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John Bostick edited this page Sep 13, 2021 · 1 revision


Spawn is one of the most basic commands that you'll probably use in most events you create. The spawn command allows you to modify the spawn chances for different roles (this overrides default spawning). Here's how it looks:

spawn classId,chance,min [classId,chance,min classId,chance,min...] [classId]

The first (and only required) argument for this command is classId,chance,min. The first part (classId) is the ID of the class that you want to set the spawn chance for. The second part (chance) is the percentage of players that will get that role. This number can be anywhere from 1 to 100. The third part (min) is the minimum amount of players that need to have that role. If you only want one player to have a specific role, you can set chance to 0 and min to 1, or if you want 20% of all players to have a role with no minimum, you can set min to 0 and chance to 20.

You can have as many arguments like the first argument as you want. The last argument (the one with only classId) is used to tell EasyEvents what role it should give any leftover players. This argument is only needed if your spawn chances do not add up to 100%.


If you want to spawn every player in as either a Class-D or a Scientist (with a 50/50 chance of being either one), you can do this:

spawn 1,50,0 6,50,0

You can use this command if you want to spawn everyone in as SCP-173:

spawn 0,100,0

And if you want to keep 10% of the players as Class-D, you can use this:

spawn 0,90,0 1,10,0

Or you can omit the percent to set all remaining players to Class-D:

spawn 0,90,0 1


For the spawn command to work, your chances cannot exceed 100.

The maximum chance a single argument can be set to is 100%, and the minimum is 1%.

Class IDs range from 0 to 17, so your classId should be in that range.

You can only run the spawn command once, so put all of your spawns into the same command.

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