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Direct File Download

James Heselden edited this page Apr 11, 2024 · 3 revisions

File Selection

  1. Identify the environment branch you with to access.

  2. A full list is available on the Wiki

  3. Navigate to the correct branch on the github repository, i.e.:

  4. Identify the file you with to access and navigate to its directory, i.e.: config/topological/network_autogen.tmap2.yaml

  5. Open the file, and locate and click the Raw button.

  6. Copy the link of the opened page, (beginning with


Within your system, use tools such as wget to automatically pull the latest map version from this link, i.e:

export maps_directory='~/Downloads/maps'

export template_host='LCAS/environment_template'
export branch_name='urban-usa-ca-la-shorline-aquatic-park'
export config_filepath='config/topological/network_autogen.tmap2.yaml'

export raw_link='$template_host/$branch/$config_filepath'
wget -P $maps_directory $raw_link

Note: For private templates, this link associated with the file will be different for each subsequent page. If you require a private template, follow the advice on PrivateTemplates