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Filter Connection

frikilax edited this page Jun 5, 2020 · 6 revisions

Connection filter


Detect new connection from received data

--data--> |connection filter| --check if exist--> |redis|

If doesn't exist : |connection filter| --add data--> |redis|

Filter Code



no special dependencies

Darwin configuration

Example of darwin configuration for this filter :

    "connection_1": {
        "exec_path": "/path/to/darwin/build/darwin_connection",
        "output": "LOG",
        "next_filter": "",
        "nb_thread": 1,
        "log_level": "DEBUG",
        "cache_size": 0

Config file

  • redis_socket_path : the redis' socket path
  • redis_expire (optional) : if set, will expire a given data after n seconds
  • init_data_path (optional) : in case you want to add initial data, the file must be formatted like that:

See body section to see exactly which data is expected

  • alert_redis_list_name (optional) : the key under which the filter will stock the raised alerts in the redis
  • alert_redis_channel_name (optional) : the redis channel in which the raised alerts will be publish
  • log_file_path (optional) : the path in which the filter will write it's results


  "redis_socket_path": "/var/sockets/redis/redis.sock",
  "init_data_path": "/path/to/init_data_file.txt",
  "redis_expire": 300,
  "alert_redis_list_name": "darwin_alerts",
  "alert_redis_channel_name": "darwin.alerts",
  "log_file_path": "/var/log/darwin/alerts.log"


  • Where ip_proto need to represent either udp (6), tcp (17), icmp(1). If it's icmp, no need for the field net_dst_port.


Here is an example of a body:

       ["", "", "2831", "6"],
       ["", "", "1375", "6"],
       ["", "", "2584", "6"],
       ["", "", "2802", "6"],
       ["", "", "1669", "17"],
       ["", "", "1"],


Certitude can either be 100 if you have a new connection, or else 0.

If the LOG output is precised in the darwin configuration, the body send by the filter will be for example :

    "evt_id": "<header's_evt_id>",
    "time": "<ISO8601>",
    "filter": "connection",
    "connection" : ";;1",
    "certitude": 0

Configuration with Rsyslog

Modules necessary

To work alongside this filter, Rsyslog must be used with those compiled modules:

  • impcap
  • mmdarwin


The Impcap module is a network sniffing module, it will recover information and data from packets on the network. Please go to its corresponding wiki to get full documentation on how to configure it.


The Mmdarwin module comes after Impcap, and handles the transmission of data to darwin, the configuration of Mmdarwin in the rsyslog configuration file should be:

action(type="mmdarwin" socketpath="/path/to/darwin/sockets/connection_1.sock" fields=["!impcap!net_src_ip", "!impcap!net_dst_ip", "!ipmcap!net_dst_port", "!impcap!IP_proto"] key="CONNECTION" filtercode="0x636E7370")

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