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ROS2 Gazebo Joint Trajectory Planning

francescodelduchetto edited this page Apr 18, 2024 · 2 revisions


  1. if not already present, clone the repo: git clone

    NOTE: If you are on a Windows PC the following two additional steps are required before cloning:

    • Open a terminal(e.g., window's powershell), type git config --global core.autocrlf false and press Enter
    • Make sure docker is running by launching the docker desktop application
  2. Open a terminal and move to the RBT1001 folder; e.g.: cd ~/RBT1001

  3. git checkout tiago-gazebo

  4. Now open the folder in VSCode and launch the webcontainer as usual.

Starting the simulation

  1. Open a terminal and launch ros2 launch tiago_gazebo moveit:=true
  2. Open the noVNC window with your browser. You should see the simulation of the robot running
  3. Launch rviz in another terminal for visualising the trajectories you plan before execution: rviz2 -d src/week8/config/display_traj.rviz

Implement a complete joint trajectory planner for the arm

You have to work on the week8/ script.

  1. execute the script. You will see it already provides an implementation of the trapezoidal trajectory for each joint so that they all start and end at the same time. The green rendering of the robot in rviz shows the execution of the trajectory before it is executed.
  2. if you close the plot with the trajectories, the robot will execute it.


Your Tasks:

  1. examine the code and check the implementation.
  2. Try changing the target position in the code and see if it can reach the desired configuration all the times.





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