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LIUK44 edited this page Dec 10, 2020 · 8 revisions

COMPSCI 4ZP6: Capstone Project Meeting Minutes 03

Project Name: Ingenuity Incubator
Time: 13/11/2020 12:00pm-1:00pm
Attendees :

  • Client: Dr. Benson Honig, Dr. Ana Cristina Siqueira, Javid Nafari,
  • Team Aquafina: Liyang Wang, Shanghong Shen, Kexin Liu, Weijie Liang, Fang Ye
  • Team BlockchainBoyz (joined the meeting after 12.30pm)

Meeting Objective: Mockup and project IP issue discussion

Meeting Agenda

  • Check-in(12.00pm)
  • Discuss the security problems about open-sourcing front-end code with team Aquafina(12.05pm-12.10pm)
  • Team Aquafina presented initial version of mockup(12.10pm-12.15pm)
  • Discuss about the mockup between Dr. Benson Honig's team and team Aquafina(12.15pm-12.30pm)
  • Joint discussion on security concerns for an open source model or a proprietary model among Dr. Benson Honig, team Aquafina and team BlockchainBoyz (12.30pm-1.00pm)
  • Check-out(1.00pm)


  • Security concerns on an open source model

    • Dr. Benson Honig raised their concerns on the safety of an open source model, and they were not sure if an open source model would expose the blockchain to defects that could be detrimental to users.
    • Liyang believed that it would not be a big problem if we could use private keys.
    • Dr. Benson Honig further asked if banks would use an open source model, since this application would probably grow into a banking system.
    • Liyang said it might lead to some problems since hackers might be more interested on hacking a banking system, and we should further discuss it with another team, focusing on the topic of blockchain.
    • Dr. Benson Honig would like to obtain a more robust system.
    • Shanghong indicated that blockchain technology actually was not implemented by banks in daily life.
  • Initial mockup discussion with Dr. Benson Honig and his team

    • Generally, Dr. Benson Honig thought we had done a great layout on our initial mockup.
    • Dr. Benson Honig suggested we could replace the current headings "product", "service and "competence" with "product", "physical service" and "virtual service" to better clarify the categories.
    • Shanghong pointed out the concern on copyrights for used pictures in our websites.
    • Dr. Benson Honig explained that we could use any paid pictures on their website. For other pictures not from their website, we could tell their team the source of pictures and they would pay for them.
    • Shanghong pointed out the unbalanced layout on the wallet page and asked if we could add additional functions such as credit and cash flow.
    • Dr. Benson Honig believed that it would be better to add how long users have been in this platform.
    • A new page to introduce the website and how to use the community currency is suggested to add.
  • Price on items

    • Fang asked if each users only got 25 dollars at the beginning from administrators, how are they going to purchase something which is expensive than that amount of money?
    • Dr. Benson Honig explained that users could still purchase by using real money. They can exchange virtual currency with real money at a specific frequency, maybe every three months.
    • The exchange rate is 1 between Reframery community currency and Canadian dollar currently. More rule should be taken into account when other currencies such as US dollars can be trade in the system in future.

Action items

  • The client will provide more information about Terms and conditions
  • Send the materials of UI mockup to Dr. Ana Cristina Siqueira and they will give more feedback on the UI design
  • Arrange the next meeting to discuss the program design(before Nov. 27, 2020)