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Annette Osprey edited this page Dec 20, 2023 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the KPP ocean model repository


This is the code repository for the three-dimensional implementation of the K Profile Parameterization boundary-layer ocean model (3D KPP), developed at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science at the University of Reading.

3D KPP builds upon the original KPP mixing scheme of Large et al. (1994). The model runs as a matrix of one-dimensional water columns, with many extensions that allow the model to be coupled to atmospheric GCMs (e.g., the computation and application of heat and salt corrections). Currently, 3D KPP supports coupling to the Met Office Unified Model via the OASIS coupler at UM versions 4.5 (HadAM3, OASIS2) and 7.x (HadGEM3, OASIS3), as well as to the NCEP Global Forecast System.

Dr. Nicholas Klingaman led the development of KPP at Reading for many years. The original 3D KPP code was developed by Dr. Steve Woolnough.


Note: These wiki docs combine information from and the old PUMA trac wiki. Some of it is out of date.