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Development Setup

Micah edited this page Jan 30, 2019 · 6 revisions

Setting up for TTS is tricky, since it doesn't conform to development project norms. (Opinions about that aside, it kinda is what it is.) So, to try and make things easier, we've put together a guide about how to get started working on ship shoot. (This documentation may be useful to other TTS modders out there; it's a good example of what we came up with that works.)

Follow the Knowledge Base instructions

If you have's followed the instructions from the knowledge base, start here:

Once you have atom setup, we can move on.

Clone the project

Just do your normal git process of cloning the project:

$ git clone

Make sure you clone it into an easy to access location, like your development folder. We'll need the path to this clone for the next step.

Setup the TTS Atom Plugin Include path

In order to include other files with the #include !/some_folder/some_file syntax, you will need to setup your include path. Unlike more normal Lua environments where you can use require, TTS instead uses #include, and the atom plugin opens the included file, and dumps it's content into the script before sending it to TTS.

(You can have only one include path, so handling that is up to you. For now, we assume you're only working on this mod.)

To get things setup correctly, you will need to set the path to ~/some_path/tts-shipshoot/src/scripts/include. It should look something like this:

Once this is setup, you should be good to go!

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