Releases: TotalFreedom/TotalFreedomMod
Electrum 5.0.2 (MC 1.13.2) Pre-Release 1
Important Note: This Pre-Release has been updated since the original Pre-Release 1 Due to an issue with our tagging, this release has been re-released. The release has been updated so please consider this.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release is a Pre-Release and is not recommended for production environments. This release should be used at your own risk. This release has only undergone basic "Happy Path" testing, and may contain bugs. A full release will come in due course.
Note: Changes have been made to the default Config.YML to resolve some issues raised. Please either re-generate your configuration file, or compare the difference to ensure these changes are patched as appropriate.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Spigot 1.13.2 For information about obtaining Spigot 1.13.2, please see this page.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Java Runtime Environment 8 (JRE 8). Make sure you have at least JRE version 8 or higher installed.
With this release of TFM we are supporting 1.13.2 builds of Spigot (We have tested on CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-3cb9dcb-0f708cb (MC: 1.13.2) (Implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)).
- Added native support for building in IntelliJ
- Removed old Metrics setup and moved to BStats (#2172)
- Fixed tag syntax issue (#1768)
- Removed mapping of item ID's to item throughout all commands
- Pulled down an update to the world generation tool to fix Flatlands and AdminWorld world generation
- Improvements to allow the blocked tags to be configured within the Configuration.
- TotalFreedomMod is licensed under the TFGL 2.0. You may obtain a copy here.
Electrum 5.0.1 (MC 1.12)
Note: Changes have been made to the default Config.YML to resolve some issues raised. Please either re-generate your configuration file, or compare the difference to ensure these changes are patched as appropriate.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Spigot 1.12.2 For information about obtaining Spigot 1.12.2, please see this page.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Java Runtime Environment 8 (JRE 8). Make sure you have at least JRE version 8 or higher installed.
With this release of TFM we are supporting 1.12.2 builds of Spigot (We have tested on git-Spigot-dcd1643-e60fc34 (MC: 1.12.2) (Implementing API version 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) - This is the final 1.12.2 Spigot release.
(Please note that this only includes commits to the official TFM Repo, and not forked variants of the TFM Plugin)
- Fixes to the POM file and cleaning up the POM file #2171
- Fixed the OV command alias #1652
- Moved from Java 7 to Java 8 #2148 and #2150
- Removed the attempt at issuing an achievement on the cake command #2121
- Added console to the default host sender list #2123
- Added Online Players option to the HTTPD Module #1991 #1884
- Fixes to the build Info for startup & TFM command #2119
- Improved Wildcard command blocking (#1842)
- Updated the target IP when using /myadmin -o (#1841)
- Blocking interaction with signs (#1831)
- Improvements have been made to the entity wiper (#512)
- Save-all command has been made available to all admins (#1795)
- Improvements to the /stfu command (#1750)
- Resolved issue whereby users could set their rank to console (#1721)
- Automatically remove entities after defined time (#901)
- Addition of /uall and /dtoggle (#1793)
- Fixes to /dtoggle
- Updated developer list to include aggelosQQ
- Improvements to how /wildcard command blocking is handled.
- Improvements to how player selection is handled within /wildcard (#1861)
- Improvements to force entities being wiped using /entitywipe
- Fix /premium (#1850)
- Added the ability to unload excess chunks (#1779 #674)
- Updated default announcements (#911)
- Removal of /invis smite (#969 #1011)
- Addition of /invis clear (#969 #1011)
- Improvements to the Maven build process
- Added TravisCI Support
- Updated version dependencies for WorldEdit and LibsDisguise
- Added /adventure
- Removed /spectator
- Updates to the ReadME File
- Updated to Spigot 1.11-R1
- Updated POM to account for 1.12-R1 Dependencies
- Improved how logviewer admin access is handled (#1851 #2036)
- Updated the FrontDoor IP (#2064)
- Increased chat text limit inline with Mojangs change (#1941 #2039)
- Updates to the /smite command (#2009)
- Updated player messages for /disguisetoggle (#1872 #2042)
- Improved how player caging is treated (#1789 #2041)
- Removed support for LibsDisguise
- Improved dependency management
- Removed dependency with CraftBukkit and Spigot server code
- Major improvements to the way logviewer registration is handled
- Updates to the main config.yml file
Note Of Thanks:
Thank you to everyone who has helped in the development and testing of this build of TotalFreedomMod, and thank you to everyone who has contributed code to the repo in PR’s or advise on tickets, some notable contributors this release:
- @Hockeyfan360
- @Telesphoreo
- @CrafterSmith12
- TotalFreedomMod is licensed under the TFGL 2.0. You may obtain a copy here.
Electrum 5.0.1 (MC 1.12) Pre-Release 2
Note: Changes have been made to the default Config.YML to resolve some issues raised. Please either re-generate your configuration file, or compare the difference to ensure these changes are patched as appropriate.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release is a Pre-Release and is not recommended for production environments. This release should be used at your own risk. This release has only undergone basic "Happy Path" testing, and may contain bugs. A full release will come in due course.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Spigot 1.12. For information about obtaining Spigot 1.12, please see this page.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Java Runtime Environment 8 (JRE 8). Make sure you have at least JRE version 8 or higher installed.
With this pre-release of TFM we are supporting 1.12 builds of Spigot (We have tested on git-Spigot-7862817-bd30843 (MC: 1.12.2) - This is not the latest version at the time of release, but is what we have chosen to test against).
Please Note - These changes are the differences against Pre Release 1, for a full change log please also see
(Please note that this may be somewhat incomplete and only includes commits to the official TFM Repo)
- Fixed the OV command alias #1652
- Moved from Java 7 to Java 8 #2148 and #2150
- Removed the attempt at issuing an achievement on the cake command #2121
- Added console to the default host sender list #2123
- Added Online Players option to the HTTPD Module #1991 #1884
- Fixes to the build Info for startup & TFM command #2119
Pre Release 1 Details:
Note: The tag on the initial pre-release is incorrect. The correct release tag is 5.1.1-Alpha1
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release is a Pre-Release and is not recommended for production environments. This release should be used at your own risk. This release has only undergone basic "Happy Path" testing, and may contain bugs. A full release will come in due course.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Spigot 1.12. For information about obtaining Spigot 1.12, please see this page.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Java Runtime Environment 7 (JRE 7). Make sure you have at least JRE version 7 or higher installed.
With this pre-release of TFM we are supporting 1.12 builds of Spigot (We have tested on git-Spigot-65e8124-963b19c - This is not the latest version at the time of release, but is what we have chosen to test against).
(Please note that this may be somewhat incomplete and only includes commits to the official TFM Repo)
- Improved Wildcard command blocking (#1842)
- Updated the target IP when using /myadmin -o (#1841)
- Blocking interaction with signs (#1831)
- Improvements have been made to the entity wiper (#512)
- Save-all command has been made available to all admins (#1795)
- Improvements to the /stfu command (#1750)
- Resolved issue whereby users could set their rank to console (#1721)
- Automatically remove entities after defined time (#901)
- Addition of /uall and /dtoggle (#1793)
- Fixes to /dtoggle
- Updated developer list to include aggelosQQ
- Improvements to how /wildcard command blocking is handled.
- Improvements to how player selection is handled within /wildcard (#1861)
- Improvements to force entities being wiped using /entitywipe
- Fix /premium (#1850)
- Added the ability to unload excess chunks (#1779 #674)
- Updated default announcements (#911)
- Removal of /invis smite (#969 #1011)
- Addition of /invis clear (#969 #1011)
- Improvements to the Maven build process
- Added TravisCI Support
- Updated to Spigot 1.11-R1
- Updated version dependencies for WorldEdit and LibsDisguise
- Added /adventure
- Removed /spectator
- Updates to the ReadME File
- Updated POM to account for 1.12-R1 Dependencies
- Improved how logviewer admin access is handled (#1851 #2036)
- Updated the FrontDoor IP (#2064)
- Increased chat text limit inline with Mojangs change (#1941 #2039)
- Updates to the /smite command (#2009)
- Updated player messages for /disguisetoggle (#1872 #2042)
- Improved how player caging is treated (#1789 #2041)
- Removed support for LibsDisguise
- Improved dependency management
- Removed dependency with CraftBukkit and Spigot server code
- Major improvements to the way logviewer registration is handled
- Updates to the main config.yml file
Electrum (MC 1.10)
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Spigot 1.10. For information about obtaining Spigot 1.10, please see this page.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Java Runtime Environment 7 (JRE 7). Make sure you have at least JRE version 7 or higher installed.
Note: You will have to regenerate your configuration file. The configuration file was revamped and a lot of keys were moved around.
TotalFreedomMod Electrum
Version 5.0-mc1.10
For a list of changes, please refer to the electrum release for MC 1.9.
Electrum (MC 1.9)
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Spigot 1.9. For information about obtaining Spigot 1.9, please see this page.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Java Runtime Environment 7 (JRE 7). Make sure you have at least JRE version 7 or higher installed.
Note: You will have to regenerate your configuration file. The configuration file was revamped and a lot of keys were moved around.
TotalFreedomMod Electrum
Version 5.0
- Improvements
- #350 Include the banning player in bans
- #403 New blocked commands: /defaultgamemode, /playsound
- #435 Mavenized project
- #597 Revamped TotalFreedomMod internals
- Use instantiated objects, thus fixing a memory leak
- Removed UUID system, thus fixing many problems
- Use Aero for command handling and service management
- Rework banning system
- Rework admin system
- Rework rank system
- #603 Banners and armorstands can not be cleared with /rd
- #628 Revamp TFM rank system
- #690 Work around death potions
- #708 Fixed /setl description
- #747 Allow a multi-line MOTD
- #748 Improve /tempban kick message format
- #749 Switch back to name based playerdata
- #764 View famous players with /list -f
- #767 Update to Minecraft 1.9
- #782 Work around /playsound crash
- #809 Block /ro air
- #803 Add /announce
- #811 Limit RCON commands
- #813 Add command usage for /fuckoff
- #830 Block /flood
- #848 Add smiting, muting and banning reasons
- #856 Implement /spectator
- #876 Block /pp barrier
- #908 Work around a book exploit
- #992 Add /kick [reason]
- #1018 Disable command feedback in gamerule
- #1432 Add /blockcmd -a
- #1446 /nickclean is case-insensitive now
- #1494 Announce mob purges
- #1501 Add link to TFM releases in
- #1526 Improve color scheme for tags
- #1540 Unblock skin set
- #1550 Unblock /list for impostors
- #1560 The clownfish block message is now only a client-side message
- #1561 Add FuriousDestroyer to famous players
- #1578 Improve /mp message
- #1613 Don't auto-wipe armor stands
- Added /saconfig setrank
- Added /myadmin [-o ] <clearips | clearip | setlogin | clearlogin>
- Improve player to admin matching (first match names, then IPs)
- Allow potion effects to be removed by the Entity Wiper
- Many other changes
- Fixes
- #342 /enchant on air causes errors
- #380 /gadmin doesn't work with spoofed UUIDs
- #684 Laser/TNT gun not working
- #704 SQL Hanging
- #716 Muted players can use some muted command aliases
- #735 Command exploit
- #745 OPs can bypass tempban
- #784 Server lag when changing online mode
- #765 Warn does not show warning message
- #791 UUIDs glitch the admin list
- #805 /permban list can crash players
- #826 /tagnyan bypasses restrictions
- #883 Admin impostors are unfrozen after 5 minutes
- #1524 /blockcmd is broken
- #1534 /glist ban doesn't work
- #1536 ChatManager throws a NPE
- #1538 Registering empty command name
- #1545 /saconfig error
- #1546 /glist ban reason doesn't work
- #1568 FPlayer throws a NPE
- #1627 /mobspawn can crash players
Electrum pre-release 1
Note: This is a pre-release. Many features might be unstable or non-functional. No support is provided for pre-releases.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Spigot 1.9. For information about obtaining Spigot 1.9, please see this page.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Java Runtime Environment 7 (JRE 7). Make sure you have at least JRE version 7 or higher installed.
Note: You will have to regenerate your configuration file. The configuration file was revamped and a lot of keys were moved around.
TotalFreedomMod Electrum pre-release 1
Version 5.0
- Update to Minecraft 1.9 #767
- Revamped TotalFreedomMod internals #597
- Use instantiated objects, thus fixing a memory leak
- Removed UUID system, thus fixing many problems
- Use Aero for command handling and service management
- Rework banning system
- Rework admin system
- Rework rank system
- Mavenized project
- Fixed bugs with superadmin list
- Fixed bugs with muting
- Added /saconfig setrank
- Allow potion effects to be removed by the Entity Wiper
- Many other changes not mentioned here
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Spigot 1.8.3. For information about obtaining Spigot 1.8.3, please see this page.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Java Runtime Environment 7 (JRE 7). Make sure you have at least JRE version 7 or higher installed.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release is licensed under the TotalFreedom General License version 2.0. You can always view the license here.
A special thank-you to all whom have contributed to this release! Namely @Obi2, @ImALuckyGuy, @zD12, @ChargedCreeper and @xDestroyer217
Version 4.3 stable
- Add: Implement SuperAdmin service for WorldEdit 73ee1f3
- Add: Update WorldEdit API f4aa0c3
- Add: Blocked more commands in commandblocker #671
#615 - Add: Compile with Spigot 1.8.3 aacf37a
- Add: Added more announcements:
#516 916fd75 - Add: Compile with Java 7 1ed45b1
- Add: Prevent MCConnect IPs from being supered 87fd8a1
- Add: Switch DarthSalamon -> Prozza 7d67592
- Fix: Fix getIpBanList() returning UUID bans #570
- Fix: Display proper URL in /glist ban kick message 6849fb2
- Fix: Synchronize Bukkit API calls #524
- Fix: Ban IPs in /tban #499
- Fix: Fix forge clients not being able to log in #493
- Fix: Protectarea regions aren't kept on restart #438
- Fix: Mute command block check is case sensitive #312
- Fix: False positive plugin-specific command block #575
- Fix: CommandBlocker not working properly #642
- Fix: All admins show up as superadmin 887a5c6
0d1ce07 - Fix: Allow players to fly:
b18aeb2 - Fix: /uuid recalculate sets ranks improperly ff70f13
- Fix: Fix players TPing to illegal positions #651
- Fix: /saconfig clearme throwing exeptions #629
- Fix: Handle player online check in AsyncPlayerPreloginEvent #642
- Licensed under the TotalFreedom General License
Version 4.3 pre-release 1
- Add: Compile with Spigot 1.8 #378
- Add: Cache UUIDs through SQLite #373
- Add: Warn when NMS versions don't match #165
- Add: Tab colors #173
- Add: Ported MobArena features over to TFM #216
- Add: Remove partial name match for /saconfig add #322
- Add: Smite players with /stfu -s #325
- Add: Block commands:
- Add: Correct typos #336, #346, #377
- Add: ForceIP #349
- Add: Allow blocking of subcommands through CommandBlocker #357
- Add: Announcement system #226
- Add: Avoid /qop and /qdeop spamming #269
- Add: Implement HTTP log retrieval #238
- Add: Cache UUIDs at login #255
- Add: Block tags containing "console" #260
- Add: Block listed IPs from being supered #201
- Cleanup: /gadmin #245
- Cleanup: Removed most singleton patterns #181
- Fix: /toggle issues #193
- Fix: Players moving with compasses when frozen #198
- Fix: Can't remove adminworld guest #202
- Fix: UUID polling is unreliable #214
- Fix: Players are cached at startup, resulting in startup lag #223
- Fix: Jumppads can not be disabled #225
- Fix: /tfm reload is open to ops #227
- Fix: Permban URL doesn't display properly #228
- Fix: OPs can bypass bans #229
- Fix: Crash exploit #243
- Fix: /gadmin list doesn't work #245
- Fix: /tfm reload does not update blocked commands: #265
- Fix: IllegalArgumentException when setting player list names #262
- Fix: Disabled telnet admins can still use telnet #267
- Fix: GTFO broadcast isn't formatted #293
- Fix: /cake isn't working #295
- Fix: Issue with /rollback #296
- Fix: /size and //mask bypass the blocked command //brush #316
- Fix: Admins on a different account show up as OP #415
- Licensed under the TotalFreedom General License
v4.3 pre-release 1
Note: You will have to regenerate your configuration file. The configuration file was revamped and a lot of keys were moved around.
Note: This TotalFreedomMod release requires Spigot 1.8. For information about obtaining Spigot 1.8, please see this page.
A special thank-you to all whom have contributed to this release! Namely @Wild1145 and @WickedGamingUK
Version 4.3 pre-release 1
- Add: Compile with Spigot 1.8 #378
- Add: Cache UUIDs through SQLite #373
- Add: Warn when NMS versions don't match #165
- Add: Tab colors #173
- Add: Ported MobArena features over to TFM #216
- Add: Remove partial name match for /saconfig add #322
- Add: Smite players with /stfu -s #325
- Add: Block commands:
- Add: Correct typos #336, #346, #377
- Add: ForceIP #349
- Add: Allow blocking of subcommands through CommandBlocker #357
- Add: Announcement system #226
- Add: Avoid /qop and /qdeop spamming #269
- Add: Implement HTTP log retrieval #238
- Add: Cache UUIDs at login #255
- Add: Block tags containing "console" #260
- Add: Block listed IPs from being supered #201
- Cleanup: /gadmin #245
- Cleanup: Removed most singleton patterns #181
- Fix: /toggle issues #193
- Fix: Players moving with compasses when frozen #198
- Fix: Can't remove adminworld guest #202
- Fix: UUID polling is unreliable #214
- Fix: Players are cached at startup, resulting in startup lag #223
- Fix: Jumppads can not be disabled #225
- Fix: /tfm reload is open to ops #227
- Fix: Permban URL doesn't display properly #228
- Fix: OPs can bypass bans #229
- Fix: Crash exploit #243
- Fix: /gadmin list doesn't work #245
- Fix: /tfm reload does not update blocked commands: #265
- Fix: IllegalArgumentException when setting player list names #262
- Fix: Disabled telnet admins can still use telnet #267
- Fix: GTFO broadcast isn't formatted #293
- Fix: /cake isn't working #295
- Fix: Issue with /rollback #296
- Fix: /size and //mask bypass the blocked command //brush #316
- Fix: Admins on a different account show up as OP #415
- Licensed under the TotalFreedom General License
Note: You will have to regenerate your configuration file. The configuration file was revamped and a lot of keys were moved around.
Note: If you regenerated the configuration file with the v4.2 pre-release 1, you will have to regenerate it again, or convert it manually, see below.
Version 4.2
- Added customization for server owner(s), MOTD and (perm)ban URL.
- Changed /saconfig remove to /saconfig delete.
- Code cleanup.
- Licensed under the TotalFreedom General License
Version 4.2 pre-release 1
- Fixed bug: Unable to ban/unban/rollback offline players.
- Fixed bug: Duplicate admins in admin config.
- TFM now creates daily and weekly backups of certain config files.
- Revamped config.yml.
- Added /wipeuserdata.
- Added /tagnyan
- Added /saconfig clearme; Allows admins to clear their own IPs.
- Added tab colors and auto-prefix.
- Lots of tweaking and bug fixing.
- Licensed under the TotalFreedom General License
Converting your configuration file.
Note: This is only for converting your configuration file from v4.2 pre-release 1 to this release.
Please add the contents of this paste to your header of your config.yml file. You may now edit these settings to your liking.
v4.2 pre-release 1
Note: You will have to regenerate your configuration file. The configuration file was revamped and a lot of keys were moved around.
Version 4.2 pre-release 1
- Fix: Unable to ban/unban/rollback offline players.
- Fix: Duplicate admins in admin config.
- Add: Daily and weekly backups of certain config files.
- Cleaup: config.yml.
- Add: /wipeuserdata.
- Add: /tagnyan
- Add: /saconfig clear; Allows admins to clear their own IPs.
- Add: tab colors and auto-prefix.
- Lots of tweaking and bug fixing.
- Licensed under the TotalFreedom General License