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blog The chemical basis of morphogenesis

dchudz edited this page Feb 1, 2014 · 1 revision

I recently read Turing's paper The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis. I have notes on it in Dropbox. From Googling around, it looks like no one's written a paper/blog post summarizing the relevance and mathematical ideas. I'm thinking of writing something fairly short (a page or two) that I would have liked reading in graduate school.

Here's one place to look for a [summary of the paper's impact in the field] (

I'd want to do something with code too. Lots of people have explored reaction/diffusion equations and printed pretty pictures of them, but maybe there's something new for me to do, or if not it could still be a good learning experience. Doing it with readable, accessible, publicly available code (on Github) would be a contribution anyway. Or maybe something more interactive/visual -- something where people can change the relevant parameters and see the system evolve.

This connects with the graph Laplacian / diffusion blog post(s) I want to make. Turing uses Fourier transform to change basis to representing things as a linear combination of the circle's Laplacian eigenfunctions. Later uses sphere's Laplacian eigenfunctions.