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Space Walker edited this page Mar 1, 2021 · 3 revisions



The default order in which the world dispatches block updates when a block is changed. These 'default' block updates are emitted when a block is placed or broken, as well as after some block state changes. Some blocks have their own block update order. This is mainly the case for redstone components. Some blocks, like redstone wire, use only their own block update order and do not use the default block update order at all, while other blocks, like the redstone torch, use their own update order on top of the default block update order.

Learn more about how to change the update order setting [here](link here).


The default order in which the world dispatches shape updates. These shape updates are emitted when a block is placed or broken, as well as after most block state changes. Shape updates are used to tell blocks they might be in an illegal state. This could be because they are no longer supported or if they need to update their shape in some way. The only block to use its own shape update order on top of the default update order is redstone wire, which emits extra shape updates diagonally above and below to let neighboring wires know they should update their connections.

Learn more about how to change the update order setting [here](link here).


The order in which the world dispatches comparator updates. Comparator updates are basically block updates but they are specifically used to update comparators. They are emitted when blocks change their comparator output. This applies to containers, like chests, barrels, furnaces or juke boxes, as well as other blocks with comparator outputs, like cakes, composters or cauldrons.

Learn more about how to change the update order setting [here](link here).


Inspired by the carpet mod rule of the same name, this setting makes connected chain blocks and any blocks they are anchored to stick to each other when moved by pistons. But be careful! A chain structure will only stick together if it is anchored to a non-chain block at both ends.


Multiplies the delay of all scheduled ticks by the given value. If a value of 0 is given, the scheduled tick is not scheduled but executed instantaneously.


Allow the world to dispatch block updates.


Allow the world to dispatch shape updates.


Allow the world to dispatch comparator updates.


A re-implementation of piston behavior that was present in 1.3-1.8, known as "instant double retraction" or "Jeb retraction". When enabled, it creates a very narrow window where extended but depowered pistons can be moved by other pistons. NOTE: this setting does not work if the looseHead settings for pistons are enabled.


Execute block events instantaneously.


Allow two half slabs to be pushed together and merge into a double slab, or a double slab to be pulled apart into two half slabs. NOTE: this setting is at its most powerful when used in combination with movableMovingBlocks.


Allow pistons to move blocks with block entities. The exceptions are

  • Piston extension blocks (unless movableMovingBlocks is enabled)
  • Beacons
  • Enchanting tables
  • Ender chests
  • End gateways
  • End portals


Allow pistons to move already moving blocks. NOTE: pistons will still only be able to move movable blocks. This means extended piston heads cannot be moved. For that the movableWhenExtended setting for pistons must be enabled as well.


The maximum power output for analogue components like redstone wire, comparators, weighted pressure plates, etc.


Randomize the order in which block events are executed.


Randomize the scheduled tick delays of all blocks and fluids that support them.


Randomize the tick priorities of all block and fluid ticks that are scheduled.


This setting must be used in combination with worlds ticking in step-by-step mode (see the [worldTickOptions setting](link here)). It changes neighbor updates (block, shape and comparator updates) into scheduled events, allowing you to see the order in which they happen. Colored boxes will be drawn at the location of each neighbor update (yellow for block updates, blue for shape updates, red for comparator updates). A white box is drawn at the location of the notifier, and a thin outline is drawn at the location of the block that emits the neighbor updates.


Allow redstone components to spontaneously explode if they are looked at the wrong way (in case of abuse with short pulses).


Options for debugging purposes. In "Step by Step" mode the world tick will be broken down and each of its tasks or phases executed at the given interval of server ticks. Some phases, like those of scheduled ticks, block events and block entities, are broken down even further and execute one action per interval.

Information about the current tick, current dimension and current task are displayed in the top left of the screen.

A dimension filter can also be selected to control which dimensions will be affected by the step-by-step ticking.