- 🎓 Computer Science student at University of Victoria
- 💻 Junior Software Developer with a passion for automation
- 🐍 Python enthusiast who believes "Python is more than a language, it's a lifestyle"
- 🔧 Currently diving deep into C++ micro-optimization
- 🌟 Love turning complex problems into elegant solutions
- Python | C/C++ | SQL
- Linux | OpenVMS
- Docker | Cloud Services
- Multi-threaded/Async Development
- System Programming
- 3D Fluid Simulation Pygame+OpenGL - 3D simulation with interactive graphics using pygame and opengl.
- Alter - Fast Download-Manager with Python
- Crunch.py - Python implementation of Crunch Password List Generator
- Python-HTTP-server - HTTP server with concurrent request support
- Air-Quality-Analyzer-Module - A non-blocking air quality sampler using Waqi API
- PMan - UNIX Process Manager written in C
- System Programming
- Process Automation
- Performance Optimization
- Cloud Development
- Data Processing
- Based in BC, Canada
- Looking to collaborate on interesting Python and C++ projects
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/amir-e-2a1347118/
"Automating the world, one script at a time" 🤖