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dave-p edited this page Jul 21, 2024 · 20 revisions

The up-to-date version of this documentation is now on the Tvheadend website at

Functions to query the Electronic Program(me) Guide.


Query the EPG and optionally apply filters.

  • lang 3-letter ISO639 language code. If not supplied, the language configured for the user is entered; otherwise the system default.
  • mode If set to the string now then only events currently playing are listed.
  • title A (case-insensitive) string which must appear in the title to be listed.
  • fulltext If set to 1 then the title string must match exactly. Default is 0.
  • channel The channel to show events from, specified either by channel name or uuid. Must be an exact match to the data from channel/list, otherwise all channels are returned.
  • channelTag The (single) channel tag to show events from, specified either by name or uuid. Must be an exact match to the data from channeltag/list, otherwise all tags are returned.
  • durationMin Shortest event to be listed (seconds).
  • durationMax Longest event to be listed (seconds).
  • contentType Integer representing the genre to be listed - see epg/content_type/list.
  • filter A JSON object describing the filter(s) to be applied. See Grid Filters for the syntax. String filters can only be applied to the 'channelName', 'title', 'subtitle', 'summary', 'description' and 'extraText' fields.
  • sort The key to be sorted by. Default is to sort by 'start'.
  • dir If sort is specified, setting 'dir' to 'desc' reverses the sort order
  • start First record to be listed from the database, default is 0.
  • limit Number of records to list. Default is 50 - use a very large number to get all.
  • new If set to 1 then only events marked as 'new' will be included. Default is 0. The EPG source must identify 'new' events for this filter to work.
  • cat1, cat2, cat3 XMLTV provides more details of the event category than the OTA EPG, and these parameters can be used to filter by XMLTV category. See Channel-Category.

EPG sources differ in the information which they provide, and there are many more information items possible than are included in the example below. Any items which have no data available will be omitted.

   "totalCount" : 18575,
   "entries" : [
         "serieslinkUri" : "crid://",
         "serieslinkId" : 510179,
         "episodeId" : 510180,
         "episodeUri" : "crid://",
         "summary" : "Tony Robinson and the Team descend on the bleak landscape of Bodmin Moor to examine a Bronze Age village and a vast, ancient 300m-long stone structure.  [S]",
         "genre" : [
         "channelName" : "More 4",
         "title" : "Time Team",
         "start" : 1508760600,
         "subtitled" : 1,
         "channelUuid" : "e1b1de65605dc4e13bac6d4478e66a44",
         "eventId" : 510178,
         "nextEventId" : 510181,
         "widescreen" : 1,
         "stop" : 1508764500,
         "subtitle" : "Tony Robinson and the Team descend on the bleak landscape of Bodmin Moor to examine a Bronze Age village and a vast, ancient 300m-long stone structure.  [S]",
         "channelNumber" : "14",
         "ageRating" : 9,
         "ratingLabel" : "PG,
         "ratingLabelIcon" : "imagecache/37"
      }, ...

If the event is scheduled to be recorded, these extra items will appear:

      "dvrUuid": "f01433995f76d60f3b32d38fb18f541a",
      "dvrState": "scheduled",

Other possible values for dvrState are "recording", "completed", "completedError", "completedWarning" and "completedRerecord". The 'completed' values can only be present if the recording stopped before the scheduled stop time.


Lists alternative broadcasts of the same event.

  • eventId Identifier of the event, eg taken from epg/events/grid.
  • lang 3-letter ISO639 language code. If not supplied, the language configured for the user is entered; otherwise the system default.

The function looks for broadcasts having the same eventId, rather than using event CRIDs. It does not work on UK DVB-T.

This function does not work on TVH versions older than 4.2.4-5 or 4.3-589.


Lists broadcasts related to the given event.

  • eventId Identifier of the event, eg taken from epg/events/grid.
  • lang 3-letter ISO639 language code. If not supplied, the language configured for the user is entered; otherwise the system default.

The function looks for events having the same series link ID as the given event, ie part of the same series of broadcasts. It therefore relies on the EPG provider filling in these details.

Note that the series link ID is unique to an individual set of broadcasts; if the series is repeated on a different channel (or at a different time) the series link will be different.

This function does not work on TVH versions older than 4.2.4-5 or 4.3-589.

From version 4.3.1711, if the given event does not have a series link ID, events in the EPG having the same title are returned.


Lists details of specific event(s).

  • eventId Identifier of the event, or a JSON array of event Ids.

The common parameters which apply to other 'load' functions do not work here.

   "entries" : [
         "serieslinkId" : 261067,
         "channelUuid" : "e61af00ea8b71683b9a1f41515fa83d3",
         "title" : "Take Me Out",
         "nextEventId" : 262992,
         "widescreen" : 1,
         "summary" : "Paddy McGuinness presents the dating show. The likely lads include a chocolate factory worker, a city slicker, an oil rig engineer and a gymnast. [S]",
         "channelNumber" : "113",
         "channelName" : "ITV2+1",
         "serieslinkUri" : "crid://",
         "genre" : [
         "subtitle" : "Paddy McGuinness presents the dating show. The likely lads include a chocolate factory worker, a city slicker, an oil rig engineer and a gymnast. [S]",
         "episodeId" : 262718,
         "episodeUri" : "crid://",
         "eventId" : 262991,
         "start" : 1515005400,
         "stop" : 1515009600,
         "subtitled" : 1,
         "ageRating" : 9,
         "ratingLabel" : "PG,
         "ratingLabelIcon" : "imagecache/37"
   "totalCount" : 1


A 'Brand' is a commonly-available show, eg "Eastenders". What constitutes a 'Brand' is up to the EPG provider.

This function was removed in version 4.3.1059.


Lists the Content Type IDs extracted from ETSI EN 300 468 together with their descriptions. The Content Type ID appears in the output of epg/events/grid as "Genre". IDs described as 'Reserved' or 'User Defined' in the specification are given the description of the previous ID instead.

  • full If set to 0 (the default) only the broad categories defined by content_nibble_level_1 in the specification are listed. If set to 1 all categories are listed.
   "entries" : [
         "val" : "",
         "key" : 0
         "val" : "Movie / Drama",
         "key" : 16
         "key" : 17,
         "val" : "Detective / Thriller"
      }, ...