CW-Automation 6.1
Forget the alpha! I have updated this release once more. I am officially releasing because has been tested enough that I am confident it can be used as is now to pull the service board page in ConnectWise manage. Next is improving reliability of grabbing ticket information.
- BrinxBot now appears for every print in the script, although this is more of a cosmetic change.
- updated ticket menu that shows up with totals of pulled ticket amount to look at little more clean, again only a cosmetic change.
- added a try except block for when ticket amount on the page has not loaded yet, an Index Error would come up previously.
- added a try except block for when the MFA code is expired, an error would occur where BrinxBot would think it is inside the service board page.
Known Bugs:
- input CSS selector for client/ticket info inside the ticket info page changes a lot and so I'm trying to figure out how to set just one variable to match every time.
- serverConnection() & severSendMessage() in cw/ sometimes gives a false 'SUCCESS' message, although no connection is made. small fix but hasn't been done.