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Content translation

nditada edited this page Mar 17, 2020 · 7 revisions

We are using a tool to do this called We have experience coordinating translations through it and it provides with all the right tools for a good workflow.

If you can help with translations, please register here:

As soon as we can process your submission, you will receive an invite to our Slack group and an invite to the tool with permission to start translating to your respective languages. If you did not, please ask for that in #translation-ops.

Here is a great guide on how to use the tool:

The content is split into short sections to simplify the work and to enable multiple translators at once. We will use the English version as the master so that a scientific board can approve that content in an orderly fashion. The work will not finish once the initial translation is done, as there will be constant updates.

We are also onboarding scientists in each language so that they can review and confirm the accuracy of the translated content. We want this to be a de-centralized effort so that none is singlehandedly responsible for the final online content.


There is a weird code in the content to translate (like {:.dont}, what do I do?

Just leave it as it is, don't translate what's inside.

How would I know if I completed our translation into German to an extent that it can be published?

Lokalise shows the % of completion and the "words to do" that are pending.

My language is 100%, why it does not go online?

To ensure we are spreading accurate and scientific information, content is reviewed by approved scientists before it goes online. We understand it slows down things a bit, but we want everybody to be safe from inadvertently sharing false or incorrect information. If you want to know the status of that review, you can filter by "Reviewed". You can also ask in #translation-ops

Why are the translations "locked"? I want to modify something.

When the first version of a language is ready to be verified, we lock it so that reviewers don't need to go back over and over. If we did not do that, they could potentially never finish reviewing the first version. If they mark something as "reviewed" and then a translator comes after that and modifies the translation, that piece of content gets marked for reviewal again. There is no perfect way to do this, all alternatives have pros/cons. Once that first version is online, all content is again made editable. At that point, since only portions of the content would be modified there is no further need to lock everything again. When a new version is ready to go live, only modified snippets get locked for reviewal.

When new content is available in English, how do I know what changed? I don't want to go through everything

When the original text in English changes, the translation is marked as "unverified". You can filter by "unverified" to see only what has changed and needs translations. Details here: