- Author(s) - Frank Grenn
- Date Started - August 2020
- Quick Description: - R shiny application that takes in a specifically formatted csv file containing Parkinson's disease (or any other disease you have data for) summary statistics and plots variants by their effect sizes and frequencies.
- ui.R - code for user interface layout.
- server.R - code for server logic.
- global.R - library imports.
- datafields.R - contains code to initialize some of the user interface. Also contains variables used to modify what the inputs display.
- risk_variant_data.ipynb - notebook containing code used to organize the main input file (
) for this tool. - www/labeler.js - code used to space the annotations on the plot.
- www/plot.js - code used to generate the plot.
- www/setup.js - contains variables that control display and the data the plot uses.
- www/risk_variant_data.csv - file containing all data to be displayed in the plot. Generated in
. - www/theme.css - css to format and style the display.
Some things to consider if modifying this tool yourself.
- this is read into the tool in
- each row in this file contains a significant PD variant.
- ideally this file should at least contain columns for:
- a unique identifier (rsid, chrbp, etc)
- a frequency (MAF, effect allele frequency, etc)
- an effect size (beta, odds ratio, etc)
- if you are changing this file, you will likely need to update
(see steps below).
- the options for all inputs come from lists and dataframes initialized in this file.
- They are used to map names displayed by the input to actual field names used in the input .csv (ex: displayed "nearest gene" will use the field "NEAR_GENE" in the input .csv)
- contains variables used for display, like the size of the plot and what to include in the tooltip.
- also contains objects used to map names to data fields.