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Toggle Dropbox proxy

linickx edited this page Mar 1, 2012 · 2 revisions

These simple scripts allow you to change the proxy setting on Dropbox between off, auto and manual. They are useful if you only need to setup one web proxy and then either enable or disable it.

The Scripts

Set Dropbox proxy to off


# this script will change Dropbox's proxy mode setting to off

echo "UPDATE config SET value = 0 WHERE key = 'proxy_mode';" | sqlite3 $HOME/.dropbox/config.db

Set Dropbox proxy to automatic


# this script will change Dropbox's proxy mode setting "auto"

echo "UPDATE config SET value = 1 WHERE key = 'proxy_mode';" | sqlite3 $HOME/.dropbox/config.db

Set Dropbox proxy to manual


# this script will change Dropbox's proxy mode setting to manual

echo "UPDATE config SET value = 2 WHERE key = 'proxy_mode';" | sqlite3 $HOME/.dropbox/config.db

How to Use

Save scripts shown above to individual files and save it in a place that is convenient. Then create actions in ControlPlane calling the appropriate script for how you want Dropbox's proxy mode to be set.


This is broken as of Dropbox version 1.2.48 due to the DB team encrypting the config database, obviously this is not a fault of ControlPlane ;)