- ROS Kinetic
- ETH RotorS
- ethzasl_msf
- rotors_simulator_demos
See more detailed installation instructions in install.md.
- Launch RotorS msf with Gazebo, Rviz, spline planner and ground truth gates:
$ roslaunch drone_race_common rotors_rviz_spline_gt.launch
- Launch Gazebo with test track, and RotorS plugins:
- With vi camera
$ roslaunch gazebo_assets_drone_race test_rotors_msf_camera.launch
- Or without camera (faster):
$ roslaunch gazebo_assets_drone_race rotors_msf_test_track.launch
- Run waypoint controller to control the drone:
- Waypoint controller:
$ rosrun waypoint_controller control_node.py _target_exit_speed:=1
- Or spline planner:
$ rosrun spline_planner planner.py
- Run ground truth and visualizations:
$ rosrun drone_map_builder gt_gates_publisher_node.py
$ rosrun drone_map_builder gt_ego_position.py
- Run RVIZ
$ rviz -d $(rospack find drone_map_builder)/configs/default.rviz
$ rosrun rotors_gazebo waypoint_publisher 0 0 1 180 0 __ns:=firefly