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Releases: Nels2/CW-Automation

CW-Automation 6.1.1

15 Jun 20:56
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Hello Again!

I have once again made a couple edits to the script(s).

What's New:

  • finally fixed the way ticket/client is grabbed so it is accurate every time.
  • replaced firefox gecko driver with chrome driver, as firefox stopped working on my development machine.
  • corrected the way idenitfy_pop() closes a pop up so it works.
  • turned MFA code part into a try block.
  • small edits such as grammar
  • other minor edits to to clean it up visually.
  • changed how long the script waits for certain things.
  • moved CW url / driver options inside of cwLogind()

Known Bugs:

  • serverConnection() & severSendMessage() in cw/ sometimes gives a false 'SUCCESS' message, although no connection is made. small fix but hasn't been done.

Full Changelog: v6.1...v6.2

CW-Automation 6.1

10 Jun 15:23
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Forget the alpha! I have updated this release once more. I am officially releasing because has been tested enough that I am confident it can be used as is now to pull the service board page in ConnectWise manage. Next is improving reliability of grabbing ticket information.


  • BrinxBot now appears for every print in the script, although this is more of a cosmetic change.
  • updated ticket menu that shows up with totals of pulled ticket amount to look at little more clean, again only a cosmetic change.
  • added a try except block for when ticket amount on the page has not loaded yet, an Index Error would come up previously.
  • added a try except block for when the MFA code is expired, an error would occur where BrinxBot would think it is inside the service board page.

Known Bugs:

  • input CSS selector for client/ticket info inside the ticket info page changes a lot and so I'm trying to figure out how to set just one variable to match every time.
  • serverConnection() & severSendMessage() in cw/ sometimes gives a false 'SUCCESS' message, although no connection is made. small fix but hasn't been done.

CW-Automation 6.0 (alpha)

16 May 22:31
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I have updated this for 2022. sort of....
Currently, all previous ticket types have been removed. New ticket types are, "Backup Missed" & "Get Product Keys Failed". CW-Automation is undergoing a major revamp so that it can successfully aid with prior mentioned ticket types. The idea now is that the script grabs supporting docs from IT Glue and then links it in a note inside the ticket. Currently pulls service board just fine. & currently go as far as logging into IT Glue & searching for the company that is in ticket. Please keep in mind, this is still a work in progress.


  • removal of old code/files that are no longer used
  • organized a bunch of the files into a neater order along with more folders.
  • turned lots of repeated code into functions that now live in cw/ vastly reducing line count in each file.
  • introduced onetimepass for mfa with ConnectWise/IT Glue
  • intro

Fixed (from previous 2021 release):

  • serviceBoard_Pull() it now correctly resets counter to 0 when going to the next page.
  • replaced deprecated stuff across ALL files
  • replaced old chat link as it was no longer online.
  • reduced sleep times or completely removed them in favor of driver.implicity_wait() & WebDriverWait

Known Bugs:

  • input css selector for client/ticket info changes a lot and so I'm trying to figure out how to set just one variable to match every time.
  • identifyPopUp() in sometimes does not work because for the same reason as above, the css selector or ID of the element is different every time or is assigned to a different element (for whatever reason.)
  • serverConnection() & severSendMessage() in cw/ sometimes gives a false 'SUCCESS' message, although no connection is made. small fix but hasn't been done.

CW-Automation 5.4

13 May 18:32
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Fixes for this release
!!! In order for the script to work now, you should upgrade to this release. !!!

  • Fixed where script looks for message for token.
  • Fixed how message is saved.
  • Fixed how message was split, changed to now only include the first six numbers as there are a bunch of other numbers in the message now too.
  • There were no new changes to the script concerning functionality.
  • Cleaned up for public release.

CW-Automation 5.3

29 Mar 20:13
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What's New in This Release?

  • Created cw/ -- This python script simply pulls the status of the 150 agents on MY Automate RMM, change to yours.
  • Agent status can be check with using: ./ A
  • Created a 'misc' directory to house some files when script is running so it doesn't look messy.
  • Fixed an issue on cw/ where the incorrect agent status would be pulled.
  • Fixed an issue on cw/ where the counter would not count all of the 150 machine's status.
  • Fixed spelling of some items that print to the terminal.
  • Cleaned up some of the code & optimization.

CW-Automation 5.2

18 Mar 21:59
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  • Fixed how the final page is pulled and the method used.
  • Fixed 'WebDriverException' for when server fails to connect.

CW-Automation 5.1

16 Mar 22:02
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  • Removed renaming for some companies as they no longer need it.
  • Fixed renaming of some companies as their name spelling/length had changed.
  • Added some exception handles for when server wasn't available.

CW-Automation 5.0

12 Mar 22:58
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This is a big release in terms of features or fixes!

  • Fixed Counter
  • Fixed timing of functions
  • Fixed spelling
  • Fixed ticket # not showing up after BrinxBot finished Job
  • Fixed server connection
  • Fixed ticket formatting split
  • Fixed timing for server connection

What's New:

  • now pulls next page(and so on) if the ticket types that BrinxBot can work are at, or less than 1.
  • now is mostly contained within 3 modules.
  • Optimization of files.
  • If the any of the fails, just re-run it.. sometimes cw/automate take longer than expected to load or cw never loads the ticket information causing the script to fail.

CW-Automation 4.2

11 Mar 20:05
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  • Fixed Counter
  • Fixed while loop with Counter
  • General Bug Fixes

CW-Automation 4.1

10 Mar 22:09
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  • files are now under 'cw' directory
  • Ticket types and conversion to text that grep can fetch are now stored under 'tickets' directory
  • now can read total amount for each ticket type and will print it out when a method is ran.
  • General bug fixes