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MC‐KPP documentation

Annette Osprey edited this page Dec 20, 2023 · 2 revisions

Documentation for MC-KPP

This page provides documentation for the MC-KPP ocean model. The documentation is correct for [source:KPP_ocean/tags/MC-KPP_vn1.0 MC-KPP version 1.0.]

Note that separate documentation exists for the MetUM-GOML coupled model, which comprises the MetUM atmospheric model coupled to MC-KPP. The MetUM-GOML documentation includes instructions on how to set up and run coupled simulations on ARCHER. Most users will want to use that documentation, rather than these pages. The MetUM-GOML documentation references many of the MC-KPP documentation pages listed below.

Currently, the documentation consists of a list of Wiki pages that describe various aspects of the model:

  • Namelist-options - A complete list of options for the MC-KPP namelist (3D_ocn.nml), with descriptions and possible values
  • Diagnostic-list - A complete list of available output diagnostics, including the order in which users must specify them in the namelist.
  • Ancillary-files - A complete list of netCDF ancillary files that can be used as initial and boundary conditions in the model