- NEOPIXEL_KNIGHT_RIDER scanner optimized, synchrone with sound
- NEOPIXEL_BLUELIGHT: red & blue bluelight animation for fire trucks etc.
- NEOPIXEL_HIGHBEAM: Neopixel bar now also usable for full beam and headlight flasher. Also working in combination with NEOPIXEL_KNIGHT_RIDER & NEOPIXEL_BLUELIGHT
- "Audio2Header.html" tool now able to remove noise in silent passages (option "remove noise floor")
- ESC state machine hanging in case 1 or 3, if throttle trigger direction changed qickly: bug solved
- Engine volume raising, if throttle trigger direction changed qickly: bug solved
- Improved ESC_DEBUG messages
- 3_adjustmentsESC.h: options better organized, OVERDRIVE now also usable with VIRTUAL_3_SPEED. In this case, the 4th (overdrive) gear is engaged @ full throttle & high RPM in 3rd gear
- 2_adjustmentsRemote.h: CHANNEL_AVERAGING option (recommended, if you have issues with unstable channels)