Electrum 5.0.2 (MC 1.13.2) Pre-Release 1
Pre-releaseImportant Note: This Pre-Release has been updated since the original Pre-Release 1 Due to an issue with our tagging, this release has been re-released. The release has been updated so please consider this.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release is a Pre-Release and is not recommended for production environments. This release should be used at your own risk. This release has only undergone basic "Happy Path" testing, and may contain bugs. A full release will come in due course.
Note: Changes have been made to the default Config.YML to resolve some issues raised. Please either re-generate your configuration file, or compare the difference to ensure these changes are patched as appropriate.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Spigot 1.13.2 For information about obtaining Spigot 1.13.2, please see this page.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Java Runtime Environment 8 (JRE 8). Make sure you have at least JRE version 8 or higher installed.
With this release of TFM we are supporting 1.13.2 builds of Spigot (We have tested on CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-3cb9dcb-0f708cb (MC: 1.13.2) (Implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)).
- Added native support for building in IntelliJ
- Removed old Metrics setup and moved to BStats (#2172)
- Fixed tag syntax issue (#1768)
- Removed mapping of item ID's to item throughout all commands
- Pulled down an update to the world generation tool to fix Flatlands and AdminWorld world generation
- Improvements to allow the blocked tags to be configured within the Configuration.
- TotalFreedomMod is licensed under the TFGL 2.0. You may obtain a copy here.