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Creating a CKAN Extension for a Custom Site

Sean Hammond edited this page May 2, 2013 · 1 revision

This is a draft tutorial explaining how to create a typical CKAN extension for a custom site. This should get merged into the Writing Extensions docs on at some point, but for now it's here.

Create a CKAN extension for the site

Each site has a ckanext-SITE extension (where SITE is the ID of the site) in the OKFN organization on GitHub.

  • Create an extension using CKAN's paster create command:

      $ paster create -t ckanext ckanext-edo
      Selected and implied templates:
        ckan#ckanext  CKAN extension project template
        egg:      ckanext_edo
        package:  ckanextedo
        project:  ckanext-edo
      Enter version (Version (like 0.1)) ['']: 
      Enter description (One-line description of the package) ['']: 
      Enter author (Author name) ['']: 
      Enter author_email (Author email) ['']: 
      Enter url (URL of homepage) ['']: 
      Enter license_name (License name) ['']: 
      Creating template ckanext
      Creating directory ./ckanext-edo
        Recursing into ckanext
          Creating ./ckanext-edo/ckanext/
          Recursing into +project+
            Creating ./ckanext-edo/ckanext/edo/
            Copying to ./ckanext-edo/ckanext/edo/
          Copying to ./ckanext-edo/ckanext/
        Recursing into ckanext_+project+.egg-info
          Creating ./ckanext-edo/ckanext_edo.egg-info/
        Copying setup.py_tmpl to ./ckanext-edo/
      Running /home/seanh/.virtualenvs/ckan/bin/python egg_info
      $ _ 

    See CKAN's writing extensions docs.

  • cd into the extension's root dir (eg. ckanext-edo) and initialise a git repo in this dir:

      $ cd /path/to/ckanext-edo
      $ git init

    Use a .gitignore file in the extension's root dir to avoid committing certain unwanted files:


    Now commit the gitignore file and all unignored files:

      $ git add .
      $ git commit -m "Initial commit"
  • Create a new public repo named ckaneext-edo in the OKFN organization on GitHub, and follow the instructions on GitHub to push the ckanext-edo repo on your machine to the new github repo.

Add Custom Templates and Public Dirs

An extension can register its own templates and public dirs, and then use these to add new template and public files or to override files in CKAN.

  • Create a file ckanext-edo/ckanext/edo/ with an EdoPlugin class that implements the IConfigurer interface and registers the extension's public and templates dirs:

      import ckan.plugins as plugins
      import ckan.plugins.toolkit as tk
      class EdoPlugin(plugins.SingletonPlugin):
          def update_config(self, config):
              # Add this plugin's templates dir to CKAN's extra_template_paths, so
              # that CKAN will use this plugin's custom templates.
              tk.add_template_directory(config, 'templates')
              # Add this plugin's templates dir to CKAN's extra_template_paths, so
              # that CKAN will use this plugin's custom templates.
              tk.add_public_directory(config, 'public')
              # Add this plugin's fanstatic dir.
              tk.add_resource('fanstatic', 'ckanext-datagm')
  • Add EdoPlugin to the entry points in ckanext-edo's file:

  • Create the templates, public and fanstatic dirs. Here we add empty .gitignore files to the dirs to allow the empty dirs to be committed to git:

      ckanext-edo $ mkdir ckanext/edo/templates
      ckanext-edo $ touch ckanext/edo/templates/.gitignore
      ckanext-edo $ mkdir ckanext/edo/public
      ckanext-edo $ touch ckanext/edo/public/.gitignore
      ckanext-edo $ mkdir ckanext/edo/fanstatic
      ckanext-edo $ touch ckanext/edo/fanstatic/.gitignore
  • Commit everything to git and push it to githiub:

      ckanext-edo $ git add .
      ckanext-edo $ git commit -m "Add templates, public and fanstatic dirs"
      ckanext-edo $ git push

Enable the Plugin

Now that we've created EdoPlugin and added it to ckanext-edo's file, we can install the plugin in our virtualenv and use it in CKAN. To install the plugin run:

ckanext-edo $ python develop

To enable the plugin in CKAN, add it to the plugins list in your development.ini file, eg:

ckan.plugins = stats json_preview recline_preview datastore edo

You should now be able to run CKAN (paster serve development.ini) with your plugin enabled. The extension doesn't do anything yet, but CKAN should run without crashing.

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