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Releases: VeloSteve/Coral-Model-V12

For Journal Resubmission March 2021

26 Mar 17:44
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Further reviewer feedback led to some adjustments in growth curves in order to reduce unrealistic cold water bleaching without major changes to coral cover or warm water bleaching. There are are also some improvements to figure output and minor adjustments.

Please see for general instructions, and feel free to contact us if you have questions.

For journal resubmission July 2020

11 Aug 21:43
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In response to reviewer feedback on the associated paper we updated most of the figures and tables, usually for consistency and readability. This version includes adjusted figure generation scripts. One comment led us to find an error in the symbiont growth curve in the model itself, which is now corrected.
This version also includes changes already in place which streamline the psw2 normalization process so that normalizing for different cases requires less user intervention. The results are now stored in a large array indexed by the parameters which define each case, so that the correct values can be looked up directly. In the past, logic had to be updated whenever new cases were defined.

For journal submission April 2020

15 Apr 05:16
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Minor changes to the README file should make it easier to have a successful first run.

Model for Global Symbiont Paper at journal submission

03 Feb 19:01
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An improved README and remove of some obsolete code should make this version easier to get started with than v0.12.3.

Model for Global Symbiont Paper at first journal submission

28 Jan 22:49
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This is the code exactly as it was when producing the data and figures submitted for publication in January 2020.

This is research code. You are welcome to extend it with appropriate credit, but it is not in a final user-friendly state.

Model for the Journal of Open Research Software

14 Apr 03:33
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This release is a somewhat cleaned-up version of the software used for a research paper to be published soon. The calculations are identical. Changes include removal of commented code and unused functions, and the addition of how-to-run instructions in

Model for global symbiont paper - round 1

06 Oct 23:41
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This release captures the code as it was when a major draft of the global symbiont paper was sent to co-authors in September 2018. This is not a cleaned-up version of the code. It has all the last-minute changes and figure generation tweaks made during the process of getting that draft out.

The goal is to preserve a record in the form of a "release", and immediately move on to cleaning up the code before documenting it in detail.

The middle "12" in the version number corresponds to the versions used until now as repository names. Starting now, the repository name should be stable, other than perhaps renaming to remove the number.