A game where you have to type words as fast as you can.
Developed by Tofame as part of PJATK education process.
This project was made as a part of learning process/curriculum of PJATK University, fully developed by me.
TypeThrill is a fast-paced typing game designed to test your typing speed and accuracy. The objective is simple: type the displayed words as quickly and accurately as possible before they disappear.
- Very customizable settings, so you can set up the game the way you like.
- Variety of game end criteriums (Score, Time, Words Missed)
- Multiple 'Word' languages (locales) support (while adding a new one is just drag&drop to Locales folder)
- Highscores
- Game saving and loading
- Resizable window with whole GUI adjusting itself to the new window size
- Press New Game, choose how you want the game to end and press 'Start' Then type words that appear before they touch the right side
- Keybinds: Pause: Escape Clear text field: Left Alt + Tilde OR Left Alt + Left Shift
Speed - how fast words move,
Frequency - how much time should pass before another word appears
Size - the size of words
Word highlight - whenever you type a letter, should the word be higlighted if it is the same as your input
Word locale - already defined set of words (english/polish) or your custom one. You can add it to Resources/Locales/yourfile.txt Then in settings text field write: "yourfile" and press confirm
Word font - font that words will use. aleoRegular supports 'polish' letters.
UIScale - scale of the UI. It can't exceed a certain value. If by mistake you set it too high, saved it and now can't change - close the program and change it in Settings.txt
The project uses default fonts from the Windows OS and the following custom fonts:
The graphical assets used by the project are: