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What to include in the parameters file of the current form of the model

RobertManningSmith edited this page Jun 14, 2024 · 4 revisions

This page breaks down what is included in the model parameters file in the form currently present in the master branch. Last updated 12/06/2024

dataDir: - Just a link to the folder where the rest of the data files are contained

population_filename: - The population census file, must have the following columns: person_id, age, sex, household_id, district_id, economic_id, economic_location (although this isn't used, need to change), school_goer

district_transition_LOCKDOWN_filename: - The OD-matrix of population mobility during a lockdown setting district_transition_PRELOCKDOWN_filename: - The OD-matrix of population mobility during a outside of a lockdown setting district_leaving_filename: - Due to be removed to not being a useful addition to the model

economic_status_weekday_movement_prob_filename: A file with probabilities of each occupation leaving the house on weekdays (DO WE NEED THIS?) economic_status_otherday_movement_prob_filename: A file with probabilities of each occupation leaving the house during weekends(DO WE NEED THIS?) economic_status_num_daily_interacts_filename: A file with the number of daily interactions associated with each occupation (Due for removal) econ_interaction_distrib_filename: Currently unused, due for deletion

line_list_filename: A list of districts and number of cases where we will first seed the infections in the simulation infection_transition_params_filename: Age based parameters which we use to determine transitions between disease states lockdown_changeList_filename: A file where we can triggers a lockdown to occur on a specific date (probably due for deletion)

all_cause_mortality_filename: A file which handles the age-dependent rate at which people pass away from causes other than COVID birth_rate_filename: A file which handles the age-dependent rate at which women give birth

testDataFilename: A file containing the number of tests administered to the population testLocationFilename: A file which lists the areas where we want to administer tests