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CW-Automation 6.1.1

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@Nels2 Nels2 released this 15 Jun 20:56

Hello Again!

I have once again made a couple edits to the script(s).

What's New:

  • finally fixed the way ticket/client is grabbed so it is accurate every time.
  • replaced firefox gecko driver with chrome driver, as firefox stopped working on my development machine.
  • corrected the way idenitfy_pop() closes a pop up so it works.
  • turned MFA code part into a try block.
  • small edits such as grammar
  • other minor edits to to clean it up visually.
  • changed how long the script waits for certain things.
  • moved CW url / driver options inside of cwLogind()

Known Bugs:

  • serverConnection() & severSendMessage() in cw/ sometimes gives a false 'SUCCESS' message, although no connection is made. small fix but hasn't been done.

Full Changelog: v6.1...v6.2