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Filter Yara

Hugo Soszynski edited this page Jul 17, 2020 · 5 revisions



runs a yara scan on provided data (only in-memory scanning).

This filter allows to scan data provided as input with yara, it is fully compliant with yara rules (even if some parameters are incompatible, such as file-related keywords).

It can scan data passed as-is, or decode hex- or base64-encoded chunks to perform scan.

Filter Code




  • yara developpement package >= 3.11.0
  • openssl/libssl developpment files >= 1.1


  • yara library >= 3.11.0 (if filter was linked dynamically)
  • openssl/libssl >= 1.1

Darwin configuration

Example of darwin configuration for this filter :

    "yara_1": {
        "exec_path": "/path/to/darwin/filters/darwin_yara",
        "output": "NONE",
        "next_filter": "",
        "nb_thread": 1,
        "log_level": "WARNING",
        "cache_size": 0

Config file

  • fastmode (optional) [bool] : search only the first occurence of a pattern
  • timeout (optional) [int, default 0] : return from scan if not finished avec x seconds (0 means no timeout)
  • rule_file_list [string list] : a list of fullpaths to the yara rulefile(s) to use during rules compilation
  • redis_socket_path (optional) : the redis in which the filter will stock the data
  • alert_redis_list_name (optional) : the key under which the filter will stock the raised alerts in the redis
  • alert_redis_channel_name (optional) : the redis channel in which the raised alerts will be publish
  • log_file_path (optional) : the path in which the filter will write raised alerts


    "fastmode": true,
    "timeout": 3,
    "rule_file_list": [
    "redis_socket_path": "/var/sockets/redis/redis.sock",
    "alert_redis_list_name": "darwin_alerts",
    "alert_redis_channel_name": "darwin.alerts",
    "log_file_path": "/var/log/darwin/alerts.log"

Refer to the yara documentation for writing yara rules.


There are 2 possibilities when sending data to the fyara filter:

sending a raw string

   [<entry>], [..] 

Where <entry> is the string to scan.

sending an encoded string

   [<entry>, <encoding>], [..] 

Where <entry> is the string to scan and <encoding> either hex or base64 (case-insensitive).


Here is an example of a raw body:

   ["this is a string with \"quotes\" to match"], ["X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*"] 

And here is an example of an encoded body:

   ["48656c6c6f205468657265", "hex"], ["R2VuZXJhbCBLZW5vYmkh", "BASE64] 


Sends back either 0 or 100 as certitude, if the entry matched a rule or not. A score equal to 0 should mean the entry sent did not match any rule. A value of 101 means something went wrong during parsing or scanning, please check darwin.log to get more information.

The raised alert will be in the following JSON format:

  "evt_id": "<uuid>",
  "time": "<ISO8601>",
  "filter": "yara",
  "entry": "<entry>",
  "certitude": <certitude>,
  "yara": [{
    "rule": "<rule name>",
    "tags": ["<tag1>", "<tag2>",...]

WARNING due to current caching limitations, the yara object in raised alert won't be present in alert if cache is activated and entry was already scanned (cache hit)!

Alert Details

"details": {
    "rules": ["<yara_rule>", "<yara_rule>", ...]
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