A Python package for monitoring and analyzing PM2.5 air quality data using the World Air Quality Index (WAQI) API. This tool allows you to collect real-time PM2.5 measurements from multiple monitoring stations within a specified geographical area.
- Real-time PM2.5 data collection from multiple stations
- Configurable sampling period and rate
- Concurrent data collection using thread pools
- Error handling and automatic retries
- Flexible logging levels
- Thread-safe operations
You can install the package directly from GitHub:
pip install git+https://github.com/amirrezaes/AirQuality.git
Or clone the repository and install locally:
git clone https://github.com/amirrezaes/AirQuality.git
cd AirQuality
pip install .
Here's a basic example of how to use the Air Quality Analyzer:
import time
from air_quality_analyzer.analyzer import CalculateAveragePM25
# Initialize the analyzer with geographical bounds
analyzer = CalculateAveragePM25(
latitude_1=35.6892, # Southern boundary
longitude_1=51.3890, # Western boundary
latitude_2=35.7272, # Northern boundary
longitude_2=51.4258, # Eastern boundary
sampling_period=5, # Duration in minutes
sampling_rate=1 # Samples per minute
# Set your WAQI API token
# Start sampling (non-blocking)
# Get average PM2.5 when done
while analyzer.sampling_status() != analyzer.DONE:
result = analyzer.avg_pm25_all_sites()
print(f"Average PM2.5: {result}")
# Stop sampling manually
Check sample_code.py and docfor more examples
The analyzer can be configured with several parameters:
: Duration of sampling in minutes (default: 5)sampling_rate
: Number of samples per minute (default: 1)thread_cnt
: Number of concurrent threads for data collection (default: 8)
You can also control logging verbosity:
analyzer.set_logger_level('info') # Options: 'info', 'error', 'critical'
You'll need a WAQI API token to use this package. You can get one by registering at WAQI API.
The analyzer can be in one of these states:
: Ready but not actively samplingRUNNING
: Currently collecting samplesDONE
: Sampling completed successfullyFAILED
: Sampling failed due to an errorSTOPPED
: Sampling was manually stopped
Two set of threading approaches used:
: was used to concurrently make requests and get station data. defult threads: 8threading.Timer
: To run sampleling processes on sampling intervals without blocking main thread.
To set up the development environment:
# Install development dependencies
pip install '.[test]'
# Run tests
pytest tests/test-air-quality.py
# or if you preffer unitest like me
python -m unittest tests\test-air-quality.py