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affeldt-aist committed Oct 4, 2024
1 parent b59add2 commit cc2e53e
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Showing 4 changed files with 113 additions and 88 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions information_theory/shannon_fano.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,10 +74,10 @@ apply ler_sum => i _.
rewrite H.
have Pi0 : 0 < P i by rewrite lt0r Pr0/=.
apply (@le_trans _ _ (Exp #|T|%:R (- Log #|T|%:R (P i)^-1))); last first.
by rewrite LogV// opprK LogK // card_ord natn.
by rewrite LogV// opprK natn LogK// card_ord.
rewrite pow_Exp; last by rewrite card_ord.
rewrite Exp_oppr lef_pV2// ?posrE ?Exp_gt0//.
rewrite !card_ord natn Exp_le_increasing//.
rewrite Exp_oppr card_ord lef_pV2// ?posrE ?Exp_gt0//.
rewrite Exp_le_increasing// ?ltr1n//.
rewrite (le_trans (mathcomp_extra.ceil_ge _))//.
by rewrite natr_absz// ler_int ler_norm.
Expand Down
142 changes: 73 additions & 69 deletions information_theory/typ_seq.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
(* infotheo: information theory and error-correcting codes in Coq *)
(* Copyright (C) 2020 infotheo authors, license: LGPL-2.1-or-later *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum matrix.
Require Import Reals Lra.
From mathcomp Require Import Rstruct.
Require Import ssrR Reals_ext realType_ext logb.
From mathcomp Require Import Rstruct reals lra exp.
Require Import ssr_ext realType_ext realType_logb.
Require Import fdist proba entropy aep.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,19 +34,19 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.

Local Open Scope R_scope.
Local Open Scope fdist_scope.
Local Open Scope proba_scope.
Local Open Scope entropy_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory.

Section typical_sequence_definition.

Variables (A : finType) (P : {fdist A}) (n : nat) (epsilon : R).
Variables (A : finType) (P : {fdist A}) (n : nat) (epsilon : Rdefinitions.R).

Definition typ_seq (t : 'rV[A]_n) :=
(exp2 (- n%:R * (`H P + epsilon)) <= P `^ n t <= exp2 (- n%:R * (`H P - epsilon)))%mcR.
(2 `^ (- n%:R * (`H P + epsilon)) <= (P `^ n)%fdist t <= 2 `^ (- n%:R * (`H P - epsilon)))%R.

Definition set_typ_seq := [set ta | typ_seq ta].

Expand All @@ -57,107 +56,112 @@ Notation "'`TS'" := (set_typ_seq) : typ_seq_scope.

Local Open Scope typ_seq_scope.

Lemma set_typ_seq_incl (A : finType) (P : {fdist A}) n epsilon : 0 <= epsilon -> forall r, 1 <= r ->
Lemma set_typ_seq_incl (A : finType) (P : {fdist A}) n epsilon : 0 <= epsilon ->
`TS P n (epsilon / 3) \subset `TS P n epsilon.
move=> e0 r r1.
move=> e0.
apply/subsetP => /= x.
rewrite !inE /typ_seq => /andP[/RleP H2 /RleP H3] [:Htmp].
apply/andP; split; apply/RleP.
- apply/(leR_trans _ H2)/Exp_le_increasing => //.
rewrite !mulNR leR_oppr oppRK; apply leR_wpmul2l; first exact/leR0n.
rewrite !inE /typ_seq => /andP[H2 H3] [:Htmp].
apply/andP; split.
- apply/(le_trans _ H2).
rewrite ler_powR ?ler1n// !mulNr lerNr opprK; apply ler_wpM2l => //.
rewrite lerD2l//.
abstract: Htmp.
rewrite leR_pdivr_mulr; [apply leR_pmulr => //|]; lra.
- apply/(leR_trans H3)/Exp_le_increasing => //.
rewrite !mulNR leR_oppr oppRK; apply leR_wpmul2l; first exact/leR0n.
apply leR_add2l; rewrite leR_oppr oppRK; exact Htmp.
by rewrite ler_pdivr_mulr// ler_peMr//; lra.
- apply/(le_trans H3); rewrite ler_powR// ?ler1n//.
rewrite !mulNr lerNr opprK; apply ler_wpM2l => //.
by rewrite lerD2l lerNr opprK; exact Htmp.

Section typ_seq_prop.

Variables (A : finType) (P : {fdist A}) (epsilon : R) (n : nat).
Variables (A : finType) (P : {fdist A}) (epsilon : Rdefinitions.R) (n : nat).

Lemma TS_sup : #| `TS P n epsilon |%:R <= exp2 (n%:R * (`H P + epsilon)).
Lemma TS_sup : #| `TS P n epsilon |%:R <= 2 `^ (n%:R * (`H P + epsilon)).
suff Htmp : #| `TS P n epsilon |%:R * exp2 (- n%:R * (`H P + epsilon)) <= 1.
by rewrite -(mulR1 (exp2 _)) mulRC -leR_pdivr_mulr // /Rdiv -exp2_Ropp -mulNR.
rewrite (_ : 1 = 1%mcR)// -(FDist.f1 (P `^ n)).
rewrite (_ : _ * _ = \sum_(x in `TS P n epsilon) (exp2 (- n%:R * (`H P + epsilon)))); last first.
by rewrite big_const iter_addR.
by apply/leR_sumRl => //= i; rewrite inE; case/andP => /RleP.
suff Htmp : #| `TS P n epsilon |%:R * 2 `^ (- n%:R * (`H P + epsilon)) <= 1.
by rewrite -(mulr1 (2 `^ _)) mulrC -ler_pdivrMr // ?powR_gt0// -powRN// -mulNr.
rewrite -[leRHS](FDist.f1 (P `^ n)%fdist).
rewrite (_ : _ * _ = \sum_(x in `TS P n epsilon) (2 `^ (- n%:R * (`H P + epsilon)))); last first.
by rewrite big_const iter_addr addr0 mulr_natl.
by apply: leR_sumRl => //= i; rewrite inE; case/andP.

Lemma typ_seq_definition_equiv x : x \in `TS P n epsilon ->
exp2 (- n%:R * (`H P + epsilon)) <= P `^ n x <= exp2 (- n%:R * (`H P - epsilon)).
Proof. by rewrite inE /typ_seq => /andP[? ?]; split; apply/RleP. Qed.
2 `^ (- n%:R * (`H P + epsilon)) <= (P `^ n)%fdist x <= 2 `^ (- n%:R * (`H P - epsilon)).
Proof. by rewrite inE /typ_seq => /andP[? ?]; apply/andP; split. Qed.

Lemma typ_seq_definition_equiv2 x : x \in `TS P n.+1 epsilon ->
`H P - epsilon <= - (1 / n.+1%:R) * log (P `^ n.+1 x) <= `H P + epsilon.
`H P - epsilon <= - n.+1%:R^-1 * log ((P `^ n.+1)%fdist x) <= `H P + epsilon.
rewrite inE /typ_seq.
case/andP => H1 H2; split;
apply/RleP; rewrite -(@ler_pM2r _ n.+1%:R) ?ltr0n//.
- rewrite div1R -[in leRHS]RmultE mulRAC mulNR INRE mulVR; last first.
by rewrite mulrn_eq0/= oner_eq0.
rewrite mulN1R; apply/RleP.
rewrite leR_oppr.
apply/(@Exp_le_inv 2) => //.
rewrite LogK //; last by apply/(ltR_leR_trans (exp2_gt0 _)); apply/RleP: H1.
rewrite mulrC -mulNR -INRE.
- rewrite div1R -[in leLHS]RmultE mulRAC mulNR INRE mulVR; last first.
by rewrite mulrn_eq0/= oner_eq0.
rewrite mulN1R; apply/RleP.
rewrite leR_oppl.
apply/(@Exp_le_inv 2) => //.
rewrite LogK //; last by apply/(ltR_leR_trans (exp2_gt0 _)); apply/RleP: H1.
rewrite mulrC -mulNR -INRE.
case/andP => H1 H2; apply/andP; split;
rewrite -(@ler_pM2r _ n.+1%:R) ?ltr0n//.
- rewrite mulrAC mulNr mulVf; last by rewrite pnatr_eq0.
rewrite mulN1r.
rewrite lerNr.
rewrite -ler_log ?posrE// in H2; last 2 first.
by rewrite (lt_le_trans _ H1)// Exp_gt0//.
by rewrite Exp_gt0.
by rewrite mulNr powRN logV ?Exp_gt0// log_powR log2 mulr1 mulrC in H2.
- rewrite mulrAC mulNr mulVf; last by rewrite pnatr_eq0.
have := FDist.ge0 ((P `^ n.+1)%fdist) x; rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[H3|H3].
have : 0 < 2 `^ (1 *- n.+1 * (`H P + epsilon)).
by rewrite Exp_gt0//.
rewrite -H3 in H1.
by rewrite ltNge H1.
rewrite mulN1r.
rewrite lerNl.
rewrite -ler_log ?posrE// in H1; last first.
by rewrite Exp_gt0.
by rewrite mulNr powRN logV ?Exp_gt0// log_powR log2 mulr1 mulrC in H1.

End typ_seq_prop.

Section typ_seq_more_prop.

Variables (A : finType) (P : {fdist A}) (epsilon : R) (n : nat).
Variables (A : finType) (P : {fdist A}) (epsilon : Rdefinitions.R) (n : nat).

Hypothesis He : 0 < epsilon.

Lemma Pr_TS_1 : aep_bound P epsilon <= n.+1%:R ->
1 - epsilon <= Pr (P `^ n.+1) (`TS P n.+1 epsilon).
1 - epsilon <= Pr (P `^ n.+1)%fdist (`TS P n.+1 epsilon).
move=> k0_k.
have -> : Pr P `^ n.+1 (`TS P n.+1 epsilon) =
Pr P `^ n.+1 [set i | (i \in `TS P n.+1 epsilon) && (0 < P `^ n.+1 i)%mcR].
have -> : Pr (P `^ n.+1)%fdist (`TS P n.+1 epsilon) =
Pr (P `^ n.+1)%fdist [set i | (i \in `TS P n.+1 epsilon) && (0 < (P `^ n.+1)%fdist i)%mcR].
congr Pr; apply/setP => /= t; rewrite !inE.
apply/idP/andP => [H|]; [split => // | by case].
case/andP : H => /RleP H _; exact/RltP/(ltR_leR_trans (exp2_gt0 _) H).
case/andP : H => H _; apply/(lt_le_trans _ H).
by rewrite Exp_gt0//.
set p := [set _ | _].
rewrite Pr_to_cplt leR_add2l leR_oppl oppRK.
have -> : Pr P `^ n.+1 (~: p) =
Pr P `^ n.+1 [set x | P `^ n.+1 x == 0] +
Pr P `^ n.+1 [set x | (0 < P `^ n.+1 x)%mcR &&
(`| - (1 / n.+1%:R) * log (P `^ n.+1 x) - `H P | > epsilon)%mcR].
rewrite Pr_to_cplt lerD2l lerNl opprK.
have -> : Pr (P `^ n.+1)%fdist (~: p) =
Pr (P `^ n.+1)%fdist [set x | (P `^ n.+1)%fdist x == 0] +
Pr (P `^ n.+1)%fdist [set x | (0 < (P `^ n.+1)%fdist x)%mcR &&
(`| - n.+1%:R^-1 * log ((P `^ n.+1)%fdist x) - `H P | > epsilon)%mcR].
have -> : ~: p =
[set x | P `^ n.+1 x == 0 ] :|:
[set x | (0 < P `^ n.+1 x)%mcR &&
(`| - (1 / n.+1%:R) * log (P `^ n.+1 x) - `H P | > epsilon)%mcR].
[set x | (P `^ n.+1)%fdist x == 0 ] :|:
[set x | (0 < (P `^ n.+1)%fdist x)%mcR &&
(`| - n.+1%:R^-1 * log ((P `^ n.+1)%fdist x) - `H P | > epsilon)%mcR].
apply/setP => /= i; rewrite !inE negb_and orbC.
apply/idP/idP => [/orP[/RltP|]|].
- move/RltP => H.
have {}H : P `^ n.+1 i = 0.
apply/idP/idP => [/orP[H|]|].
- have {}H : (P `^ n.+1)%fdist i = 0.
apply: contra H.
by have [+ _] := fdist_gt0 (P `^ n.+1) i.
by have [+ _] := fdist_gt0 (P `^ n.+1)%fdist i.
by rewrite H eqxx.
- rewrite /typ_seq negb_and => /orP[|] LHS.
+ have [//|H1] := eqVneq (P `^ n.+1 i) 0.
have {}H1 : 0 < P `^ n.+1 i by apply/RltP; rewrite lt0r H1/=.
apply/andP; split; first exact/RltP.
move/RleP: LHS => /ltRNge/(@Log_increasing 2 _ _ Rlt_1_2 H1).
rewrite /exp2 ExpK // mulRC mulRN -mulNR -ltR_pdivr_mulr; last exact/ltR0n.
+ have [//|H1] := eqVneq ((P `^ n.+1)%fdist i) 0.
have {}H1 : 0 < (P `^ n.+1)%fdist i by rewrite lt0r H1/=.
rewrite /= H1/=.
move: LHS; rewrite -ltNge => /log_increasing => /(_ H1).
rewrite log_powR mulNr log2 mulr1.
mulN1r. mulrC. mulrN -mulNr -ltr_pdivr_mulr.

; last exact/ltR0n.
rewrite /Rdiv mulRC ltR_oppr => /RltP; rewrite -ltrBrDl => LHS.
rewrite div1r// mulNr -RinvE ger0_norm// -INRE//.
by move/RltP : LHS; move/(ltR_trans He)/ltRW/RleP.
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/logb.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -414,3 +414,4 @@ rewrite big_cons LogM//; last first.
by apply/RltP/prodr_gt0 => a _; exact/RltP.
by rewrite [RHS]big_cons oppRD; congr (_ + _)%coqR.

52 changes: 36 additions & 16 deletions lib/realType_logb.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,38 +115,46 @@ End Log.
Section Exp.
Context {R : realType}.

Definition Exp (n : nat) (x : R) := expR (x * ln n%:R).
(* TODO: rm *)
Definition Exp (n : R) (x : R) := n `^ x.

Lemma pow_Exp (x : nat) n : (0 < x)%N -> x%:R ^+ n = Exp x n%:R.
Proof. by move=> x0; rewrite /Exp expRM_natl lnK// posrE ltr0n. Qed.
Lemma pow_Exp (x : R) n : (0 <= x) -> x ^+ n = Exp x n%:R.
Proof. by move=> x0; rewrite /Exp powR_mulrn. Qed.

Lemma LogK n x : (1 < n)%N -> 0 < x -> Exp n (Log n x) = x.
Lemma LogK n x : (1 < n)%N -> 0 < x -> Exp n%:R (Log n x) = x.
move=> n1 x0.
rewrite /Log /Exp prednK// 1?ltnW// -mulrA mulVf// ?mulr1 ?lnK//.
by rewrite gt_eqF// -ln1 ltr_ln// ?posrE// ?ltr1n// ltr0n ltnW.
rewrite /Exp /Log prednK// 1?ltnW//.
rewrite powRrM {1}/powR ifF; last first.
by apply/negbTE; rewrite powR_eq0 negb_and pnatr_eq0 gt_eqF// ltEnat/= ltnW.
rewrite ln_powR mulrCA mulVf//.
by rewrite mulr1 lnK ?posrE.
by rewrite gt_eqF// -ln1 ltr_ln ?posrE// ?ltr1n// ltr0n ltnW.

Lemma Exp_oppr n x : Exp n (- x) = (Exp n x)^-1.
Proof. by rewrite /Exp mulNr expRN. Qed.
Proof. by rewrite /Exp -powRN. Qed.

Lemma Exp_gt0 n x : 0 < Exp n x. Proof. by rewrite /Exp expR_gt0. Qed.
Lemma Exp_gt0 n x : 0 < n -> 0 < Exp n x. Proof. by move=> ?; rewrite /Exp powR_gt0. Qed.

Lemma Exp_ge0 n x : 0 <= Exp n x. Proof. exact/ltW/Exp_gt0. Qed.
Lemma Exp_ge0 n x : 0 <= Exp n x. Proof. by rewrite /Exp powR_ge0. Qed.

Lemma Exp_increasing n x y : (1 < n)%N -> x < y -> Exp n x < Exp n y.
Proof. by move=> ? ?; rewrite ltr_expR// ltr_pM2r// ln_gt0// ltr1n. Qed.
Lemma Exp_increasing n x y : 1 < n -> x < y -> Exp n x < Exp n y.
move=> n1 xy; rewrite /Exp /powR ifF; last first.
by apply/negbTE; rewrite gt_eqF// (lt_trans _ n1).
rewrite ifF//; last first.
by apply/negbTE; rewrite gt_eqF// (lt_trans _ n1).
by rewrite ltr_expR// ltr_pM2r// ln_gt0// ltr1n.

Lemma Exp_le_increasing n x y : (1 < n)%N -> x <= y -> Exp n x <= Exp n y.
Lemma Exp_le_increasing n x y : 1 < n -> x <= y -> Exp n x <= Exp n y.
move=> n1; rewrite /Exp le_eqVlt => /predU1P[->//|].
by move/Exp_increasing => x_y; exact/ltW/x_y.
by move=> n1 xy; rewrite /Exp ler_powR// ltW.

End Exp.

Hint Extern 0 (0 < Exp _ _) => solve [exact/Exp_gt0] : core.

Hint Extern 0 (0 <= Exp _ _) => solve [exact/Exp_ge0] : core.

Section log.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,6 +196,18 @@ move=> x0; rewrite logexp1E ler_wpM2r// ?invr_ge0//= ?(ltW (@ln2_gt0 _))//.

Lemma log_powR (a x : R) : log (a `^ x) = x * log a.
by rewrite /log /Log ln_powR// mulrA.

Lemma log_increasing (a b : R) : 0 < a -> a < b -> log a < log b.
move=> Ha a_b.
rewrite /log /Log prednK// ltr_pmul2r ?invr_gt0 ?ln2_gt0//.

Check warning on line 207 in lib/realType_logb.v

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / build (mathcomp/mathcomp:2.2.0-coq-8.18)

Notation ltr_pmul2r is deprecated since mathcomp 1.17.0.

Check warning on line 207 in lib/realType_logb.v

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / build (mathcomp/mathcomp:2.2.0-coq-8.18)

Notation ltr_pmul2r is deprecated since mathcomp 1.17.0.

Check warning on line 207 in lib/realType_logb.v

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / build (mathcomp/mathcomp:2.2.0-coq-8.18)

Notation ltr_pmul2r is deprecated since mathcomp 1.17.0.

Check warning on line 207 in lib/realType_logb.v

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / build (mathcomp/mathcomp:2.2.0-coq-8.19)

Notation ltr_pmul2r is deprecated since mathcomp 1.17.0.

Check warning on line 207 in lib/realType_logb.v

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / build (mathcomp/mathcomp:2.2.0-coq-8.19)

Notation ltr_pmul2r is deprecated since mathcomp 1.17.0.

Check warning on line 207 in lib/realType_logb.v

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / build (mathcomp/mathcomp:2.2.0-coq-8.19)

Notation ltr_pmul2r is deprecated since mathcomp 1.17.0.
by rewrite ltr_ln ?posrE// (lt_trans _ a_b).

End log.

Lemma log_prodr_sumr_mlog {R : realType} {A : finType} (f : A -> R) s :
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