Dr. Armin Töpfer, armintoepfer.com
This java command line application computes a consensus sequence with in-frame insertions and ambiguous nucleotide (wobbles) from ultra deep next-generation sequencing alignments. Provides a list of deletions.
If you use ConsensusFixer, please cite Töpfer A. https://github.com/cbg-ethz/consensusfixer
Please get the latest binary at releases.
- Calls consensus sequence with a minimal coverage
-mcc INT
- Integrates consensus sequence into given reference
-r ref.fasta
- Optionally insert dashes '-' instead of bases from the reference.
- Include insertions with a minimal coverage of
-mic INT
- Optionally, only include in-frame insertions
- Calls amibiguous bases (wobbles) if relative base abundance is above
-plurality DOUBLE
- Performs majority vote, respecting pluralityN,
- Calls N if relative gap abundance is above
-pluralityN DOUBLE
- Remove gaps if they are >= pluralityN,
- Add only the major insertion,
- Add all insertions with a distance of at least n bp
and-pis INT
- Low memory footprint, but only single core,
- Position-wise statistics about the alignment and a list of deletions,
Please open an issue on github
- JDK 7 (http://jdk7.java.net/)
java -jar ConsensusFixer.jar -i alignment.bam -r reference.fasta
-i INPUT : Alignment file in BAM format (required).
-r INPUT : Reference file in FASTA format (optional).
-o PATH : Path to the output directory (default: current directory).
-mcc INT : Minimal coverage to call consensus.
-mic INT : Minimal coverage to call insertion.
-plurality DOUBLE : Minimal relative position-wise base occurence to integrate into wobble (default: 0.05).
-pluralityN DOUBLE : Minimal relative position-wise gap occurence call N (default: 0.5).
-mi : Only the insertion with the maximum frequency greater than mic is incorporated.
-pi : Progressive insertion mode, respecting mic.
-pis INT : Window size for progressive insertion mode (default: 300).
-m : Majority vote respecting pluralityN first, otherwise allow wobbles.
-f : Only allow in frame insertions.
-d : Remove gaps if they are >= pluralityN.
-dash : Use '-' instead of bases from the reference.
-s : Single core mode with low memory footprint.
java -XX:NewRatio=9 -jar ConsensusFixer.jar
java -XX:NewRatio=9 -Xms2G -Xmx10G -jar ConsensusFixer.jar
java -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:NewRatio=9 -Xms2G -Xmx10G -jar ConsensusFixer.jar
java -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:NewRatio=9 -Xms2G -Xmx10G -jar ConsensusFixer.jar
Further help can be showed by running without additional parameters:
java -jar ConsensusFixer.jar
- Maven 3 (http://maven.apache.org/)
cd ConsensusFixer
mvn -DartifactId=samtools -DgroupId=net.sf -Dversion=1.9.6 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=src/main/resources/jars/sam-1.96.jar -DgeneratePom=false install:install-file
mvn clean package
java -jar ConsensusFixer/target/ConsensusFixer.jar
Armin Töpfer
armin.toepfer (at) gmail.com
- Armin Töpfer
- Nina A.H. Madsen
GNU GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0