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dave-p edited this page Jan 17, 2018 · 17 revisions



Lists available networks. The standard parameters listed in Grid Parameters may be used.

   "entries" : [
         "localtime" : 0,
         "num_mux" : 9,
         "wizard" : false,
         "ignore_chnum" : false,
         "num_svc" : 145,
         "autodiscovery" : 2,
         "skipinitscan" : false,
         "bouquet" : false,
         "sid_chnum" : false,
         "scanq_length" : 0,
         "networkname" : "Sandy",
         "uuid" : "c70bb0e55db15cf44c72a8acb49d5ed7",
         "charset" : "AUTO",
         "pnetworkname" : "",
         "num_chn" : 105,
         "nid" : 0,
         "idlescan" : false
   "total" : 1


Lists the text strings, options and defaults used when configuring the DVB capability within TVH (ie Configuration -> DVB Inputs -> Networks).


Lists the text strings, options and defaults used when configuring the DVB capability within TVH (ie Configuration -> DVB Inputs -> Network -> Add).





Triggers a scan of the requested network(s).

  • uuid uuid(s) of the network(s) to scan. More than one may be given; they will be scanned in sequence.


Lists available multiplexes. The standard parameters listed in Grid Parameters may be used.

  • hidemode If set to all, only enabled multiplexes are listed. The default is to show all multiplexes.
   "total" : 9,
   "entries" : [
         "created" : 1508497835,
         "delsys" : "DVB-T",
         "scan_state" : 0,
         "tsid" : 24640,
         "scan_first" : 1508761027,
         "name" : "690MHz",
         "pnetwork_name" : "Cambs & Beds",
         "transmission_mode" : "8k",
         "sid_filter" : 0,
         "network_uuid" : "c70bb0e55db15cf44c72a8acb49d5ed7",
         "onid" : 9018,
         "num_svc" : 35,
         "eit_tsid_nocheck" : false,
         "num_chn" : 29,
         "hierarchy" : "NONE",
         "tsid_zero" : false,
         "pmt_06_ac3" : 0,
         "network" : "Sandy",
         "scan_last" : 1509267382,
         "bandwidth" : "8MHz",
         "fec_lo" : "NONE",
         "frequency" : 690000000,
         "constellation" : "QAM/64",
         "fec_hi" : "3/4",
         "epg" : 1,
         "guard_interval" : "1/32",
         "scan_result" : 1,
         "enabled" : 1,
         "uuid" : "0245c791efc3fa448c19db2f000d0d8f",
         "plp_id" : -1
      }, ...


Lists the text strings, options and defaults used when configuring the DVB capability within TVH (ie Configuration -> DVB Inputs -> Muxes).


Lists available mpegts services. The standard parameters listed in Grid Parameters may be used.

  • hidemode The default is to show only services where the multiplex is enabled and the service has been verified. Setting this parameter to all also hides services which are not enabled, setting it to none shows all services.
   "total" : 137,
   "entries" : [
         "prefcapid_lock" : 0,
         "s_type_user" : -1,
         "prefcapid" : 0,
         "lcn_minor" : 0,
         "lcn2" : 0,
         "uuid" : "c5206e5a69625ee60c1c3d23e56b6d22",
         "lcn" : 698,
         "auto" : 0,
         "svcname" : "698",
         "dvb_servicetype" : 1,
         "created" : 1499259842,
         "force_caid" : 0,
         "enabled" : true,
         "channel" : [],
         "priority" : 0,
         "pts_shift" : 0,
         "last_seen" : 1509329042,
         "multiplex_uuid" : "0245c791efc3fa448c19db2f000d0d8f",
         "encrypted" : false,
         "caid" : "",
         "srcid" : 0,
         "dvb_ignore_eit" : false,
         "multiplex" : "690MHz",
         "sid" : 28520,
         "network" : "Sandy"
      }, ...

dvb_servicetype can be used to determine what kind of service is being broadcast. The possibilities are:

  • Radio: 0x02
  • SD TV: 0x01, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x80, 0x96, 0xa8, 0xd3
  • HD TV: 0x11, 0x19 - 0x1e, 0x91, 0xa0, 0xa4, 0xa6
  • UHDTV: 0x1f


Lists the text strings, options and defaults used when configuring the DVB capability within TVH (ie Configuration -> DVB Inputs -> Services).


Lists the text strings, options and defaults used when configuring the DVB capability within TVH (ie Configuration -> DVB Inputs -> Mux Schedulers).


List the entries as found under Configuration -> DVB Inputs -> Mux Schedulers. The standard parameters listed in Grid Parameters may be used.

   "entries" : [
         "mux" : "93b544d663e5313b12991fe9926ae4af",
         "restart" : false,
         "enabled" : true,
         "uuid" : "feab6167cd0596388382441987f33678",
         "timeout" : 600,
         "cron" : "30 3 * * *"
   "total" : 1


Untested. Create a mux schedule, presumably from a structure similar to that from mpegts/mux_sched/grid.


Lists orbital positions and the satellites occupying them. The list is distributed with tvheadend; satellite reception is not necessary to use this API.

   "entries" : [
         "key" : "177W",
         "val" : "177W : NSS 9"
      }, ...


Lists the available frequency scan tables.

  • type One of 'dvb-s', 'dvb-t', 'dvb-c', 'atsc-t', 'atsc-c', 'isdb-t'.
  • satpos For dvb-s, the satellite position in degrees multiplied by 10 with East positive (so 28.2E is written as 282). The position must be accurate within +/- 0.2 degrees.

This function requires the dvb-scan files to be present on the server. They are installed by default (in /usr/share/tvheadend/data/) but are omitted if configure argument '--disable-dvbscan' is used. Distributions may also choose to package them separately.

   "entries" : [
         "val" : "> 28.2E:Astra",
         "key" : "dvb-s/geo/dvb-s_> 28.2E:Astra"
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