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Annette Osprey edited this page Dec 20, 2023 · 3 revisions

Supported coupled configurations using MC-KPP

This page provides details about the coupled-model configurations for which we currently support the Multi-Column configuration of KPP (MC-KPP). It also contains information on our plans for supporting additional models, and our plans to export the framework to other institutions.

Some further information is available on XXX

Supported configurations of the Met Office Unified Model (MetUM)

The following configurations are supported on the ARCHER supercomputer. For each UM version, we list a "recommended" Global Atmosphere scientific configuration that is known to work well with MC-KPP at this UM version. It is sometimes possible to run earlier GA scientific configurations at that UM version.

For some GA versions, we have control simulations and temperature and salinity corrections (transport terms) that you can use, if you wish. Please contact XXX for information about these.

Please note that MC-KPP will not work with MetUM versions other than those listed below.

MetUM version Recommended GA version Coupler version Horizontal resolutions Control simulations?
7.3 GA 1.0 OASIS 3.2.5 N96, N216, N512 No
7.4 GA 2.0 OASIS 3.2.5 N96, N216, N512 No
7.8 GA 3.0 OASIS 3.2.5 N96, N216, N512 Yes (N96 and N216 only)
8.5 GA 6.0 OASIS 3.3 N96, N216, N512 Yes (N96 and N216 only)

In addition, MC-KPP continues to work with the "old dynamics" MetUM version 4.5.1 (HadAM3) using the OASIS2 coupler. However, we don't know if this UM version works on ARCHER, and OASIS2 is not installed there. It is entirely possible that it could work, but we don't know!

Plans for MetUM support

We plan to support the following versions

MetUM version Recommended GA version Coupler version Horizontal resolutions Estimated date
10.4 GA7 OASIS3-MCT 3.x N96, N216 2018

Other models

MC-KPP currently supports coupling to the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Global Forecast System (GFS). Nick developed the GFS coupling routines during a visit to the Centre for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere studies (COLA) in 2009. The coupling code has not been updated since then, so it may be obsolete.

Plans for supporting other models

ECMWF OpenIFS As part of Nick's fellowship project, he will couple MC-KPP to the ECMWF OpenIFS using the OASIS coupler.

Super-Parameterised Community Atmosphere Model Nick plans to couple MC-KPP to the latest version of SPCAM -- based on CAM version 3 -- during a visit to Colorado State University in summer 2014. We assume that coupling to coupling to SPCAM will also mean that MC-KPP will support coupling to the standard CAM3.

Community Earth System Model Berkeley Lab have expressed an interest in a configuration of CESM with a mixed-layer ocean, similar to [wiki:MetUM-GOML MetUM-GOML]. CESM is based on CAM version 5. We are working with Berkeley Lab and NCAR to facilitate this.

Other institutions

Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere studies Nick exported MC-KPP to COLA during a visit in 2009, when he enabled coupling to the NCEP GFS.

Australian Bureau of Meteorology Nick exported MC-KPP to the Bureau for use with ACCESS (based on the MetUM) in 2011.

National Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, India As part of the [ProjectsProposals BoBBLE project], we will export MC-KPP framework to NCMRWF for use with the MetUM.