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Entity Backend Settings

Marius edited this page Aug 20, 2014 · 1 revision

Entity Backend Settings

This section determines the backend behavior of your entity.

backend settings

In this section you have to fill in the following fields.

  • Entity type - Magento supports 2 types of entities:
    • Flat - Each entity is mapped to a table. Each entity attribute will become a table column
    • EAV - The values for each entity are kept in multiple tables. This allows more flexibility. The default Magento instance has as EAV entities the products, the categories, customers and customer addresses. There used to be more but they turned flat in version 1.4.
  • Behaves as tree - If this is set to 'Yes' then your entity will behave as the default Magento categories. It will have the same UI as the categories module have. The fields 'parent_id', 'position' 'children_count' & 'level' will be added automatically to the entity.
  • Enable by stores - If this is set to 'Yes' it will allow you to assign your entity to specific store views (just like pages or static block). This field is disabled for Flat entities.
  • Add "Created at" to admin grid - The entities created with UMC will have a field called created_at with the creation date of any entity instance. If this is set to 'Yes' the 'Created at' field will be added to the admin grid.
  • Add "Updated at" to admin grid - The entities created with UMC will have a field called updated_at with the last update date of any entity instance. If this is set to 'Yes' the 'Updated at' field will be added to the admin grid.
  • Include in admin global search - The Magento admin Global search (at the top of every admin page) searches for the text you enter in products, customers and orders. If you set this to 'Yes' than it will search in your entity also.
  • Create SOAP API - Magento offers a SOAP API for managing products, categories, orders and other entities. If this is set to 'Yes', then your entity will also be available for managing through the SOAP API. It generates the classes and xml files needed for API V1, API V2 and API V2 with WSI compliance.
  • Create REST API - Magento offers a REST API for managing products, categories and other entities. If this is set to 'Yes', then your entity will also be available for managing through the REST API. It generates the classes and xml files needed.
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