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Getting Started

John Bostick edited this page Sep 13, 2021 · 1 revision

Getting Started

To start off, you need to make a file for your custom event. The default folder for where custom event files are stored is %APPDATA%\EXILED\Configs\EasyEvents\, but if you've modified it in the plugin config, go there instead. Inside the folder, you need to create a new text file for your custom event. Keep note of the file name, because it will be used to run the event in the future.

Writing Events

Once you have an event file created, you need to start writing the event. Events are made up of different commands that you can use to do certain actions. For example, you can modify custom spawns, teleport players around, lock the round, etc. You can view every command under the Commands section in the sidebar, along with examples on how to use it.


Here is an example of an event called "Peanut Run". The event spawns everyone in as SCP-173, then starts the warhead. Everyone who escapes to the surface before the warhead detonates wins.

This event uses the RoundLock command, the Spawn command to spawn everyone in as SCP-173, and the Detonate command to start the warhead.

//Lock the round so it doesn't end immediately

//Use the spawn command to spawn 100% of people in as SCP-173 (class ID 0)
spawn 0,100

//Start the warhead


In almost every command, you will see an argument that looks something like classId. This is used to allow you to limit a command to only affect a specific class. This argument accepts three types of parameters:

Class IDs - Class IDs are either numerical IDs, or the names of the classes. For example, you can use either ClassD or 1 to spawn a Class-D.

Custom Classes - Custom Classes are classes that you create yourself, to allow you to have more advanced selection. You can view more information about them here.

Special Classes - Special Classes are built-in selectors that are more powerful than Class IDs or Custom Classes. They allow you to select things like all players, all players of a certain team, etc. You can view each selector here.

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