- Damien Koh
- Winter 2024
This repository consists of several ROS packages
- Provides a simulated robot environment for the turtlebotnuturtle_control
- Enables control of the turtlebot in real life or simulationnuturtle_description
- Visualizes a single or multiple turtlebots in rvizturtlelib
- Enables performing 2D rigid body transformations and other functionality
Video submission for Physical Testing:
The final odom position was x: 0.064997, y: -0.1335737
Whilst attempting to run integration tests, I will always receive the 'result_file' does not exist error. Additionally, attempting to run the integration runs ghost nodes that only exit when shut down.
Photo submission for SLAM implementation in simulation:
Video submission for SLAM implementation in simulation:
Really sorry but with everything going on this quarter, I didn't have a chance to properly do this task.
(At the beginning of next quarter I will complete this for my own learning and portfolio)