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ziaix edited this page Aug 23, 2011 · 1 revision


Opencraft plans to support the use of 'vehicles' as entities. A placeable 'entity block' will allow normal blocks to be attached to it, but will not attach to the world itself. The group will be treated as a 'meta-chunk' that will have physics acting on it. These entities will not be strictly orientated like the rest of the world, but can be rotated freely on any axis.

Physics Item: Entity marker

Durability: Can only be destroyed if there are no blocks attached, then max durability.
Texture: 'Red box'
Shape: 1 * 1 * 1

A physics item the same size as a normal block. Defines an entity or meta-chunk, that allows physics forces to act on it. Normal blocks may be placed on it in the same way you would place them onto the world, though they will not be constrained into the normal world axis - the entity as a whole can rotate freely on every axis.

When a block is added or removed, the entities weight and collision mesh will be recalculated. Other forces acting on the entity (such as PC's and wings) should be taken into account. Lighter than air vehicles will float, ships that do not displace enough water to support themselves will sink. A ballast block type may allow limited change to a vehicles weight. Air and water density will be roughly worked out from the height (height above average sea height, or just y:0).

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