Written by JBS.
git clone https://github.com/icsl-Jeon/octomap.git
cd dynamicEDT3D && mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
sudo make install
catkin build octomap_server
Out-of-box launch for octomap_edt_server
Download bag_file (2.9GB) and set correct path to it here:
<arg name="bag_file" value=""/>
Then launch the file:
roslaunch octomap_server octomap_edt_server.launch
- DynamicEDTServer : incrementally build EDF (note NOT ESDF) using dynamicEDT3D
- Real-time analysis on your terminal as below pretty table:
- All parameterization to cater your usages.
cloud callback
proc. pnts time [ms]
octomap 252672 (raw) 111 ms
edt 23906 (upd.) 26 ms
edt. vis 298 (query) 1 ms
- EDF visualization
- getDistance : if query is out of fixed bound of EDT,
is returned.