordingly). Deals additional damage when firing from disguised state.
  • Gap Generator (structure) is able to fire beam at aircraft as well as ground units.


  • New "Doctrine" system.
  • Player gains ranks via experience, and
  • 3 Doctrines to choose from:
    • Infantry: Troop Crawler 1★ unit. Overlord Tank 3★ unit (upgrade for Mammoth Tank). Cloning Vat T4 structure. Heroes of the Union support power (2★). Improved Paratroopers/Mutation Bomb upgrades (2★).
    • Armor: Rhino Tank 1★ unit (replaces Heavy Tank). Apocalypse Tank 3★ unit (upgrade for Mammoth Tank). Industrial Plant T4 structure. Tank Drop support power (2★). Reactive Armor upgrade (for Rhino Tank & BTR) (2★).
    • Artillery: Grad 1★ unit (replaces Katyusha). Nuke Cannon 3★ unit. Munitions Plant T4 structure. Kill Zone support power (2★). Rocket Pods upgrade (for Grad & Hind) (2★).
  • New unit: Rad Trooper (Iraq only). Precursor to Desolator. Replaces Shock Trooper. Upgradeable to Desolator.
  • New unit: Tesla Trooper (Russia/Ukraine/Yuri). Upgrade for Shock Trooper.
  • New upgrade: Terror Dog. Attack Dogs have explosives attached to them, allowing them to damage vehicles and buildings.
  • Commissar buff bonuses reduced slightly. Now has an additional level; second level can be granted by a combination of a Commissar and either an Overlord or Troop Crawler.
  • Desolator - New appearance. Reduced time between pulses when deployed.
  • Removed V2 Upgrade for Katyusha.
  • Added V3 Upgrade (upgrades V2 to V3).
  • Rapid Industry upgrade removed.
  • Industrial Plant & Apocalypse Tank only available with Tank Doctrine.
  • V2/V3 damage increased. Splash radius reduced. V2 range increased by 1, projectile speed reduced. V2 cost increased from 850 to 900.
  • Increased AA projectile speed of BTR & Gattling BTR.
  • Reduced Flamethrower speed.
  • Katyusha reload time reduced. Damage per missile reduced.
  • Boris airstrike will spawn at a fixed distance from the target, and will be cancelled if the laser is no longer on the target.
  • Increased Apocalypse Tank HP from 110k to 125k. Reduced damage from 17.5k to 15.8k.
  • Reduced Tesla Tank damage vs heavy armor.
  • Chaos cloud duration reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.


  • New unit: Zone Trooper. Bombardment only. T3 infantry with a jetpack, armed with a railgun.
  • New unit: Zone Raider. Seek & Destroy only. T3 infantry with a jetpack, armed with a sonic grenade launcher.
  • New unit: Zone Defender. Hold the Line only. T3 infantry with a defensive shield ability, armed with an ion rifle.
  • JumpJet Trooper/Bombardier - New appearance. Reduced HP from 8k to 6k. Increased damage vs infantry and light armor. Takes additional damage from Rocket Soldiers and Disintegrators.
  • X-O Powersuit now on vehicle queue and only available to ZOCOM (still available to Talon via X-O Drop). Replaced machinegun with coilgun. Added leap ability. Reduced damage vs infantry, increased vs light armor. Increased range by 2. Reduced HP from 32k to 26k.
  • New unit: Wolverine. Available at T3 for Talon only.
  • Pitbull now available at T3 for Eagle only. Can attack aircraft. Rockets apply short duration blind.
  • New unit: Jackknife. Available at T3 for ARC only.
  • Mobile EMP now immune to EMP. Increased turn rate. Reduced shockwave delay from 2s to 1s.
  • Increased AA projectile speed of Vulcan & static AA.
  • Increased Guardian Drone projectile speed and damage vs light armor.
  • Reduced Upgrade Center cost from 2000 to 1800.
  • Reduced Disruptor HP from 70k to 66k. Increased cost from 1400 to 1600.
  • Increased Battle Drone damage (so DPS matches Battle Tank).
  • Don't apply seek and destroy speed bonus to Aurora's while afterburner enabled.
  • Reduced Orca Bomber HP from 38k to 32k.


  • New upgrade: Laser Tanks. Gives Light Tank/Battle Tank a laser weapon. Increased damage vs infantry/light armor, reduced vs heavy armor.
  • Rhino replaced with Cyclops.
  • Pitbull replaced with Basilisk.
  • Black Eagle replaced with Phantom.
  • Howitzer - Significantly increased projectile speed. Reduced splash radius.
  • Mantis - Now takes reduced damage from aircraft. Increased mobility.
  • Increased Vertigo damage vs defenses. Decloaks 2 cells closer to target.
  • Chem Mortar deals additional damage vs cyborgs.
  • Increased Kamov damage.
  • Increased Cyberscrin health and beam sweep length.
  • Black Hand Trooper HP increased from 13k to 16k.
  • Reduced Airstrip HP from 220k to 200k.
  • Increased rate of fire of Cyborg Elite Reckoner by 20%.
  • Subterranean Strike now unloads 3 Acolytes, 1 Rocket Soldier, 1 Flamethrower, instead of 4 Acolytes (3 Templar, 1 Reaper, 1 Chem Warrior with Temple Prime).
  • Shadow Operatives throw Shadow Beacons rather than plant them, and have 2 instead of 1. Increased pistol rate of fire slightly.
  • Inferno Bomb charge time increased from 6:00 to 6:30.
  • Reduced Hacker range by 1.
  • Reduce Comanche HP from 18k to 16k.


  • New "Allegiance" system. Once 4 Refineries are built, player can choose either Loyalist or Rebel allegiance.
  • New upgrade (Loyalist only): Eviscerator. Upgrades Ravagers, increasing their HP and rate of fire, at the cost of reduced speed and higher price.
  • New upgrade (Rebel only): Impaler. Upgrades Ravagers, increasing their HP, range, and giving them high single-target burst damage that slows targets, at the cost of reduced speed and a higher price.
  • New unit (Loyalist only): Obliterator. Heavy artillery whose projectile damages everything it passes through.
  • New unit (Rebel only): Nullifier. Heavy long range hover tank which blinds targets. Strong against infantry and light armor.
  • New support power (Loyalist only): Overlord's Wrath. Calls down a Tiberium meteor.
  • New support power (Rebel only): Gateway. Opens a wormhole that sends waves of reinforcements.
  • New unit: Watcher. Cloaked when not moving. Can tag enemy vehicles and structures so that they temporarily provide vision. Gains blink with upgrade.
  • Reduced Ravager HP. Will now prone (not proning was an odd exception, only Nod cyborgs don't prone, along with Brutes, Dogs and Bursters due to being melee).
  • Increased AA projectile speed of Gun Walker.
  • Increased Atomizer projectile speed.
  • Increased Devourer damage vs light armor.
  • Reduced Signal Transmitter cost from 2000 to 1800.
  • Reduced Burster cost from 600 to 550. Increased speed from 80 to 92. HP reduced from 7k to 5k. On exploding, will only do 25% damage to other Bursters.
  • Ion Surge moved to Tech Center.
  • Increased Greater Coalescence healing rate.
  • Buzzer Swarm applies blind to any units caught within it.
  • Interlopers gain shields with Shield Generation upgrade (renamed from Fleet Shields).
  • Reduced Intruder splash radius slightly.
  • Reduced Stormrider price from 1750 to 1650.
  • Increased PAC damage by 10%.
  • Suppression Field radius vs aircraft increased slightly (as it can be hard to target moving aircraft).
  • Reduced Gun Walker & Shard Walker HP from 33k to 31k, and 40k to 38k respectively.

Fixes / Misc

  • Fixed content installation sources. Added Steam Ultimate Collection as a content source.
  • Added CA music to main download. Added Retaliation tracks.
  • Use player colour for all range indicat...
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1.02 Combined Arms - Final

04 Apr 09:41
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  • Smart casting for unit abilities (by default only the closest unit to the target will fire & ctrl can be used to force all selected units to fire).
  • New tech structure: Oil Refinery. Grants the owner a 10% production discount. Added to several team game maps.
  • Added button in skirmish/multiplayer lobby to reset options to defaults.
  • Added Fast Regrowth lobby option.
  • Overhauled Mini Drone attachment (making them easier to attach and less glitchy).
  • Improved support power targeting visuals.
  • Vehicles/aircraft can be sold at Service Depots.
  • Multi-Queue Scaled - Removed Optimized Production upgrades. Associated discounts are permanently provided by the relevant T2/T3 structures being built.
  • Lowered selection priority for transport aircraft.
  • 20 new 1v1 maps.
  • 52 new team game maps (17x 2v2, 15x 3v3, 10x 4v4, 8x 5v5, 2x 6v6)
  • Added Testing Grounds map.

Artwork & SFX

  • New voice lines for many units: Chrono Prison, Battle Fortress, Mirage Tank, Cryo Launcher, Siege Tank, Sukhoi, Halo, Thief, Eradicator, Disruptor, Mammoth Tank, Titan, Juggernaut, Battle Drone, Mammoth Drone, X-O Powersuit, Comanche, Microwave Tank, Spectre, Venom, Acolyte, Templar and Heavy Flame Tank.
  • New voice announcements for upgrades: Seismic Missiles, Railgun Titan, Ion Mammoth, Hover Mammoth, Battle Drone, Intensified Microwaves.
  • Improved custom RA EVA voice line effects.
  • Added/updated transport loading and aircraft takeoff/landing sound effects.
  • Added IFV transform sound.
  • Added additional visual when units are upgrading.
  • Added brass casings ejected from vehicles/aircraft with machine guns.
  • New sound effects for Vulcan weapon.
  • Impact sound effects for Shard Launcher, Gun Walker, Shard Walker, Ravager, Lacerator.
  • Scaled down Stormrider/Venom/Enervator.
  • Range circle for radar jamming field is now player coloured.

Balance & Faction Gameplay Changes


  • Loaded transports no longer immune to mind control. Loaded transports and harvesters take 4 seconds to mind control (Commando type passengers provide immunity).
  • Radar cost increased to $1800.
  • Reduced Rifle/Minigunner/Warrior damage vs defenses by 10%.
  • Increased tier 1 tank & Tank Destroyer damage vs defenses by 20%.
  • Added health regen to commando units as standard. Rate doubles when elite.
  • Increased Engineer/Assimilator mine detection range.
  • Reduced basic defense power requirement from 25 to 15.
  • Reduced amount refunded when selling basic defenses.
  • Reduced mine defusal time for Engineers/Minelayers from 3s to 2s.
  • Commando/Tanya/Boris can now shoot revealed mines.
  • Lowered healing cap for commando units. Takes longer to wear off.
  • Added healing cap to any infantry with 15k HP or more.
  • Increased Commando/Tanya C4 cooldown a little.
  • Reduced the distance from Service Depots that units can be upgraded at.
  • Guarantee at least 2 rifles/warriors when selling buildings (if value of building is sufficient) to reduce RNG. Reduced Civilian value to 50.
  • Allow infantry to detect cloaked units diagonally.
  • Reduced time taken for tib exposure to wear off.
  • Static AA defenses no longer auto targeted in defensive stance.
  • Powered down defenses have reduced vision.
  • Added minimum distance to airstrike powers to prevent instant damage near map edge.


  • New unit: Peacemaker - Heavy bomber available at T3 (Tech Center).
  • New upgrade for Ranger: Advanced Optics - Gives Rangers an ability that extends their vision and detection range for a short time.
  • Added new IFV turrets for infantry of other factions: Yuri/Mastermind, Black Hand, Enlightened, Cyborg Elite, Mortars (Cryo/Sonic/Chem), Intruder, Ravager.
  • Reduced SEAL movement speed. Reduced HP from 18k to 16k. No longer immune to mind control/chaos gas. Added 4 second delay to C4 planting. Reduced C4 cooldown by 2 seconds. Will no longer place C4 automatically in Attack Anything stance.
  • Chrono Tank will prioritize ground targets over air targets.
  • Increased Scout Tank vision from 6 to 7.
  • Increased Chrono Prison damage vs heavy armor.
  • Increased Sniper IFV damage vs vehicles. Concussion requires Raufoss upgrade.
  • Added Guardian GI IFV turret.
  • Increased Battle Fortress damage with Rifle/Rocket passengers. Increased HP from 120k to 130k.
  • Medic in Battle Fortress gives healing aura.
  • USA drops require Barracks/Factory plus either radar or aircraft production (previously required radar).
  • Reverted Nighthawk to normal selection priority. Default stance to Defend.
  • Increased jamming field radius by 1
  • Reduced Turret power requirement to 25.
  • Reduced entrenched Engineer deployment time. Increased radius from 3 to 5.
  • Longbow benefits from Cryo Rockets upgrade.
  • Reduced Chrono Harvester upgrade cost to 1250.
  • Reduced Advanced Ore Processing cost to 750.
  • Reduced Nighthawk HP from 44k to 38k.
  • Increased Veil of War cooldown from 4 min to 5 min. Reduce max radius by 1. Increase min radius by 1.
  • Reworked chill effect to have max 10 stacks (up from 6).
  • Damage penalty removed from IFV cryo rockets.
  • Changed MGG/MRJ to light armor (increased HP from 22k to 25k).
  • Allow spies to disguise as Scrin. Added SEAL/Commissar icons when disguised.
  • Sniper will one-shot upgraded Templar, Cyborgs and Brutes. Reduced reload time.
  • Increased Pillbox damage vs infantry, light armor and heavy armor. Now tracks target.
  • Increased Raider APC damage vs light armor. Reduced vs defenses.
  • AA Gun requires War Factory instead of Radar Dome.
  • Reduce Harrier delay between salvos to match similar planes (MiG etc.).
  • Allow fake Radar Dome to be powered down.
  • Reduced Prism Tank damage vs heavy armor slightly.
  • Reduced cost of Prism Cannon upgrade to 750.
  • Increased Prism Tower cost from 1300 to 1350. Increased power consumption from 75 to 80. Reduced damage vs infantry.
  • Increased Tank Destroyer range by 1. Reduced HP from 46k to 44k.


  • New unit: Floating Disc - Replaces Kirov for Psi-Corps.
  • New unit: Commissar - T3 infantry that buffs nearby infantry (increases movement and rate of fire).
  • New Upgrade for Psi-Corps: Gattling BTR.
  • Increased damage radius of V3 missiles.
  • Reduced damage and area of effect of V3 missiles when shot down.
  • Yuri will no longer kill slaves when using mind blast ability. Slaves are killed when released, either manually, or by exceeding capacity.
  • Iron Curtain now limits the speed of affected units.
  • Increased turret turn speed of Mammoth Tank & Eradicator.
  • Reduced radiation strength of Apocalypse Tank shells. Reduced damage against infantry with Flak Armor/Hardened Carapace upgrade. Reduced projectile speed. Increased damage vs buildings.
  • Mammoth Tank and Apocalypse Tank will prioritize ground targets over air targets.
  • Increased Siege Tank damage vs buildings and defenses. Increased concussion duration by 1 second.
  • Replaced Psi-Corps Parabombs with Chaos Bombs.
  • Increased MAD Tank HP from 100k to 120k.
  • Increased Tesla Track damage. Reduced speed from 72 to 68. Increased cost from 1250 to 1350. Reduced HP from 22k to 20k. No longer requires Tesla Coil.
  • Increased Tesla Tank damage. Tesla Coil requirement can now be substituted with Tech Center.
  • Reduced Iron Curtain damage vs infantry.
  • Reduced Brute DPS vs infantry significantly. Reduced attack speed (DPS same except vs infantry). Reduce speed slightly.
  • Desolator will one-shot upgraded Templar, Cyborgs and Brutes. Increased damage vs light armor. Chem Tower requirement can now be substituted with Tech Center. Reduced deploy time. Slightly increased splash damage vs infantry.
  • Increased Flame Tower/Chem Tower RoF slightly.
  • Increased Shock Trooper HP from 7k to 7.5k.
  • Thief can't be crushed when moving. Reduced selection priority.
  • Reduced Heavy Hazmat Suits cost from $1k to $850.
  • Flamethrower's Flame Tower requirement can now be substituted with Radar Dome. Increased damage vs infantry.
  • Increase Yuri mind blast damage vs buildings.
  • Increase Dog vision and cloak detection radius slightly.
  • Increased Atomic Reactor HP from 100k to 110k.
  • Increased Sukhoi projectile speed.
  • Kirov will be disabled rather than killed by EMP.
  • Dogs now immune to mind control.
  • Reduced Tesla Coil power consumption from 100 to 75.
  • Increased V2 splash radius slightly. Reduced cost of V2 upgrade from 1000 to 500.
  • Increased Katyusha cost from 700 to 750. Reduced splash radius slightly.


  • New unit: Tomahawk Launcher - Available via research when Bombardment strategy is chosen.
  • Bombardier upgrade now available regardless of strategy.
  • Titan railgun will always pass through target to max range when fired at targets further than 2 cells away. Slightly reduced the passthrough damage.
  • Increased turret turn speed of all Mammoth Tank variants.
  • Increased Disruptor splash damage (mainly improves effectiveness against infantry).
  • Reduced strategy upgrade cost from $1250 to $1000.
  • (H)MLRS, Mammoth Tank and Titan will prioritize ground targets over air targets.
  • Slight increase to Surgical Strike splash damage close to the target. Damage no longer reduced by prone.
  • Reduced Sonic Tower concussion duration vs infantry from 6 seconds to 1 second.
  • Reduced Carryall vision from 10 to 9.
  • Increased Nanite Repair heal per tick from 3% to 5%, reduced duration from 30s to 25s.
  • Increased X-O laser damage (but reduced vs light armor). Reduced range by 1. Increased turn rate by 33%. Now able to shoot while moving.
  • Increased Juggernaut cost from $1500 to $2000. Increased range, HP and damage.
  • Reduced Hover Mammoth speed slightly (72 to 68).
  • At elite rank, third damage level used by Vulcan vs ground targets.
  • Increase TOW missile rate of fire and add TankBuster modifier.
  • Increased Jumpjet/Bombardier speed from 99 to 108. Increased facing tolerance. Removed infantry target priority.
  • Increase Bombardier damag...
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1.02 Combined Arms - Pre Release #3

18 Mar 10:31
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General Changes

  • Loaded transports no longer immune to mind control. Loaded transports and harvesters take 4 seconds to mind control (Commando type passengers provide immunity).
  • Vehicles/aircraft can be sold at Service Depots.
  • Multi-Queue Scaled - Removed Optimized Production upgrades. Associated discounts are permanently provided by the relevant T2/T3 structures being built.
  • Radar cost increased to $1800.
  • Static AA defenses no longer auto targeted in defensive stance.
  • Powered down defenses have reduced vision.
  • Add minimum distance to airstrike powers to prevent instant damage near map edge.

Balance & Faction Changes


  • Increased Prism Tower cost from 1300 to 1350. Increased power consumption from 75 to 80. Reduced damage vs infantry.
  • Reduced Harrier range by 1. Increased damage vs light armor.
  • Reduce cost of Prism Cannon upgrade to 750.
  • Show progress bar on target when SEAL is planting C4.
  • Range circle for radar jamming field is now player coloured.


  • Reduce Commissar speed buff to +33%.
  • Reduced Sukhoi range by 1.
  • Increased Tesla Track cost from 1250 to 1350. Reduced speed slightly. Reduced damage vs light.
  • Reduced Tesla Coil power consumption from 100 to 75.
  • Increased SAM Site maximum tracking distance.
  • Dogs now immune to mind control.


  • Increased Advanced Guard Tower cost from 1k to 1.1k. Increased power consumption from 50 to 70. Reduced damage vs infantry.
  • Increased Sonic Tower cost from 1350 to 1450. Increased power consumption from 80 to 85. Reduced damage vs infantry.
  • Reduced X-O damage vs light armor. Reduced RoF of while Gyro Stabilizers is active.
  • Removed infantry prioritisation from JumpJet Trooper.


  • Upgraded Microwave Tank kills crews of vehicles below 75% HP (calculated after the damage from the MW zap itself).
  • Reduced Microwave Tank splash damage (removed vs infantry). Reduced speed.
  • Pitbull reworked to apply inaccurate AoE EMP.
  • Increased SAM Site maximum tracking distance.
  • Reduced time taken for Hacker to hack drones.


  • Reduced Ion Surge speed boost from +60% to +50%. Reduced radius by 1. Reduced duration from 15s to 12s. Show range circle when active.
  • Increased Shard Launcher, Shard Walker, Ravager and Lacerator projectile speed.
  • Increased Shard Launcher & Shard Walker maximum tracking distance.
  • Reduced Storm Column power consumption from 100 to 85.
  • Custom cursor for Mastermind building capture.
  • Darkener can crush infantry.

Fixes & Misc

  • Fixed Recon Drone & Satellite Hack prerequisites.
  • Subterranean Strike tooltip clarification.
  • Sniper cargo pip color to green.
  • Adjusted Hospital locations on Lost in Space map.

1.02 Combined Arms - Pre Release #2

09 Mar 11:43
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Changes from 1.02-PreRelease-1 to 1.02-PreRelease-2

Artwork & SFX

  • New voices for Acolyte, Thief and GDI/Soviet Mammoth Tanks. Updated Templar voice.
  • Voice announcements on completion of Ion/Hover/Drone Mammoth and Battle Drone upgrades.
  • Improved Shard Launcher/Gun Walker/Shard Walker/Ravager/Lacerator weapon impact sounds.
  • Use "Unit Stolen" announcement if your unit is stolen.
  • Voice lines for "enemy unit stolen", "technology acquired", "our technology has been stolen", "technology locked" and "our technology has been locked".

Balance & Faction Gameplay Changes


  • Guarantee at least 2 rifles/warriors when selling buildings (if value of building is sufficient) to reduce RNG.
  • Allow infantry to detect cloaked units diagonally.
  • Reduce time taken for tib exposure to wear off.
  • Increase Rifle/Warrior damage vs defenses slightly so overall DPS of standard army comp is the same as before.
  • Added health regen to commando units as standard. Rate doubles when elite.


  • Reduced Veil of War max radius by 1 cell. Increased min radius by 1 cell. Show range circle for enemy veils.
  • Improved Pillbox projectiles so they track the target.
  • Reverted accidental -30% SEAL RoF.
  • AA Gun requires War Factory instead of Radar Dome.
  • Reduced Harrier reload to match other similar planes.
  • Allow fake Radar Dome to be powered down.
  • Increased standard chill duration slightly (Rocket Soldier, Rocket IFV, Longbow).
  • Advanced Optics additionally increases detection range by 2.
  • Reduced Sniper reload time.


  • Iron Curtain limits the speed of affected units.
  • Flamethrower's Flame Tower requirement can now be substituted with Radar Dome. Increased damage vs infantry.
  • Thief is now uncrushable when moving.
  • Tesla Track no longer requires Tesla Coil.
  • Tesla Tank's Tesla Coil requirement can now be substituted with Tech Center.
  • Desolator's Chem Tower requirement can now be substituted with Tech Center.
  • Increased Yuri mind blast damage vs buildings. Corrected auto targeting when in attack anything stance.
  • Increase Dog vision and cloak detection radius slightly.
  • Increase Floating Disc HP from 60k to 65k. Increased speed from 56 to 60. Increased vision by 1.
  • Corrected Eradicator damage.
  • Increased Atomic Reactor HP from 100k to 110k.
  • Increased Sukhoi projectile speed.
  • Floating Disc & Kirov will be disabled rather than killed by EMP.


  • EMP Missile has 3 concentric areas of effect which disable for 24/12/6 seconds (rather than 2 that disable for 24/12). Added target radius indicator.
  • Increased Supply Drop Zone income to $1k per 60 seconds. Reduce price to $1k.
  • Improved Guard Tower projectiles so they track the target.
  • AA Gun requires Weapons Factory instead of Comms Center.
  • Changed EMP Missile Launcher armor type to be the same as other minor superweapons.
  • Increased Jumpjet/Bombardier speed from 99 to 108. Increased facing tolerance.
  • Removed infantry target priority from Bombardier.


  • Replaced Marked air drop with Subterranean Strike.
  • Acolyte/Templar Obelisk requirement can now be substituted with Temple of Nod.
  • Reduced Comanche & Stealth Tank damage vs buildings.
  • Increased Reckoner HP from 30k to 52k. Increased cost from 825 to 1000. Reduced speed from 82 to 60.


  • Replaced Reaper Fleet Shields discount with Ichor Seed 20% cooldown reduction.
  • Increased Atomizer cost to 1350. Prevent condition applying to multiple targets from a single hit.
  • Increase Seeker/Lacerator cloak detection radius by 1.
  • Increased Ravager HP to 8k. Increased damage vs light. Reduced damage vs defenses.
  • Increased Enervator damage vs ground targets, reduced rate of fire.
  • Added TankBuster modifier to Hypercharge. Limited the time before charge drains regardless of firing.
  • Increased Banshee damage vs light.
  • Suppression Field highlights the units to be affected.


  • Fixed a bunch of map crashes.
  • Clear TNT on unit being removed from world.
  • Fixed cluster mines causing damage when defused.
  • Fixed Sniper/Desolator % damage to account for prone.
  • Extend IC structure selectable bounds to prevent misclick when attacking it.
  • Corrected AI use of Peacemaker.
  • Add spy detection to tooltips.
  • Fixed Yuri/Mastermind not having detection.
  • Fixed rare Tomahawk crash.

1.02 Combined Arms - Pre Release #1

25 Feb 17:07
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1.02 - Pre Release #1


  • Smart casting for unit abilities (by default only the closest unit to the target will fire & ctrl can be used to force all selected units to fire).
  • New tech structure: Oil Refinery. Grants the owner a 10% production discount. Added to several team game maps.
  • Added button in skirmish/multiplayer lobby to reset options to defaults.
  • Added Fast Regrowth lobby option.
  • Added new IFV/Reckoner turrets: Yuri/Mastermind, Black Hand, Enlightened, Cyborg Elite, Mortars (Cryo/Sonic/Chem), Intruder, Ravager.
  • Overhauled Mini Drone attachment (making them easier to attach and less glitchy).
  • Improved support power targeting visuals.
  • Lowered selection priority for transport aircraft.
  • Added Testing Grounds map.

Balance & Faction Changes


  • Reduced Rifle/Minigunner/Warrior damage vs defenses by 20%.
  • Increased tier 1 tank & Tank Destroyer damage vs defenses by 20%.
  • Increased Engineer/Assimilator mine detection range.
  • Reduced basic defense power requirement from 25 to 10.
  • Reduced amount refunded when selling basic defenses.
  • Reduced mine defusal time for Engineers/Minelayers.
  • Commando/Tanya/Boris can now shoot revealed mines.
  • Lowered healing cap for commando units. Takes longer to wear off.
  • Added healing cap to any infantry with 15k HP or more.
  • Added 4 second delay to SEAL C4 planting. Reduce cooldown by 2 seconds.
  • Increased Commando/Tanya C4 cooldown a little.
  • SEAL will no longer auto place C4 in attack anything stance.
  • Reduced Brute attack speed and DPS vs infantry significantly. Reduce speed slightly.
  • Sniper & Desolator will one-shot any infantry.
  • Tech lock duration reduced from 60s to 40s.
  • Reduced mine defusal time from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Tanya/Commando/Boris can shoot revealed mines.
  • Increased Darkener damage vs buildings slightly.
  • Increased Plasma Turret HP from 4.5k to 4.6k. Increased RoF slightly. Removed inaccuracy. Moved part of damage vs infantry to % damage warhead to better deal with high HP infantry.
  • Increased Laser Turret rate of fire slightly. Increased damage per shot vs infantry. Reduced DPS vs light armor slightly.
  • Increased Guard Tower/Pillbox damage vs infantry, light armor and heavy armor.
  • Increased Flame Tower/Chem Tower RoF slightly.
  • Increased Raider APC damage vs light armor. Reduce damage vs defenses.
  • Reduced Fleet Recall cooldown to 3 minutes.
  • Increased Shock Trooper HP from 7k to 8.5k.
  • Reduced Tesla Track damage vs light armor.
  • Increased Tesla Tank damage against light armor.
  • Increased Desolator damage vs light armor.
  • Increased Interloper damage vs light armor.
  • Increased Shade ammo by 1 and damage from 15k to 17k.
  • Increased Peacemaker cost from 2.2k to 2.4k.
  • Increased Banshee damage vs vehicles.
  • Reduced distance from SD units can be upgraded at.
  • Cyberdog armor to light armor.


  • New unit: Peacemaker - Heavy bomber available at T3 (Tech Center).
  • New upgrade for Ranger: Advanced Optics - Gives Rangers an ability that extends their vision range for a short time.
  • Reduced SEAL movement speed and lowered cap on healing they can receive in a short time. Reduced HP from 18k to 16k. No longer immune to mind control/chaos gas.
  • New voices for Chrono Prison, Battle Fortress, Mirage Tank and Cryo Launcher.
  • Chrono Tank will prioritize ground targets over air targets.
  • Increased Scout Tank vision from 6 to 7.
  • Increased Chrono Prison damage vs heavy armor.
  • Increased Sniper IFV damage vs vehicles. Concussion requires Raufoss upgrade
  • Added Guardian GI IFV turret.
  • Increased Rifle/Rocket Battle Fortress damage. Reduced range (to same as infantry).
  • Medic in Battle Fortress gives healing aura.
  • USA drops require Barracks/Factory plus either radar or aircraft production (previously required radar).
  • Reverted Nighthawk to normal selection priority. Default stance to Defend.
  • Increased jamming field radius by 1
  • Reduced Turret power requirement to 25.
  • Reduced entrenched Engineer deployment time. Increased radius from 3 to 5.
  • Longbow benefits from Cryo Rockets upgrade.
  • Reduced Chrono Harvester upgrade cost to 1250.
  • Reduced Advanced Ore Processing cost to 750.
  • Reduced Nighthawk HP from 44k to 38k.
  • Increased Veil of War cooldown from 4 min to 5 min.
  • Reworked chill effect to have max 10 stacks (up from 6).
  • Damage penalty removed from IFV cryo rockets.
  • Changed MGG/MRJ to light armor (increased HP from 22k to 25k).
  • Allow spies to disguise as Scrin. Added SEAL/Commissar icons when disguised.


  • New unit: Floating Disc - Replaces Kirov for Psi-Corps.
  • New unit: Commissar - T3 infantry that buffs nearby infantry (increases movement and rate of fire).
  • New Upgrade for Psi-Corps: Gattling BTR.
  • Increased damage radius of V3 missiles.
  • Reduced damage and area of effect of V3 missiles when shot down.
  • Yuri will no longer kill slaves when using mind blast ability. Slaves are killed when released, either manually, or by exceeding capacity.
  • Increased turret turn speed of Mammoth Tank & Eradicator.
  • Reduced radiation strength of Apocalypse Tank shells. Reduced damage against infantry with Flak Armor/Hardened Carapace upgrade. Reduced projectile speed. Increased damage vs buildings.
  • New voices for Siege Tank, Sukhoi, Eradicator and Halo.
  • Mammoth Tank and Apocalypse Tank will prioritize ground targets over air targets.
  • Increased Siege Tank damage vs buildings and defenses. Increased concussion duration by 1 second.
  • Increased Tesla Track damage per shot from 13.5k to 14.5k.
  • Replaced Psi-Corps Parabombs with Chaos Bombs.
  • Increased MAD Tank HP from 100k to 120k.
  • Increased Tesla Track damage.
  • Increased Tesla Tank damage.
  • Reduced Iron Curtain damage vs infantry.


  • New unit: Tomahawk Launcher - Available via research when Bombardment strategy is chosen.
  • Bombardier upgrade now available regardless of strategy.
  • Titan railgun will always pass through target to max range when fired at targets further than 2 cells away. Slightly reduced the passthrough damage.
  • Increased turret turn speed of all Mammoth Tank variants.
  • Increased Disruptor splash damage (mainly improves effectiveness against infantry).
  • New voices for Disruptor, Titan, Juggernaut, Battle Drone, Mammoth Drone & XO Powersuit.
  • Reduced strategy upgrade cost from $1250 to $1000.
  • (H)MLRS, Mammoth Tank and Titan will prioritize ground targets over air targets.
  • Slight increase to Surgical Strike splash damage close to the target. Damage no longer reduced by prone.
  • Reduced Sonic Tower concussion duration vs infantry from 6 seconds to 1 second.
  • Reduced Carryall vision from 10 to 9.
  • Increased Nanite Repair heal per tick from 3% to 5%, reduced duration from 30s to 25s.
  • Increased XO laser damage.
  • Increased Juggernaut cost from $1500 to $2000. Increased range, HP and damage.
  • At elite rank, third damage level used by Vulcan vs ground targets.
  • Increase TOW missile rate of fire and add TankBuster modifier.
  • Increase Bombardier damage vs buildings, reduced vs defenses.
  • Reduced cost of Afterburner upgrade to 750.
  • Increased (H)MLRS HP from 18/20k to 20/22k.
  • Increased Battle Drone cost to 800.


  • New upgrade for Buggy: Decoy Projectors - Gives Buggies an ability which creates two decoy Flame Tanks (or Heavy Flame Tanks for Black Hand).
  • Chem Warrior gains targeted ability to rush towards their target to close distance.
  • Reduced infiltrator cloak recharge delay.
  • New voices for Comanche, Microwave Tank, Spectre, Venom and Heavy Flame Tank.
  • Infiltrator and stolen tech rework. Unique units for infiltrating each faction's barracks/factory/air structures, tech locked when infiltrating radars/tech centers/T4 structures.
  • . Cryo Mortar unlocked by infiltrating Allied Barracks.
  • . Reckoner unlocked by infiltrating Allied War Factory.
  • . Black Eagle unlocked by infiltrating Allied Helipad.
  • . Cyberdog unlocked by infiltrating Soviet Barracks.
  • . Rhino Tank unlocked by infiltrating Soviet War Factory.
  • . Kamov unlocked by infiltrating Soviet Airfield.
  • . Sonic Mortar unlocked by infiltrating GDI Barracks.
  • . Pitbull unlocked by infiltrating GDI Weapons Factory.
  • . Shade unlocked by infiltrating GDI Airfield.
  • . Chem Mortar unlocked by infiltrating Hand of Nod
  • . Mantis unlocked by infiltrating Nod Airstrip (or Legion Weapons Factory)
  • . Vertigo unlocked by infiltrating Nod Helipad
  • . Cyberscrin unlocked by infiltrating Scrin Portal.
  • . Viper unlocked by infiltrating Scrin Warp Sphere.
  • . Manticore unlocked by infiltrating Scrin Gravity Stabilizer.
  • Increased Heavy Flame Tank cost from 1000 to 1100. Reduced speed from 68 to 60.
  • Black Napalm reload time penalty increased slightly (for both Heavy Flame Tank and SSM).
  • Reduced damage increase for Bikes with TibCore from +10% to +7.5%.
  • Reduced Flame Tank splash damage.
  • Reduced SSM splash radius.
  • Slightly increased Microwave Tank RoF.
  • Slightly increased cyborg conversion time.
  • Reduced Stealth Tank resistance to aircraft slightly.
  • Reduced Venom damage vs buildings (with upgrade no change).
  • Reduced Turret power requirement to 25.
  • Legion bonus changed to 10% discount on stolen tech units.


  • New support power: Fleet Recall - Available on Signal Transmitter, teleports Devastators/Carriers/Mothership back to the Signal Transmitter.
  • New upgrade: Hypercharge - Gives Seekers/Lacerators the ability to fire an uninterrupted barrage for a short time, after which their weapons are disabled and their speed is reduced until the ability recharges.
  • Mastermind will no longer kill slaves when using mind spark ability. Slaves are killed when released, either manually, or by exceeding capacity.
  • Increased PAC damage.
  • Increased Greater Coalescence damage/healing radius.
  • Increased Atomizer splash radius.
  • Stormcr...
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1.01 Combined Arms - Final

14 Dec 05:57
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Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed first Chapter I mission crashing on hard difficulty.
  • Fixed a rare crashing bug caused by Drone Carriers attacking a Submarine as it submerges.
  • Minor improvements to all Chapter VI missions.
  • Cloaked Harvesters are no longer revealed when docking.
  • Fixed crash caused by the 1v1 map "Infection".
  • Mobile Sensor, Minelayer and Supply Truck won't show Bombardment strategy icon (as they don't benefit from it).
  • Reduced how much the AI aircraft will prioritize attacking enemy aircraft.
  • Fixed crash caused by a unit being killed while the player is targeting the unit's ability.


  • Increase Leecher beam duration slightly (increases DPS).
  • Reduced Mechanic salvaging time.
  • Enlightened EMP projectile now tracks target up to max range.

1.0 Combined Arms - Pre Release #1

23 Nov 22:37
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  • Chapter VI of single-player campaign.
  • Added two 8v8 maps.
  • New music track "Gateway".


  • Grenadiers/Flamethrowers will now explode on death 100% of the time, up from 33%.
  • Corrected Apache damage against primary AA units/defenses.
  • Reduced Apache damage vs buildings.
  • Increased Greater Coalescence HP.
  • Engineers are now able to detect and defuse mines. Removed from Seekers/Lacerators.


  • Added linkage indication when placing Prism Towers.
  • Reduced Easy AI build speed.


  • Fixed general unit XP gain from overkills.
  • Fixed Boris not gaining XP from airstrikes.
  • Fixed V3 reload.
  • Fixed mission 2 convoys not triggering.
  • Fixed being able to skip rescuing one of the groups in Detachment prologue mission.
  • Fixed Veil of War not expanding.
  • Speculative fix for crash when certain sounds play in missions.
  • Fixed crash at end of mission 3.
  • Fixed AI power management after loading a saved game.
  • Fixed Treasure Hunt maps.
  • Fixed crate airstrike damage vs buildings.
  • Fixed repeating announcement at end of mission 10.

0.93 Combined Arms - Final

29 Sep 02:31
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  • Four prologue missions.
  • Lobby options can now be saved/loaded.
  • Added option to disable fog of war and/or build radius in campaign missions. Mission options will persist until changed.
  • Improved targeting for Chronosphere, Iron Curtain, Nanite Repair & Atomic Shells.
  • Update-checker and download button on menu screen.
  • Numerous campaign mission tweaks.
  • Soviet EVA variant.
  • Numerous voice line improvements & additions.
  • Units gain XP from dealing damage, rather than kills (Yuri/Mastermind gain XP from each unique unit they mind control).
  • Increased armor and damage bonuses for heroic units.
  • Unique veterancy icons for Nod and Scrin.
  • When spectating or viewing replays, the value of selected units will be shown.



  • Increased Mechanic salvage reward to $200.
  • Reduce driverless vehicle decay rate.
  • Reduced cost of Optimised Production upgrades from $500 to $350 (Multi-Queue Scaled only).
  • Any naval units with depth charges will use only these against submarines. Reduced submarine HP to compensate.


  • Chronoshift no longer kills passengers, but they can't unload while chronoshifted. Enemy units teleported for 66% normal duration. Reduced maximum targets from 13 to 9. Capped health at 47k while chronoshifted.
  • Reduced Raider APC speed and damage vs buildings/defenses a little.
  • MRJ rework; creates jamming fields which reduce enemy RoF and firepower.
  • Gap Generator no longer creates mini veils, but the beam itself debuffs in a small area (mainly to make it more distinct from MRJ).
  • Increased Battle Fortress HP and damage.
  • Temporal Flux grants Chrono Prison +1.5 range.
  • Chrono Tank can now attack aircraft (relatively low damage). Added a 3 second cooldown between jumps with Temporal Flux. Can no longer crush infantry instantly by teleporting onto them.
  • Increased Ranger/APC/Raider APC damage vs light armor.
  • Reduced Temporal Incursion cooldown from 6:30 to 5:00 and increase duration from 30s to 40s. Removed target circle.
  • Strafing Run: Increased P51 damage, HP and speed. Target is now the center of the run rather than the start.
  • Reduced Artillery damage vs defenses.
  • Increased Gunboat projectile speed.


  • Reduced inaccuracy of BTR, reduced damage (roughly same DPS, just more consistent). Increased damage vs light armor.
  • Increased Brute vision by 1.
  • Increase Lasher Tank speed a little.
  • Increased Sukhoi splash damage and missile speed slightly.
  • In Multi-Queue, Kennel has its own tab for dogs only, rather than requiring a Barracks.
  • Increased Sea Scorpion projectile speed and damage vs vehicles/ships.
  • Increased Missile Sub damage vs buildings.


  • Increased Nanite Repair tick rate slightly.
  • Increased Disruptor damage vs buildings and light armor slightly.
  • Increased Hum-Vee/Guardian Drone/Mini Drone/APC damage vs light armor.
  • Increased Aurora splash damage against vehicles.
  • Increased Frigate railgun damage. Added depth charges.
  • Reduced Drone Carrier Hornet reload time so they fire on each pass. Increased their ammo from 6 to 8. Increased damage vs buildings/defenses.
  • Reduced Patrol Boat damage vs light armor.


  • Increased Buggy damage vs light armor.
  • Heavy Flame Tank burst shortened (same DPS).
  • Reduced Shadow Glider grenade rate of fire.
  • Reduced Microwave Tank speed. Will now kill passengers with Intensified Microwaves upgrade.
  • Increased Apache cost from 1350 to 1400.
  • Reduced Artillery damage vs defenses.
  • Reduced ICBM Sub damage vs ground vehicles. Added charge up time before firing (reduced reload to compensate).


  • Feeder renamed to Burster, now buildable and available to all Scrin. No longer charges on Tiberium.
  • Collector-73 Feeder Mutation replaced with Greater Coalescence. Spawns a larger and movable version of Leecher coalescence, which feeds of nearby enemies to sustain itself while healing allies.
  • Atomized debuff now pulses AoE damage and slows movement, instead of being a DoT/firepower debuff only on the target, and no longer spreads if the target dies.
  • Reduced Intruder damage vs infantry.
  • Increased Gun Walker HP from 30k to 33k. Increased damge vs light armor.
  • Shard Walker no longer has heavy armor. HP increased to 40k.
  • Increased PAC speed from 49 to 60. Increased damage vs aircraft and infantry. Increased splash radius vs vehicles, reduced splash radius vs infantry.
  • Increased Seeker HP from 22k to 23k.
  • Increased Lacerator vision by 1.
  • Increased Leecher HP from 28k to 30k. Increased damage vs light armor.
  • Increased Leecher orb HP from 30k to 35k.
  • Reduced Tripod & Reaper Tripod range very slightly. Reduced damage vs buildings and infantry.
  • Increased Mothership wormhole range from 20 to 28, increased cooldown to 45s. Increased anti-unit weapon rate of fire slightly.
  • Increased Stormrider shields from 6.5k to 8k.
  • Move Scrin submarine detection from Stormrider to Seeker/Lacerator.
  • Increase Devourer/Darkener damage vs ships.


  • Added support powers to Composition Tester
  • Slowed the decay rate of driverless vehicles.
  • Fixed mission 2 crash.
  • Fixed Ion Conduits activating when Storm Column is not powered.
  • Separate queue for kennel in multi-queue.
  • Lowered Hacker selection priority.
  • Fixed Hopsital exits on the map Roadkings CA.
  • Reduced opacity of sub detection circles, as it was messy with many of them.
  • Added texture to menu UI panels.
  • Added player-colored selection box to submerged submarines.