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Added plot_kconv method to VpqRobot (#316)
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* sync with abipy/develop

* some beautification for plot_scf_cycle in vpq

* staged some work on the VPQ robot

* staged some work on the VPQ robot: erange filter convergence

* cosmetic adjustments to erange convergence

* added VpqRobot method to plot convergence wrt supercell size
  • Loading branch information
ezhique authored Feb 27, 2025
1 parent f498ce1 commit 0a49bd0
Showing 1 changed file with 144 additions and 133 deletions.
277 changes: 144 additions & 133 deletions abipy/eph/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -169,13 +169,10 @@ def params(self) -> dict:
e_frohl = r.read_variable("e_frohl")[:] # in Ha

d = dict(
avg_g = bool(avg_g),
e_frohl = e_frohl * abu.Ha_eV,
inv_k = 1. / np.cbrt(nkbz),
invsc_linsize = 1. / np.cbrt(nkbz * self.structure.lattice.volume),

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1185,14 +1182,16 @@ def get_final_results_df(self, spin: int = None, sortby: str = None, with_params

return df

def plot_erange_conv(self, ax_mat=None, spin: int = 0, pstate: int = 0,
**kwargs) -> List(Figure):
def plot_erange_conv(self, spin: int = 0, pstate: int = 0, **kwargs) -> list[Figure]:
Plot the convergence of the results wrt to the value of erange.
fontsize: fontsize for legends and titles
spin (int, optional): Spin index. Defaults to 0.
pstate (int, optional): Index of a polaronic state. Defaults to 0.
**kwargs: Additional arguemtns for plottins functions.
list: A list of figure objects.

df = self.get_final_results_df(spin)
Expand All @@ -1202,150 +1201,162 @@ def plot_erange_conv(self, ax_mat=None, spin: int = 0, pstate: int = 0,
if df.empty:
raise RuntimeError("No entries with energy filtering.")

# Check if df contains information about multuple systems, polarons, etc
systems = set(df["formula"])
spgroups = set(df["spgroup"])
polarons = set(df["polaron"])

# For each system, spgroup and polaron type, we will plot convergence at a fixed ngkpt
# Entries with single filtering value for a fixed ngkpt are skipped

# count number of plots
entries = {}
for sys in systems:
for spg in spgroups:
for pol in polarons:
filtered_df = df[(df["formula"] == sys) &
(df["spgroup"] == spg) &
(df["polaron"] == pol)]
entry_keys = (sys, spg, pol)

for scell in set(filtered_df["ngkpt"]):

count = (df["ngkpt"] == scell).sum()
# only if we ecnounter multiple entries for single scell (for convergence)
if count > 1:
if entry_keys in entries:
entries[entry_keys] = [scell]

if not entries:
raise RuntimeError("Not enough data for convergence with energy filteing.")

# For each entry, plot convergence wrt erange for each ngkpt
fig_list = []
for system_keys, scell_list in entries.items():
grouped_entries = df.groupby(["formula", "spgroup", "polaron", "ngkpt"])

formula, spg, pol = system_keys
# here we iterate over each polaronic group & generate separate figures
for (formula, spg, pol, ngkpt), group in grouped_entries:

entry_df = df[(df["formula"] == formula) &
(df["spgroup"] == spg) &
(df["polaron"] == pol)]
# check if we have enough filtering values for convergence
if group["filter_value"].nunique() == 1:

nrows, ncols = len(scell_list), 2
group = group.sort_values("filter_value")
nrows, ncols = 2, 2
ax_mat, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols,
sharex=True, sharey=False, squeeze=False)

for iax, scell in enumerate(scell_list):
scell_df = entry_df[entry_df["ngkpt"] == scell]

frohich_correction = [True, False]

for avg_g in frohich_correction:
_df = scell_df[scell_df["avg_g"] == avg_g].sort_values("filter_value")

if _df.empty:

epol = _df["E_pol"].to_numpy()
eps = _df["epsilon"].to_numpy()
filter = _df["filter_value"].to_numpy()
for avg_g in [True, False]:
_df = group[group["avg_g"] == avg_g]
if _df.empty:

filter_values = _df["filter_value"].to_numpy()
epol = _df["E_pol"].to_numpy()
eps = _df["epsilon"].to_numpy()
frohlich_label = " + LR" if avg_g else ""

# Convergence
ax_mat[0,0].plot(filter_values, epol, 's-', label=r'$E_{pol}$' + frohlich_label,
ax_mat[1,0].plot(filter_values, eps, 's-', label=r"$\varepsilon$" + frohlich_label,

# Relative error
ax_mat[0,1].plot(filter_values[:-1], np.abs((epol - epol[-1])/epol[-1])[:-1], 's-',
label=r'$E_{pol}$' + frohlich_label, **kwargs)
ax_mat[1,1].plot(filter_values[:-1], np.abs((eps - eps[-1])/eps[-1])[:-1], 's-',
label=r"$\varepsilon$" + frohlich_label, **kwargs)

for i, ax_row in enumerate(ax_mat):
ax_row[1].set_ylabel("Relative error (-)")
ax_row[0].set_ylabel("Energy (eV)")

for j in range(ncols):
ax_mat[1, j].set_xlabel("Filter value (eV)")
ax_mat[0, j].set_title("Binding energy")
ax_mat[1, j].set_title("Polaron eigenvalue")

for ax in np.ravel(ax_mat):

frohlich_label = " + LR correction" if avg_g else ""
fig.suptitle(f"{formula}, space group {spg}, {pol} polaron, k-mesh: {'x'.join(map(str, ngkpt))}")

# Convergence
ax_mat[iax,0].plot(filter, epol, 's-', **kwargs)
ax_mat[iax,0].plot(filter, eps, 's-', **kwargs)

# Relative error
ax_mat[iax,1].plot(filter[:-1], np.abs((epol - epol[-1])/epol[-1])[:-1]*100, 's-',
label=r'$E_{pol}$' + frohlich_label, **kwargs)
ax_mat[iax,1].plot(filter[:-1], np.abs((eps - eps[-1])/eps[-1])[:-1]*100, 's-',
label=r"$\varepsilon$" + frohlich_label, **kwargs)
if not fig_list:
print("plot_erange_conv: not enough data fro convergence wrt erange")

ax_mat[iax,0].set_ylabel("Energy (eV)")
ax_mat[iax,1].set_ylabel("Relative error (%)")
return fig_list

ax_mat[iax,1].legend(title=f"k-mesh = {scell}")

for icol in range(ncols):
def plot_kconv(self, nfit: int = 3, spin: int = 0, pstate: int = 0, convby: str = "invsc_linsize",
add_lr: bool = False, **kwargs) -> list[Figure]:
Plot the convergence of the results with respect to k-point sampling.
nfit (int, optional): Number of points used in linear extrapolation. Defaults to 3.
spin (int, optional): Spin index. Defaults to 0.
pstate (int, optional): Index of a polaronic state. Defaults to 0.
convby (str, optional): Convergence parameter.
Possible values are:
- `"invsc_linsize"`: Inverse linear size of a supercell (inverse Angstrom).
- `"inv_k"`: Inverse linear size of a k-grid (arbitrary units).
Defaults to `"invsc_linsize"`.
add_lr (bool, optional): Specifies if LR correction should be added a-posteriori.
Relevant when LR correction to the matrix elements is not used. Defaults to False.
**kwargs: Additional arguments for plotting functions.
list[Figure]: A list of figure objects.

ax_mat[0,0].set_title("Energy convergence")
ax_mat[0,1].set_title("Relative error")
for icol in range(ncols):
ax_mat[nrows-1,icol].set_xlabel("Filter value (eV)")
if convby not in {"invsc_linsize", "inv_k"}:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid convby value '{convby}'. Choose 'invsc_linsize' or 'inv_k'.")

title = f"{formula}, space group {spg}, {pol} polaron"
df = self.get_final_results_df(spin)
fig_list = []
grouped_entries = df.groupby(["formula", "spgroup", "polaron"])

# Iterate over each polaronic group and generate figures
for (formula, spg, pol), group in grouped_entries:
ax_mat, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True, sharey=False, squeeze=False)
sub_entries = group.groupby(["filter_value", "avg_g"])

for (filter_value, avg_g), subgroup in sub_entries:
if subgroup.empty:

# Sort values for consistent plotting
subgroup = subgroup.sort_values("invsc_linsize")
params = subgroup[convby].to_numpy()
e_pol = subgroup["E_pol"].to_numpy()
eps = subgroup["epsilon"].to_numpy()
frohlich_label = "+ LR" if avg_g else ""
filter_label = f"filter {filter_value:.2f} eV," if filter_value > 0 else ""

# Apply LR correction if needed
if not avg_g and add_lr:
eps_sign = -1 if pol == "hole" else 1
e_frohl = subgroup["E_pol"].to_numpy()
e_pol += e_frohl
eps += e_frohl * eps_sign

# Compute extrapolation lines
local_nfit = min(nfit, len(params))
epol_extr_line = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(params[:local_nfit], e_pol[:local_nfit], 1))
eps_extr_line = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(params[:local_nfit], eps[:local_nfit], 1))
xrange = np.linspace(0, np.max(params[:local_nfit]))

# Plot energy data & extrapolation
line1, = ax_mat[0, 0].plot(params, e_pol, 'o', **kwargs)
ax_mat[0, 0].plot(xrange, epol_extr_line(xrange), '--', color=line1.get_color(),
label=rf'{filter_label} $E_{{pol}}$ {frohlich_label}: {epol_extr_line(0):.3f} eV')

line2, = ax_mat[1, 0].plot(params, eps, 'o', **kwargs)
ax_mat[1, 0].plot(xrange, eps_extr_line(xrange), '--', color=line2.get_color(),
label=rf'{filter_label} $\varepsilon$ {frohlich_label}: {eps_extr_line(0):.3f} eV')

# Set axis labels and formatting
xlabel_map = {
"invsc_linsize": r"$V_\mathrm{supercell}^{-1/3}$ ($\AA^{-1}$)",
"inv_k": r"$N_p^{-1/3}$ (-)"
ax_mat[1, 0].set_xlabel(xlabel_map[convby])

ax_mat[0, 0].set_title("Binding Energy")
ax_mat[1, 0].set_title("Polaron Eigenvalue")

for ax in ax_mat.ravel():
ax.set_ylabel("Energy (eV)")
ax.axhline(0, color='k', linestyle='-')
ax.axvline(0, color='k', linestyle='-')

# Set figure title and layout
fig.suptitle(f"{formula}, space group {spg}, {pol} polaron")


return fig_list

# fig = self.plot_convergence(self, item: Union[str, Callable],
# sortby=None, hue=None, abs_conv=None,
# ax=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs)
# return fig

#def plot_kconv(self, colormap="jet", fontsize=12, **kwargs) -> Figure:
# """
# Plot the convergence of the results wrt to the k-point sampling.

# Args:
# colormap: matplotlib color map.
# fontsize: fontsize for legends and titles
# """
# nsppol = self.getattr_alleq("nsppol")

# # Build grid of plots.
# nrows, ncols = len(_ALL_ENTRIES), nsppol
# ax_mat, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols,
# sharex=True, sharey=False, squeeze=False)
# cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap)
# for spin in range(nsppol):
# df = self.get_final_results_df(spin=spin, sortby=None)
# xs = df["invsc_size"]
# xvals = np.linspace(0.0, 1.1 * xs.max(), 100)

# for ix, ylabel in enumerate(_ALL_ENTRIES):
# ax = ax_mat[ix, spin]
# ys = df[ylabel]

# # Plot ab-initio points.
# ax.scatter(xs, ys, color="red", marker="o")

# # Plot fit using the first nn points.
# for nn in range(1, len(xs)):
# color = cmap((nn - 1) / len(xs))
# p = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(xs[:nn+1], ys[:nn+1], deg=1))
# ax.plot(xvals, p(xvals), color=color, ls="--")

# xlabel = "Inverse supercell size (Bohr$^-1$)" if ix == len(_ALL_ENTRIES) - 1 else None
# set_grid_legend(ax, fontsize, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=f"{ylabel} (eV)", legend=False)
# ax.tick_params(axis='x', color='black', labelsize='20', pad=5, length=5, width=2)

# return fig

def yield_figs(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover
This function *generates* a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user.
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