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prosEO CLI 1_Intro

Thomas Bassler edited this page Mar 7, 2024 · 3 revisions

Command Line Interface (CLI) Guide - Introduction

Two prosEO user interfaces are provided for managing and monitoring prosEO: The browser-based prosEO Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the command-line-based prosEO Command Line Interface (CLI).

A CLI syntax overview is available here.

Welcome Page

When connecting to the CLI, the user is shown a welcome page (versions might differ):

                            /-------\ /-------\
                            |       | |       |
                            |   /---/ |  /-\  |
                            |   \---\ |  | |  |   prosEO - The Processing System for Earth Observation Data
/----\ /----\ /----\ /----\ |       | |  | |  |
|    | |    | |    | | ---+ |   /---/ |  | |  |   Command Line Interface  (v1.0.0)
| {} | |  /-/ | {} | \    \ |   \---\ |  \-/  |
|    | |  |   |    | +--- | |       | |       |   :: Spring Boot ::       (v2.1.6.RELEASE)
|  /-/ \--/   \----/ \----/ \-------/ \-------/
|  |
(Type "help" for help.)
prosEO (no mission)>

(Global) Options

  • Information on commands and sub-commands can be accessed with the options -h or --help, see above.
  • Starting prosEO with the option version shows the CLI version and exits the CLI.
  • Starting prosEO with the option identFile and a path to a file containing user name (without mission prefix) and password (in two separate lines) completes the login. The file will only be read, if it is only readable by the current system user (as far as warranted by the operating system).

General Commands

  • The exit command terminates the CLI. More details.
  • The help command can be used to retrieve general information and displays the CLI syntax. More details.
  • The clear command clears the terminal screen, but not the scrollback buffer. More details.
  • The command login is used in order to login as a specific user to a specific mission. The user is prompted to enter a username and password. The command is granting the users access to a series of commands that are not available when logged out. The commands that can be used without login are: exit, help, clear, login, mission show. All the other commands require login. The system is not allowing the user to notice that the password is being typed/entered. More details.
  • The logout command is needed to log out. No commands except exit, help, clear, login, and mission show will be accepted after logout. More details.

Specific Commands

Managing prosEO missions, spacecrafts and orbits

A tutorial on creating and configuring missions is provided.

  • The mission sub-commands are used to create and/or configure an earth observation mission. As stated above, the only sub-command that works without login is the sub-command show.
  • The orbit sub-commands are used to manage orbits for a given spacecraft.

Managing prosEO orders and jobs

A tutorial on defining and running processing orders is provided.

  • The order sub-commands are used to manage processing orders.
  • The job sub-commands are used to manage jobs, i.e. collections of job steps required to fulfill a processing order.

Managing prosEO processor classes, versions and configurations

A tutorial on configuring processor classes, versions and configurations is provided.

  • The processor sub-commands are used to manage processor classes, processors, configurations and configured processors.
  • The configuration sub-commands are used to manage processor configurations, consisting of configuration files and template information for creating job orders files for the associated processor.

Managing prosEO product classes and selection rules

Ingesting and managing prosEO products

  • The ingest sub-commands are used to ingest all products into the storage manager of the given processing facility.
  • Selection rules define the input/source product classes and the respective retrieval policies necessary to produce a given output/target product class. They are managed by the ingest sub-command rule.

Managing prosEO user accounts and user groups

A tutorial on using the role-based access model is provided.

  • The user sub-commands are used to manage users (note that user names are stored with a mission prefix in the user database, but the mission prefix is not used in the command-line interface).
  • The password command is used to interactively change the password of the logged in user, or of the named user, if executed by a user with user manager permissions.
  • The group sub-commands are used to manage user groups.

Managing prosEO processing facilities

  • A processing facility is the runtime environment for the data and quality control CFIs and for the prosEO Storage Manager. The facility sub-commands are used to manage processing facilities.
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