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3. Device Modeling Language, version 1.4

simicsmp edited this page Feb 5, 2025 · 33 revisions

This chapter describes the Device Modeling Language (DML), version 1.4. It will help to have read and understood the object model in the previous chapter before reading this chapter.


DML is not a general-purpose programming language, but a modeling language, targeted at writing Simics device models. The algorithmic part of the language is similar to ISO C; however, the main power of DML is derived from its simple object-oriented constructs for defining and accessing the static data structures that a device model requires, and the automatic creation of bindings to Simics.

Furthermore, DML provides syntax for bit-slicing, which much simplifies the manipulation of bit fields in integers; new and delete operators for allocating and deallocating memory; a basic try/throw mechanism for error handling; built-in log and assert statements; and a powerful metaprogramming facility using templates and in each statements.

Most of the built-in Simics-specific logic is implemented directly in DML, in standard library modules that are automatically imported; the dmlc compiler itself contains as little knowledge as possible about the specifics of Simics.

Lexical Structure

A major difference from C is that names do not generally need to be defined before their first use. This is quite useful, but might sometimes appear confusing to C programmers.

Character encoding

DML source files are written using UTF-8 encoding. Non-ASCII characters are only allowed in comments and in string literals. Unicode BiDi control characters (U+2066 to U+2069 and U+202a to U+202e) are not allowed. String values are still handled as byte arrays, which means that a string value written with a literal of three characters may actually create an array of more than three bytes.

Reserved words

All ISO/ANSI C reserved words are reserved words in DML (even if currently unused). In addition, the C99 and C++ reserved words restrict, inline, this, new, delete, throw, try, catch, and template are also reserved in DML. The C++ reserved words class, namespace, private, protected, public, using, and virtual, are reserved in DML for future use; as are identifiers starting with an underscore (_).

The following words are reserved specially by DML: after, assert, call, cast, defined, each, error, foreach, in, is, local, log, param, saved, select, session, shared, sizeoftype, typeof, undefined, vect, where, async, await, with, and stringify.


Identifiers in DML are defined as in C; an identifier may begin with a letter or underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores. Identifiers that begin with an underscore (_) are reserved by the DML language and standard library and should not be used.

Constant Literals

DML has literals for strings, characters, integers, booleans, and floating-point numbers. The integer literals can be written in decimal (01234), hexadecimal (0x12af), or binary (0b110110) form.

Underscores (_) can be used between digits, or immediately following the 0b, 0x prefixes, in integer literals to separate groups of digits for improved readability. For example, 123_456, 0b10_1110, 0x_eace_f9b6 are valid integer constants, whereas _78, 0xab_ are not.

String literals are surrounded by double quotes ("). To include a double quote or a backslash (\) in a string literal, precede them with a backslash (\" and \\, respectively). Newline, carriage return, tab and backspace characters are represented by \n, \r, \t and \b. Arbitrary byte values can be encoded as \x followed by exactly two hexadecimal digits, such as \x1f. Such escaped byte values are restricted to 00-7f for strings containing Unicode characters above U+007F.

Character literals consist of a pair of single quotes (') surrounding either a single printable ASCII character or one of the escape sequences \', \\, \n, \r, \t or \b. The value of a character literal is the character's ASCII value.


C-style comments are used in DML. This includes both in-line comments (/*...*/) and comments that continue to the end of the line (//...).

Module System

DML employs a very simple module system, where a module is any source file that can be imported using the import directive. Such files may not contain a [device declaration], but otherwise look like normal DML source files. The imported files are merged into the main model as if all the code was contained in a single file (with some exceptions). This is similar to C preprocessor #include directives, but in DML each imported file must be possible to parse in isolation, and may contain declarations (such as bitorder) that are only effective for that file. Also, DML imports are automatically idempotent, in the sense that importing the same file twice does not yield any duplicate definitions.

The import hierarchy has semantic significance in DML: If a module defines some method or parameter declarations that can be overridden, then only files that explicitly import the module are allowed to override these declarations. It is however sufficient to import the module indirectly via some other module. For instance, if A.dml contains a default declaration of a method, and B.dml wants to override it, then B.dml must either import A.dml, or some file C.dml that in turn imports A.dml. Without that import, it is an error to import both A.dml and B.dml in the same device.

Source File Structure

A DML source file describes both the structure of the modeled device and the actions to be taken when the device is accessed.

A DML source file defining a device starts with a language version declaration and a device declaration. After that, any number of parameter declarations, methods, data fields, object declarations, or global declarations can be written. A DML file intended to be imported (by an import statement in another DML file) has the same layout except for the device declaration.

Language Version Declaration

Every DML source file should contain a version declaration, on the form dml 1.4;. The version declaration allows the dmlc compiler to select the proper versions of the DML parser and standard libraries to be used for the file. A file can not import a file with a different language version than its own.

The version declaration must be the first declaration in the file, possibly preceded by comments. For example:

// My Device
dml 1.4;

Device Declaration

Every DML source file that contains a device declaration is a DML model, and defines a Simics device class with the specified name. Such a file may import other files, but only the initial file may contain a device declaration.

The device declaration must be the first proper declaration in the file, only preceded by comments and the language version declaration. For example:

 *  My New Device
dml 1.4;
device my_device;


DML has a syntax for pragmas: directives to the DML compiler that are orthogonal to DML as a language, both in the sense of that they are not considered part of DML proper, and that their use do not affect the semantics of DML (unless by accident.) The syntax for pragmas are as follows:

/*% tag ... %*/

Where tag specifies the pragma used, and which determines the syntax of everything following it before the pragma is closed. Tags are case insensitive, but are fully capitilized by convention. DMLC will print a warning if a pragma is given with a tag that the compiler does not recognize.

A pragma may be given anywhere an inline comment may; however, the meaning of a pragma is dependent on its placement, and a specified pragma can be completely meaningless if not properly placed.

DMLC supports the following pragmas:


The COVERITY pragma provides a means to manually suppress defects reported by Synopsys® Coverity® stemming from a particular DML line. A COVERITY pragma has no effect unless --coverity is passed to DMLC, in which case it will cause an analysis annotation to be specified for every generated C line corresponding to the DML line that the pragma applies to.

The syntax for the COVERITY pragma is as follows:

/*% COVERITY event classification %*/

where classification is optional. This corresponds to the following analysis annotation in generated C:

/* coverity[event : classification] */

or, if classification is omitted:

/* coverity[event] */

A DML line will be affected by every COVERITY pragma specified in preceding lines, up until the first line not containing any COVERITY pragma. For example:

/*% COVERITY unreachable %*/

/*% COVERITY var_deref_model %*/
/*% COVERITY check_return %*/ /*% COVERITY copy_paste_error FALSE %*/

Any C line corresponding to the call to some_function(...) will receive analysis annotations for var_deref_model, check_return, and copy_paste_error (with copy_paste_error specifically being classified as a false positive), but not any analysis annotation for unreachable, as the empty line breaks the consecutive specifications of COVERITY pragmas.

The Object Model

DML is structured around an object model, where each DML model describes a single device object, which can contain a number of member objects. Each member object can in its turn have a number of members of its own, and so on in a nested fashion.

Every object (including the device itself) can also have methods, which implement the functionality of the object, and parameters, which are members that describe static properties of the object.

Each object is of a certain object type, e.g., bank or register. There is no way of adding user-defined object types in DML; however, each object is in general locally modified by adding (or overriding) members, methods and parameters - this can be viewed as creating a local one-shot subtype for each object.

A DML model can only be instantiated as a whole: Individual objects can not be instantiated standalone; instead, the whole hierarchy of objects is instantiated atomically together with the model. This way, it is safe for sibling objects in the hierarchy to assume each other's existence, and any method can freely access state from any part of the object hierarchy.

Another unit of instantiation in DML is the template. A template contains a reusable block of code that can be instantiated in an object, which can be understood as expanding the template's code into the object.

Many parts of the DML object model are automatically mapped onto the Simics configuration object model; most importantly, the device object maps to a Simics configuration class, such that configuration objects of that class correspond to instances of the DML model, and the attribute and interface objects of the DML model map to Simics attributes and interfaces associated with the created Simics configuration class (See Simics Model Builder User's Guide for details.)

Device Structure

A device is made up of a number of member objects and methods, where any object may contain further objects and methods of its own. Many object types only make sense in a particular context and are not allowed elsewhere:

  • There is exactly one device object. It resides on the top level.

  • Objects of type bank, port or subdevice may only appear as part of a device or subdevice object.

  • Objects of type implement may only appear as part of a device, port, bank, or subdevice object.

  • Objects of type register may only appear as part of a bank.

  • Objects of type field may only appear as part of a register.

  • Objects of type connect may only appear as part of a device, subdevice, bank, or port object.

  • Objects of type interface may only appear directly below a connect object.

  • Objects of type attribute may only appear as part of a device, bank, port, subdevice, or implement object.

  • Objects of type event may appear anywhere except as part of a field, interface, implement, or another event.

  • Objects of type group are neutral: Any object may contain a group object, and a group object may contain any object that its parent object may contain, with the exception that a group cannot contain an object of type interface or implement.


Parameters (shortened as "param") are a kind of object members that describe expressions. During compilation, any parameter reference will be expanded to the definition of that parameter. In this sense, parameters are similar to macros, and indeed have some usage patterns in common - in particular, parameters are typically used to represent constant expressions.

Like macros, no type declarations are necessary for parameters, and every usage of a parameter will re-evaluate the expression. Unlike macros, any parameter definition must be a syntactically valid expression, and every unfolded parameter expression is always evaluated using the scope in which the parameter was defined, rather than the scope in which the parameter is referenced.

Parameters cannot be dynamically updated at run-time; however, a parameter can be declared to allow it being overridden by later definitions - see Parameter Declarations.

Within DML's built-in modules and standard library, parameters are used to describe static properties of objects, such as names, sizes, and offsets. Many of these are overridable, allowing some properties to be configured by users. For example, every bank object has a byte_order parameter that controls the byte order of registers within that bank. By default, this parameter is defined to be "little-endian" - but by overriding it, users may specify the byte order on a bank-by-bank basis.


Methods are object members providing implementation of the functionality of the object. Although similar to C functions, DML methods can have any number of input parameters and return values. DML methods also support a basic exception handling mechanism using throw and try.

In-detail description of method declarations are covered in a separate section.

The Device

The device defined by a DML model corresponds directly to a Simics configuration object, i.e., something that can be included in a Simics configuration.

In DML's object hierarchy, the device object is represented by the top-level scope.

The DML file passed to the DML compiler must start with a device declaration following the language version specification:

dml 1.4;
device name;

A device declaration may not appear anywhere else, neither in the main file or in imported files. Thus, the device declaration is limited to two purposes:

  • to give a name to the configuration class registered with Simics
  • to declare which DML file is the top-level file in a DML model

Register Banks

A register bank (or simply bank) is an abstraction that is used to group registers in DML, and to expose these to the outside world. Registers are exposed to the rest of the simulated system through the Simics interface io_memory, and exposed to scripting and user interfaces through the register_view, register_view_read_only, register_view_catalog and bank_instrumentation_subscribe Simics interfaces.

It is possible to define bank arrays to model a row of similar banks. Each element in the bank array is a separate configuration object in Simics, and can thus be individually mapped in a memory space.

Simics configuration objects for bank instances are named like the bank but with a .bank prefix. For instance, if a device model has a declaration bank regs[i < 2] on top level, and a device instance is named dev in Simics, then the two banks are represented in Simics by configuration objects named[0] and[1].


A register is an object that contains an integer value. Normally, a register corresponds to a segment of consecutive locations in the address space of the bank; however, it is also possible (and often useful) to have registers that are not mapped to any address within the bank. All registers must be part of a register bank.

Every register has a fixed size, which is an integral, nonzero number of 8-bit bytes. A single register cannot be wider than 8 bytes. The size of the register is given by the size parameter, which can be specified either by a normal parameter assignment, as in

register r1 {
    param size = 4;

or, more commonly, using the following short-hand syntax:

register r1 size 4 {

which has the same meaning. The default size is provided by the register_size parameter of the containing register bank, if that is defined.

There are multiple ways to manipulate the value of a register: the simplest approach is to make use of the val member of registers, as in:

log info: "the value of register r1 is %d", r1.val;



For more information, see Section Register Objects.

Mapping Addresses To Registers

For a register to be mapped into the internal address space of the containing bank, its starting address within the bank must be given by setting the offset parameter. The address range occupied by the register is then from offset to offset + size - 1. The offset can be specified by a normal parameter assignment, as in

register r1 {
    param offset = 0x0100;

or using the following short-hand syntax:

register r1 @ 0x0100 {

similar to the size parameter above. Usually, a normal read/write register does not need any additional specifications apart from the size and offset, and can simply be written like this:

register r1 size 4 @ 0x0100;

or, if the bank contains several registers of the same size:

bank b1 {
    param register_size = 4;
    register r1 @ 0x0100;
    register r2 @ 0x0104;

The translation from the bank address space to the actual value of the register is controlled by the byte_order parameter. When it is set to "little-endian" (the default), the lowest address, i.e., that defined by offset, corresponds to the least significant byte in the register, and when set to "big-endian", the lowest address corresponds to the most significant byte in the register.

Not Mapping Addresses To Registers

An important thing to note is that registers do not have to be mapped at all. This may be useful for internal registers that are not directly accessible from software. By using an unmapped register, you can get the advantages of using register, such as automatic checkpointing and register fields. This internal register can then be used from the implementations of other registers, or other parts of the model.

Historically, unmapped registers were commonly used to store simple device state, but this usage is no longer recommended — Saved Variables should be preferred if possible. Unmapped registers should only be used if saved variables do not fit a particular use case.

To make a register unmapped, set the offset to unmapped_offset or use the standard template unmapped:

register r is (unmapped);

Register Attributes

For every register, an attribute of integer type is automatically added to the Simics configuration class generated from the device model. The name of the attribute corresponds to the hierarchy in the DML model; e.g., a register named r1 in a bank named bank0 will get a corresponding attribute named bank0_r1.

The register value is automatically saved when Simics creates a checkpoint, unless the configuration parameter indicates otherwise.

The value of a register is stored in a member named val. E.g., the r1 register will store its value in r1.val. This is normally the value that is saved in checkpoints; however, checkpointing is defined by the get and set methods, so if they are overridden, then some other value can be saved instead.


Real hardware registers often have a number of fields with separate meaning. For example, the lowest three bits of the register could be a status code, the next six bits could be a set of flags, and the rest of the bits could be reserved.

To make this easy to express, a register object can contain a number of field objects. Each field is defined to correspond to a bit range of the containing register.

The value of a field is stored in the corresponding bits of the containing register's storage. The easiest way to access the value of a register or field is to use the get and set methods.

The read and write behaviour of registers and fields is in most cases controlled by instantiating templates. There are three categories of templates:

  • Registers and fields where a read or write just updates the value with no side-effects, should use the read and write templates, respectively.

  • Custom behaviour can be supplied by instantiating the read or write template. The template leaves a simple method read (or write) abstract; custom behaviour is provided by overriding the method. There is also a pair of templates read_bits and write_bits, which similarly provide abstract methods read_bits and write_bits. These functions have some extra parameters, making them less convenient to use, but they also offer some extra information about the access.

  • There are many pre-defined templates with for common specialized behaviour. The most common ones are unimpl, for registers or fields whose behaviour has not yet been implemented, and read_only for registers or fields that cannot be written.

A register or field can often instantiate two templates, one for reads and one for writes; e.g., read to supply a read method manually, and read_only to supply a standard write method. If a register with fields instantiates a read or write template, then the register will use that behaviour instead of descending into fields. For instance, if a register instantiates the read_only template, then all writes will be captured, and only reads will descend into its fields.

The register described above could be modeled as follows, using the default little-endian bit numbering.

bank b2 {
    register r0 size 2 @ 0x0000 {
        field status @ [2:0];
        field flags @ [8:3];
        field reserved @ [15:9];

Note that the most significant bit number is always the first number (to the left of the colon) in the range, regardless of whether little-endian or big-endian bit numbering is used. (The bit numbering convention used in a source file can be selected by a bitorder declaration.)

The value of the field can be accessed by using the get and set methods, e.g.:

log info: "the value of the status field is %d", r0.status.get();


An attribute object in DML represents a Simics configuration object attribute of the device. As mentioned above, Simics attributes are created automatically for register and connect objects to allow external inspection and modification; explicit attribute objects can be used to expose additional data. There are mainly three use cases for explicit attributes:

  • Exposing a parameter for the end-user to configure or tweak. Such attributes can often be required in order to instantiate a device, and they usually come with documentation.

  • Exposing internal device state, required for checkpointing to work correctly. Most device state is usually saved in registers or saved variables, but attributes may sometimes be needed to save non-trivial state such as FIFOs.

  • Attributes can also be created as synthetic back-doors for additional control or inspection of the device. Such attributes are called pseudo attributes, and are not saved in checkpoints.

An attribute is basically a name with an associated pair of get and set functions. The type of the value read and written through the get/set functions is controlled by the type parameter. More information about configuration object attributes can be found in Simics Model Builder User's Guide.

The init template and associated method is often useful together with attribute objects to initialize any associated state.

Four standard templates are provided for attributes: bool_attr, int64_attr, uint64_attr and double_attr. They provide overridable get and set methods, and store the attribute's value in a session variable named val, using the corresponding type. For example, if int64_attr is used in the attribute a, then one can access it as follows:

log info: "the value of attribute a is %d", dev.a.val;

These templates also provide an overridable implementation of init() that initializes the val session variable. The value that val is initialized to is controlled by the init_val parameter, whose default definition simply causes val to be zero-initialized.

Defining init_val is typically the most convenient way of initializing any attribute instantiating any one of the these templates — however, overriding the default init() implementation with a custom one may still be desirable in certain cases. In particular, the definition of init_val must be constant, so a custom init() implementation is necessary if val should be initialized to a non-constant value.

Note that using an attribute object purely to store and checkpoint simple internal device state is not recommended; prefer Saved Variables for such use cases.


A connect object is a container for a reference to an arbitrary Simics configuration object. An attribute with the same name as the connect is added to the Simics configuration class generated from the device model. This attribute can be assigned a value of type "Simics object".

A connect declaration is very similar to a simple attribute declaration, but specialized to handle connections to other objects.

Typically, the connected object is expected to implement one or more particular Simics interfaces, such as signal or ethernet_common (see Simics Model Builder User's Guide for details). This is described using interface declarations inside the connect.

Initialization of the connect (i.e., setting the object reference) is done from outside the device, usually in a Simics configuration file. Just like other attributes, the parameter configuration controls whether the value must be initialized when the object is created, and whether it is automatically saved when a checkpoint is created.

The actual object pointer, which is of type conf_object_t* is stored in a session member called obj. This means that to access the current object pointer in a connect called otherdev, you need to write otherdev.obj.

If the configuration parameter is not required, the object pointer may have a null value, so any code that tries to use it must check if it is set first.

This is an example of how a connect can be declared and used:

connect plugin {
    param configuration = "optional";

method mymethod() {
    if (plugin.obj)
        log info: "The plugin is connected";
        log info: "The plugin is not connected";


In order to use the Simics interfaces that a connected object implements, they must be declared within the connect. This is done through interface objects. These name the expected interfaces and may also specify additional properties.

An important property of an interface object is whether or not a connected object is required to implement the interface. This can be controlled through the interface parameter required, which is true by default. Attempting to connect an object that does not implement the required interfaces will cause a runtime error. The presence of optional interfaces can be verified by testing if the val member of the interface object has a null value.

By default, the C type of the Simics interface corresponding to a particular interface object is assumed to be the name of the object itself with the string "_interface_t" appended. (The C type is typically a typedef:ed name for a struct containing function pointers).

The following is an example of a connect with two interfaces, one of which is not required:

connect plugin {
    interface serial_device;
    interface rs232_device { param required = false; }

Calling interface functions is done in the same way as any C function is called, but the first argument which is the target object pointer is omitted.

The serial_device used above has a function with the following definition:

int (*write)(conf_object_t *obj, int value);

This interface function is called like this in DML:

method call_write(int value) {
    local int n = plugin.serial_device.write(value);
    // code to check the return value omitted


When a device needs to export a Simics interface, this is specified by an implement object, containing the methods that implement the interface. The name of the object is also used as the name of the Simics interface registered for the generated device, and the names and signatures of the methods must correspond to the C functions of the Simics interface. (A device object pointer is automatically added as the first parameter of the generated C functions.)

In most cases, a device exposes interfaces by adding implement object as subobjects of named port objects. A port object often represents a hardware connection

The C type of the Simics interface is assumed to be the value of the object's name parameter (which defaults to the name of the object itself), with the string "_interface_t" appended. The C type is typically a typedef:ed name for a struct containing function pointers.

For example, to implement the ethernet_common Simics interface, we can write:

implement ethernet_common {
    method frame(const frags_t *frame, eth_frame_crc_status_t crc_status) {

This requires that ethernet_common_interface_t is defined as a struct type with a field frame with the function pointer type void (*)(conf_object_t *, const frags_t *, eth_frame_crc_status_t).

Definitions of all standard Simics interface types are available as DML files named like the corresponding C header files; for instance, the ethernet_common interface can be imported as follows:

import "simics/devs/ethernet.dml"


An event object is an encapsulation of a Simics event that can be posted on a processor time or step queue. The location of event objects in the object hierarchy of the device is not important, so an event object can generally be placed wherever it is most convenient.

An event has a built-in post method, which inserts the event in the default queue associated with the device. An event also defines an abstract method event, which the user must implement. That method is called when the event is triggered.

An event must instantiate one of six predefined templates: simple_time_event, simple_cycle_event, uint64_time_event, uint64_cycle_event, custom_time_event or custom_cycle_event. The choice of template affects the signature of the post and event methods: In a time event, the delay is specified as a floating-point value, denoting number of seconds, while in a cycle event, the delay is specified in CPU cycles.

A posted event may have data associated with it. This data is given to the post method and is provided to the event callback method. They type of data depends on the template used: No data is provided in simple events, and in uint64 events it is provided as a uint64 parameter. In custom events, data is provided as a void * parameter, and extra methods get_event_info set_event_info and destroy must be provided in order to provide proper checkpointing of the event.


Objects of type attribute, connect, event, field, register, bank, port and subdevice can be organized into groups. A group is a neutral object, which can be used just for namespacing, or to help structuring an array of a collection of objects. Groups may appear anywhere, but are most commonly used to group registers: If a bank has a sequence of blocks, each containing the same registers, it can be written as a group array. In the following example eight homogeneous groups of registers are created, resulting in 8×6 instances of register r3.

bank regs {
    param register_size = 4;
    group blocks[i < 8] {
        register r1 @ i * 32 + 0;
        register r2 @ i * 32 + 4;
        register r3[j < 6] @ i * 32 + 8 + j * 4;

Another typical use of group is in combination with a template for the group that contains common registers and more that are shared between several groups, as in the following example.

template weird {
    param group_offset;
    register a size 4 @ group_offset is (read, write);
    register b size 4 @ group_offset + 4 is (read, write) {
        method read() -> (uint64) {
            // When register b is read, return a
            return a.val;

bank regs {
    group block_a is (weird) { param group_offset = 128; }
    group block_b is (weird) { param group_offset = 1024; }

In addition, groups can be nested.

bank regs {
    param register_size = 4;
    group blocks[i < 8] {
        register r1 @ i * 52 + 0;
        group sub_blocks[j < 4] {
            register r2 @ i * 52 + j * 12 + 4;
            register r3[k < 3] @ i * 52 + j * 12 + k * 4 + 8;

Banks, ports and subdevices can be placed inside groups; in this case, the Simics configuration object that represents the bank, port or subdevice will be placed under a namespace object; for instance, if a device with group g { bank regs; } is instantiated as dev, then the bank is represented by an object, where g and bank are both namespace objects.

As groups have no special properties or restrictions, they can be used as a tool for building abstractions — in particular in combination with templates.

For example, a template can be used to create an abstraction for finite state machine objects, by letting users create FSMs by declaring group objects instantiating that template. FSM states can also be represented through a template instantiated by groups.

The following demonstrates a simple example of how such an abstraction may be implemented:

// Template for finite state machines
template fsm is init {
    saved fsm_state curr_state;

    // The initial FSM state.
    // Must be defined by any object instantiating this template.
    param init_fsm_state : fsm_state;

    shared method init() default {
        curr_state = init_fsm_state;

    // Execute the action associated to the current state
    shared method action() {

// Template for states of an FSM. Such states must be sub-objects
// of an FSM.
template fsm_state {
    param parent_fsm : fsm;
    param parent_fsm = cast(parent, fsm);

    // The action associated to this state
    shared method action();

    // Transitions the parent FSM to this state
    shared method set() {
        parent_fsm.curr_state = cast(this, fsm_state);

These templates can then be used as follows:

group main_fsm is fsm {
    param init_fsm_state = cast(init_state, fsm_state);

    group init_state is fsm_state {
        method action() {
          log info: "init_state -> second_state";
          // Transition to second_state

    group second_state is fsm_state {
        method action() {
          log info: "second_state -> final_state";
          // Transition to final_state

    group final_state is fsm_state {
        method action() {
            log info: "in final_state";

method trigger_fsm() {
    // Execute the action of main_fsm's current state.


An interface port is a structural element that groups implementations of one or more interfaces. When one configuration object connects to another, it can connect to one of the target object's ports, using the interfaces in the port. This way, the device model can expose different interfaces to different objects.

Sometimes a port is as simple as a single pin, implementing the signal interface, and sometimes it can be more complex, implementing high-level communication interfaces.

It is also possible to define port arrays that are indexed with an integer parameter, to model a row of similar connectors.

In Simics, a port is represented by a separate configuration object, named like the port but with a .port prefix. For instance, if a device model has a declaration port p[i<2] on top level, and a device instance is named dev in Simics, then the two ports are represented in Simics by objects named dev.port.p[0] and dev.port.p[1].


A subdevice is a structural element that represents a distinct subsystem of the device. Like a group, a subdevice can be used to group a set of related banks, ports and attributes, but a subdevice is presented to the end-user as a separate configuration object. If a subdevice contains attribute or connect objects, or saved declarations, then the corresponding configuration attributes appears as members of the subdevice object rather than the device.


template name { ... }

Defines a template, a piece of code that can be reused in multiple locations. The body of the template contains a number of declarations that will be added to any object that uses the template.

Templates are imported into an object declaration body using is statements, written as

is name;

for example:

field F {
    is A;

It is also possible to use templates when declaring an object, as in

field F is (name1, name2);

These can be used in any context where an object declaration may be written, and has the effect of expanding the body of the template at the point of the is. Using is together with object declarations is typically more idiomatic than the standalone is object statement; however, the latter is useful in order to instantiate templates in the top-level device object, and also for use in conjunction with in each declarations; for example:

register r {
    in each field {
        is A;

    field F1 @ [7:6];

If two templates define methods or parameters with the same name, then the template instantiation hierarchy is used to deduce which method overrides the other: If one template B instantiates another template A, directly or indirectly, then methods from B override methods from A. Note, however, that overrides can only happen on methods and parameters that are declared default. Example:

template A {
    method hello() default {
        log info: "hello";
template B is A {
    // this method overrides the
    // method from A
    method hello() default {
        log info "world";

See Resolution of Overrides for a formal specification of override rules.

Templates as types

Each template defines a type, which is similar to a class in an object oriented language like Java. The type allows you to store references to a DML object in a variable. Some, but not all, top-level declarations inside a template appear as members of the template type. A template type has the following members:

  • All session and saved variables declared within the template. E.g., the declaration session int val; gives a type member val.

  • All declarations of typed parameters, further discussed below. E.g., the declaration param foo : uint64; gives a type member foo.

  • All method declarations declared with the shared keyword, further discussed below. E.g., the declaration shared method fun() { ... } gives a type member fun, which can be called.

  • Every shared hook declared within the template. E.g. the declaration shared hook(int, bool) h; gives a type member h.

  • All type members of inherited templates. E.g., the declaration is simple_time_event; adds two type members post and next, since post and next are members of the simple_time_event template type.

  • The templates member, which permits template-qualified method implementation calls to the shared method implementations of the template type's ancestor templates.

Template members are dereferenced using the . operator, much like struct members.

A template's type is named like the template, and an object reference can be converted to a value using the cast operator. For instance, a reference to the register regs.r0 can be created and used as follows (all register objects automatically implement the template register):

local register x = cast(regs.r0, register);
x.val = 14;  // sets regs.r0.val

Two values of the same template type can be compared for equality, and are considered equal when they both reference the same object.

A value of a template type can be upcast to an ancestor template type; for example:

local uint64_attr x = cast(attr, uint64_attr);
local attribute y = cast(x, attribute);

In addition, a value of any template type can be cast to the template type object, even if object is not an ancestor of the template.

Shared methods

If a method is declared in a template, then one copy of the method will appear in each object where the template is instantiated; therefore, the method can access all methods and parameters of that object. This is often convenient, but comes with a cost; in particular, if a template is instantiated in many objects, then this gives unnecessarily large code size and slow compilation. To address this problem, a method can be declared shared to operate on the template type rather than the implementing object. The implementation of a shared method is compiled once and shared between all instances of the template, rather than duplicated between instances.

Declaring a method as shared imposes restrictions on its implementation, in particular which symbols it is permitted to access: Apart from symbols in the global scope, a shared method may only access members of the template's type; it is an error to access any other symbols defined by the template. Members can be referenced directly by name, or as fields of the automatic this variable. When accessed in the scope of the shared method's body, the this variable evaluates to a value whose type is the template's type.


template base {
    // abstract method: must be instantiated in sub-template or object
    shared method m(int i) -> (int);
    shared method n() -> (int) default { return 5; }
template sub is base {
    // override
    shared method m(int i) -> (int) default {
        return i + this.n();

If code duplication is not a concern, it is possible to define a shared method whose implementation is not subject to above restrictions while still retaining the benefit of having the method be a member of the template type. This is done by defining the implementation separately from the declaration of the shared method, for example:

template get_qname {
    shared method get_qname() -> (const char *);
    method get_qname() -> (const char *) {
        // qname is an untyped parameter, and would thus not be accessible
        // within a shared implementation of get_qname()
        return this.qname;

Typed Parameters

A typed parameter declaration is a parameter declaration form that may only appear within templates:

param name : type;

A typed parameter declaration adds a member to the template type with the same name as the specified parameter, and with the specified type. That member is associated with the specified parameter, in the sense that the definition of the parameter is used as the value of the template type member.

A typed parameter declaration places a number of requirements on the named parameter:

  • The named parameter must be defined (through a regular parameter declaration). This can be done either within the template itself, within sub-templates, or within individual objects instantiating the template.

  • The parameter definition must be a valid expression of the specified type.

  • The parameter definition must be free of side-effects, and must not rely on the specific device instance of the DML model — in particular, the definition must be independent of device state.

    This essentially means that the definition must be a constant expression, except that it may also make use of device-independent expressions whose values are known to be constant. For example, index parameters, each-in expressions, and object references cast to template types are allowed. It is also allowed to reference other parameters that obey this rule.

    Examples of expressions that may not be used include method calls and references to session/saved variables.

  • The parameter definition must not contain calls to independent methods.

Typed parameters are most often used to allow a shared method defined within the template to access parameters of the template. For example:

template max_val_reg is write {
    param max_val : uint64;

    shared method write(uint64 v) {
        if (v > max_val) {
            log info: "Ignoring write to register exceeding max value %u",
        } else {

bank regs {
    register reg[i < 2] size 8 @0x0 + i*8 is max_val_reg {
        param max_val = 128 * (i + 1) - 1;

Parameter Declarations

A parameter declaration has the general form "param name specification;", where specification is either "= expr" or "default expr". For example:

param offset = 8;
param byte_order default "little-endian";

A default value is overridden by an assignment (=). There can be at most one assignment for each parameter. Typically, a default value for a parameter is specified in a template, and the programmer may then choose to override it where the template is used.

The specification part is in fact optional; if omitted, it means that the parameter is declared to exist (and must be given a value, or the model will not compile). This is sometimes useful in templates, as in:

template constant is register {
    param value;
    method get() -> (uint64) {
        return value;

so that wherever the template constant is used, the programmer is also forced to define the parameter value. E.g.:

register r0 size 2 @ 0x0000 is (constant) {
    param value = 0xffff;

Note that simply leaving out the parameter declaration from the template definition can have unwanted effects if the programmer forgets to specify its value where the template is used. At best, it will only cause a more obscure error message, such as "unknown identifier"; at worst, the scoping rules will select an unrelated definition of the same parameter name.

Also note that a parameter declaration without definition is redundant if a typed parameter declaration for that parameter already exists, as that already enforces that the parameter must be defined.

Note: You may see the following special form in some standard library files:

param name auto;

for example,

param parent auto;

This is used to explicitly declare the built-in automatic parameters, and should never be used outside the libraries.

Data types

The type system in DML builds on the type system in C, with a few modifications. There are eight kinds of data types. New names for types can also be assigned using a typedef declaration.


Integer types guarantee a certain minimum bit width and may be signed or unsigned. The basic integer types are named uint1, uint2, ..., uint64 for the unsigned types, and int1, int2, ..., int64 for the signed types. Note that the size of the integer type is only a hint and the type is guaranteed to be able to hold at least that many bits. Assigning a value that would not fit into the type is undefined, thus it is an error to assume that values will be truncated. For bit-exact types, refer to bitfields and layout.

The familiar integer types char and int are available as aliases for int8 and int32, respectively. The C keywords short, signed and unsigned are reserved words in DML and not allowed in type declarations.

The types size_t and uintptr_t, long, uint64_t, int64_t, are defined as in C. The types long, uint64_t and int64_t are provided mainly for compatibility with third party libraries; they are needed because they are incompatible with the corresponding Simics types (uint64, etc) on some platforms.

Endian integers

Endian integer types hold similar values as integer types, but in addition have the following attributes:

  • They are guaranteed to be stored in the exact number of bytes required for their bitsize, without padding.

  • They have a defined byte order.

  • They have a natural alignment of 1 byte.

Endian integer types are named after the integer type with which they share a bitsize and sign but in addition have a _be_t or _le_t suffix, for big-endian and little-endian integers, respectively. The full list of endian types is:

int8_be_t    int8_le_t    uint8_be_t    uint8_le_t
int16_be_t   int16_le_t   uint16_be_t   uint16_le_t
int24_be_t   int24_le_t   uint24_be_t   uint24_le_t
int32_be_t   int32_le_t   uint32_be_t   uint32_le_t
int40_be_t   int40_le_t   uint40_be_t   uint40_le_t
int48_be_t   int48_le_t   uint48_be_t   uint48_le_t
int56_be_t   int56_le_t   uint56_be_t   uint56_le_t
int64_be_t   int64_le_t   uint64_be_t   uint64_le_t

These types can be transparently used interchangeably with regular integer types, values of one type will be coerced to the other as needed. Note that operations on integers will always produce regular integer types, even if all operands are of endian integer type.

Floating-point numbers

There is only one floating-point type, called double. It corresponds to the C type double.


The boolean type bool has two values, true and false.


An array is a sequence of elements of another type, and works as in C.


Pointers to types, work as in C. String literals have the type const char *. A pointer has undefined meaning if the pointer target type is an integer whose bit-width is neither 8, 16, 32, nor 64.


A struct type defines a composite type that contains named members of different types. DML makes no assumptions about the data layout in struct types, but see the layout types below for that. Note that there is no struct label as in C, and struct member declarations are permitted to refer to types that are defined further down in the file. Thus, new struct types can always be declared using the following syntax:

typedef struct { member declarations } name;


A layout is similar to a struct in many ways. The important difference is that there is a well-defined mapping between a layout object and the underlying memory representation, and layouts may specify that in great detail.

A basic layout type looks like this:

layout "big-endian" {
    uint24 x;
    uint16 y;
    uint32 z;

By casting a pointer to a piece of host memory to a pointer of this layout type, you can access the fourth and fifth byte as a 16-bit unsigned integer with big-endian byte order by simply writing p->y.

The allowed types of layout members in a layout type declaration are integers, endian integers, other layout types, bitfields (see below), and arrays of these.

The byte order declaration is mandatory, and is either "big-endian" or "little-endian".

Access of layout members do not always provide a value of the type used for the member in the declaration. Bitfields and integer members (and arrays of similar) are translated to endian integers (or arrays of such) of similar size, with endianness matching the layout. Layout and endian integer members are accessed normally.


A bitfield type works similar to an integer type where you use bit slicing to access individual bits, but where the bit ranges are assigned names. A bitfields declaration looks like this:

bitfields 32 {
    uint3  a @ [31:29];
    uint16 b @ [23:8];
    uint7  c @ [7:1];
    uint1  d @ [0];

The bit numbering is determined by the bitorder declaration in the current file.

Accessing bit fields is done as with a struct or layout, but the whole bitfield can also be used as an unsigned integer. See the following example:

local bitfields 32 { uint8 x @ [7:0] } bf;
bf = 0x000000ff;
bf.x = bf.x - 1;
local uint32 v = bf;

Serializable types

Serializable types are types that the DML compiler knows how to serialize and deserialize for the purposes of checkpointing. This is important for the use of saved variables and the after statement.

All primitive non-pointer data types (integers, floating-point types, booleans, etc.) are considered serializable, as is any struct, layout, or array type consisting entirely of serializable types. Template types and hook reference types are also considered serializable.

Any type not fitting the above criteria is not considered serializable: in particular, any pointer type is not considered serializable, nor is any extern struct type; the latter is because it's impossible for the compiler to ensure it's aware of all members of the struct type.


Methods are similar to C functions, but also have an implicit (invisible) parameter which allows them to refer to the current device instance, i.e., the Simics configuration object representing the device. Methods also support exception handling in DML, using try and throw. The body of the method is a compound statement in an extended subset of C. It is an error to have more than one method declaration using the same name within the same scope.

Input Parameters and Return Values

A DML method can have any number of return values, in contrast to C functions which have at most one return value. DML methods do not use the keyword void — an empty pair of parentheses always means "zero parameters". Furthermore, lack of return value can even be omitted. Apart from this, the parameter declarations of a method are ordinary C-style declarations.

For example,

method m1() -> () {...}


method m1() {...}

are equivalent, and define a method that takes no input parameters and returns nothing.

method m2(int a) -> () {...}

defines a method that takes a single input parameter, and also returns nothing.

method m3(int a, int b) -> (int) {
    return a + b;

defines a method with two input parameters and a single return value. A method that has a return value must end with a return statement.

method m4() -> (int, int) {
    return (x, y);

has no input parameters, but two return values.

A method that can throw an exception must declare so, using the throws keyword:

method m5(int x) -> (int) throws {
    if (x < 0)
    return x * x;

Default Methods

A parameter or method can now be overridden more than once.

When there are multiple declarations of a parameter, then the template and import hierarchy are used to deduce which declaration to use: A declaration that appears in a block that instantiates a template will override any declaration in that template, and a declaration that appears in a file that imports another file will override any declaration from that file. The declarations of one parameter must appear so that one declaration overrides all other declarations of he parameter; otherwise the declaration is considered ambiguous and an error is signalled.

Examples: A file common.dml might contain:

param num_banks default 2;
bank banks[num_banks] {

Your device my-dev.dml can then contain:

device my_dev;
import "common.dml";
// overrides the declaration in common.dml
param num_banks = 4;

The assignment in my-dev.dml takes precedence, because my-dev.dml imports common.dml.

Another example: The following example gives an compile error:

template my_read_constant {
    param value default 0;
template my_write_constant {
    param value default 0;
bank b {
    // ERROR: Two declarations exist, and neither takes precedence
    register r is (my_read_constant, my_write_constant);

The conflict can be resolved by declaring the parameter a third time, in a location that overrides both the conflicting declarations:

bank b {
    register r is (my_read_constant, my_write_constant) {
        param value default 0;

Furthermore, an assignment (=) of a parameter may not be overridden by another declaration.

If more than one declaration of a method appears in the same object, then the template and import hierarchies are used to deduce the override order. This is done in a similar way to how parameters are handled:

  • A method declaration that appears in a block that instantiates a template will override any declaration from that template

  • A method declaration that appears in a file that imports another file will override any declaration from that file.

  • The declarations of one method must appear so that one declaration overrides all other declarations of the method; otherwise the declaration is considered ambiguous and an error is signalled.

  • A method can only be overridden by another method if it is declared default.

Note: An overridable built-in method is defined by a template named as the object type. So, if you want to write a template that overrides the read method of a register, and want to make your implementation overridable, then your template must explicitly instantiate the register template using a statement is register;.

Calling Methods

In DML, a method call looks much like in C, with some exceptions. For instance,

(a, b) = access(...);

calls the method 'access' in the same object, assigning the return values to variables a and b.

If one method overrides another, it is possible to refer to the overridden method from within the body of the overriding method using the identifier default:

x = default(...);

In addition to default, there exists the templates member of objects which allows for calling the particular implementation of a method as provided by a specified template. This is particularly useful when default can't be used due to the method overriding implementations provided by multiple hierarchically unrelated templates, such that default can't be unambiguously resolved (see Resolution of overrides.) Unlike default, templates can also be used even outside the body of the overriding method.

DML supports compound initializer syntax for the arguments of called methods, meaning arguments of struct-like types can be constructed using {...}. For example:

typedef struct {
    int x;
    int y;
} struct_t;

method copy_struct(struct_t *tgt, struct_t src) {
    *tgt = src

method m() {
    local struct_t s;
    copy_struct(&s, {1, 4});
    copy_struct(&s, {.y = 1, .x = 4});
    copy_struct(&s, {.y = 1, ...}); // Partial designated initializer

This syntax can't be used for variadic arguments or inline arguments.

Inline Methods

Methods can also be defined as inline, meaning that at least one of the input arguments is declared inline instead of declaring a type. The method body is re-evaluated every time it is invoked, and when a constant is passed for an inline argument, it will be propagated into the method as a constant.

Inline methods were popular in previous versions of the language, when constant folding across methods was a useful way to reduce the size of the compiled model. DML 1.4 provides better ways to reduce code size, and inline methods remain mainly for compatibility reasons.

Exported Methods

In DML 1.4, methods can be exported using the export declaration.

Retrieving Function Pointers to Methods

In DML 1.4, method references can be converted to function pointers using &.

Independent Methods

Methods that do not rely on the particular instance of the device model may be declared independent:

independent method m(...) -> (...) {...}

Exported independent methods do not have the input parameter corresponding to the device instance, allowing them to be called in greater number of contexts. The body of independent methods may not contain statements or expressions that rely on the device instance in any way; for example, session or saved variables may not be referenced, after and log statements may not be used, and non-independent methods may not be called.

Within a template, shared independent methods may be declared.

When independent methods are used as callbacks, it can sometimes be desirable to mutate device state. In order to do this safely, device state should be mutated within a method not declared independent, which can called from independent methods through the use of &. Device state should not be mutated directly within an independent method as this could cause certain Simics breakpoints to not function correctly; for example, an independent method should not mutate a session variable through a pointer to that variable.

Independent Startup Methods

Independent methods may also be declared startup, which causes them to be called when the model is loaded into the simulation, before any device is created. In order for this to be possible, independent startup methods may not have any return values nor be declared throws. In addition, independent startup methods may not be declared with an overridable definition due to technical limitations — this restriction can be worked around by having an independent startup method call an overridable independent method. Note that abstract shared independent startup methods are allowed.

The order in which independent startup methods are implicitly called at model load is not defined, with the exception that independent startup methods not declared memoized are called before any independent startup methods that are.

Independent Startup Memoized Methods

Independent startup methods may also be declared memoized. Unlike regular independent startup methods, independent startup memoized methods may — indeed, are required to — have return values and/or be declared throws.

After the first call of a memoized method, all subsequent calls for the simulation session return the results of the first call without executing the body of the method. If a memoized method call throws, then subsequent calls will throw without executing the body.

The first call to an independent startup memoized method will typically be the one implicitly performed at model load, but it may also occur beforehand (for example, if the method is called as part of another independent startup method).

Result caching is shared across all instances of the device model. This mechanism can be used to compute device-independent data which is then shared across all instances of the device model.

The results of shared memoized methods are cached per template instance, and are not shared across all objects instantiating the template.

(Indirectly) recursive memoized method calls are not allowed; the result of such a call is a run-time critical error.

Session variables

A session declaration creates a number of named storage locations for arbitrary run-time values. The names belongs to the same namespace as objects and methods. The general form is:

session declarations = initializer;

where = initializers is optional and declarations is a variable declaration similar to C, or a sequence of such declarations; for example,

session int id = 1;
session bool active;
session double table[4] = {0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8};
session (int x, int y) = (4, 3);
session conf_object_t *obj;

In the absence of explicit initializer expressions, a default "all zero" initializer will be applied to each declared object.

Note that the number of initializers — together given as a tuple — must match the number of declared variables. In addition, the number of elements in each initializer must match with the number of elements or fields of the type of the declared session variable. This also implies that each sub-element, if itself being a compound data structure, must also be enclosed in braces.

C99-style designated initializers are supported for struct, layout, and bitfields types:

typedef struct { int x; struct { int i; int j; } y; } struct_t;
session struct_t s = { .x = 1, .y = { .i = 2, .j = 3 } }

Unlike C, partial initialization is not allowed implicitly; a designated initializer for each member must be specified. However, partial initialization can be done explicitly through the use of trailing ... syntax:

session struct_t s = { .y = { .i = 2, ... }, ... }

Also unlike C, designator lists are not supported, and designated initializers for arrays are not supported.

Note: Previously session variables were known as data variables.

Saved variables

A saved declaration creates a named storage location for an arbitrary run-time value, and automatically creates an attribute that checkpoints this variable. Saved variables can be declared in object or statement scope, and the name will belong to the namespace of other declarations in that scope. The general form is:

saved declaration = initializer;

where = initializer is optional and declaration is similar to a C variable declaration; for example,

saved int id = 1;
saved bool active;
saved double table[4] = {0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8};

In the absence of explicit initializer expression, a default "all zero" initializer will be applied to the declared object.

Note that the number of elements in the initializer must match with the number of elements or fields of the type of the saved variable. This also implies that each sub-element, if itself being a compound data structure, must also be enclosed in braces.

C99-style designated initializers are supported for struct, layout, and bitfields types:

typedef struct { int x; struct { int i; int j; } y; } struct_t;
saved struct_t s = { .x = 1, .y = { .i = 2, .j = 3 } }

Unlike C, partial initialization is not allowed implicitly; a designated initializer for each member must be specified. However, partial initialization can be done explicitly through the use of trailing ... syntax:

session struct_t s = { .y = { .i = 2, ... }, ... }

Also unlike C, designator lists are not supported, and designated initializers for arrays are not supported.

In addition, the types of saved declaration variables are currently restricted to primitive data types, or structs or arrays containing only data types that could be saved. Such types are called serializable.

Note: Saved variables are primarily intended for making checkpointable state easier. For configuration, attribute objects should be used instead. Additional data types for saved declarations are planned to be supported.

Hook Declarations

hook(msgtype1, ... msgtypeN) name;

A hook declaration defines a named object member to which suspended computations may be attached for execution at a later point. By sending a message through the hook, every computation suspended on the hook will become detached from the hook, and then executed — receiving the message as data. Computations suspended on a hook are executed in order of least recently attached; in other words, FIFO semantics.

Currently, the only computations that can be suspended and attached to hooks are single method calls, which is done through the use of the after statement. This will later be expanded upon: hooks will play a central role in the future introduction of coroutines, as hooks will serve as the primitive mechanism through which coroutines suspend themselves and become resumed.

Every hook has an associated list of message component types, specified during declaration through the (msgtype1, ... msgtypeN) syntax. This specifies what form of data is sent and received via the hook. Any number of message component types can be given, including zero, in which case a message sent via the hook has no associated data.

Example declarations:

// Hook with no associated message component types
hook() h1;
// Hook with a single message component type
hook(int) h2;
// Hook with two message component types
hook(int *, bool) h3;

Beyond suspending computations on it, a hook h has two associated operations:

  • h.send(msg1, ... msgN)

    Sends a message through the hook, with message components msg1 through msgN. The number of message components must match the number of message component types of the hook, and each message component must be compatible with the corresponding message component type of the hook.

    send is asynchronous: the message will only be sent — and suspended computations executed — once all current device entries on the call stack have been completed. It is exactly equivalent to after: h.send_now(msg1, ... msgN), except it's not possible to prevent the message from being sent via cancel_after(). For more information, see Immediate After Statements.

    Like immediate after statements, pointers to stack-allocated data must not be passed as message components to a send. If you must use pointers to stack-allocated data, then send_now should be used instead of send. If you want the message to be delayed to avoid ordering bugs, create a method which wraps the send_now call together with the declarations of the local variable(s) which are pointed to, and then use an immediate after statement (after: m(...)) to delay the call to that method.

  • h.send_now(msg1, ... msgN)

    Sends a message through the hook, with message components msg1 through msgN. The number of message components must match the number of message component types of the hook, and each message component must be compatible with the corresponding message component type of the hook.

    send_now is synchronous: every computation suspended on the hook will execute before send_now completes.

    send_now returns the number of suspended computations that were successfully resumed from the message being sent. Currently, every suspended computation is guaranteed to successfully be resumed unless cancelled by a preceding computation resumed by the send_now. This will not remain true in the future: coroutines are planned to be able to reject a message and reattach themselves to the hook.

  • h.suspended

    Evaluates to the number of computations currently suspended on the hook.

References to hooks are valid run-time values: a reference to a hook with message component types msgtype1 through msgtypeN will have the hook reference type hook(msgtype1, ... msgtypeN). This means hook references can be stored in variables, and can be passed around as method arguments or return values. In fact, hook references are even serializable.

Two hook references of the same hook reference type can be compared for equality, and are considered equal when they both reference the same hook.

Note: Hooks have a notable shortcoming in their lack of configurability; for example, there is no way to configure a hook to log an error when a message is sent through the hook and there is no computation suspended on the hook to act upon the message. Proper hook configurability is planned to be added by the time or together with coroutines being introduced to DML. Until then, the suggested approach is to create wrappers around usages of send_now(). Hook reference types can be leveraged to cut down on the needed number of such wrappers, for example:
method send_now_checked_no_data(hook() h) {
    local uint64 resumed = h.send_now();
    if (resumed == 0) {
        log error: "Unhandled message to hook";

method send_now_checked_int(hook(int) h, int x) { local uint64 resumed = h.send_now(x); if (resumed == 0) { log error: "Unhandled message to hook"; } }

Object Declarations

The general form of an object declaration is "type name extras is (template, ...) desc { ... }" or "type name extras is (template, ...) desc;", where type is an object type such as bank, name is an identifier naming the object, and extras is optional special notation which depends on the object type. The is (template, ...) part is optional and will make the object inherit the named templates. The surrounding parenthesis can be omitted if only one template is inherited. The desc is an optional string constant giving a very short summary of the object. It can consist of several string literals concatenated by the '+' operator. Ending the declaration with a semicolon is equivalent to ending with an empty pair of braces. The body (the section within the braces) may contain parameter declarations, methods, session variable declarations, saved variable declarations, in each declarations and object declarations.

For example, a register object may be declared as

register r0 @ 0x0100 "general-purpose register 0";

where the "@ offset" notation is particular for the register object type; see below for details.

Using is (template1, template2) is equivalent to using is statements in the body, so the following two declarations are equivalent:

register r0 @ 0x0100 is (read_only,autoreg);

register r0 @ 0x0100 {
    is read_only;
    is autoreg;

An object declaration with a desc section, on the form

type name ... desc { ... }

is equivalent to defining the parameter desc, as in

type name ... {
    param desc = desc;

In the following sections, we will leave out desc from the object declarations, since it is always optional. Another parameter, documentation (for which there is no short-hand), may also be defined for each object, and for some object types it is used to give a more detailed description. See Section Universal Templates for details.)

If two object declarations with the same name occur within the same containing object, and they specify the same object type, then the declarations are concatenated; e.g.,

bank b {
    register r size 4 { ...body1... }
    register r @ 0x0100 { ...body2... }

is equivalent to

bank b {
    register r size 4 @ 0x0100  {

However, it is an error if the object types should differ.

Most object types (bank, register, field, group, attribute, connect, event, and port) may be used in arrays. The general form of an object array declaration is

type name[var < size]... extras { ... }

Here each [var < size] declaration defines a dimension of resulting array. var defines the name of the index in that dimension, and size defines the size of the dimension. Each variable defines a parameter in the object scope, and thus must be unique. The size must be a compile time constant. For instance,

register regs[i < 16] size 2 {
    param offset = 0x0100 + 2 * i;

or written more compactly

register regs[i < 16] size 2 @ 0x0100 + 2 * i;

defines an array named regs of 16 registers (numbered from 0 to 15) of 2 bytes each, whose offsets start at 0x0100. See Section Universal Templates for details about arrays and index parameters.

The size specification of an array dimension may be replaced with ... if the size has already been defined by a different declaration of the same object array. For example, the following is valid:

register regs[i < 16][j < ...] size 2 @ 0x0100 + 16 * i + 2 * j;
register regs[i < ...][j < 8] is (read_only);

The following sections give further details on declarations for object types that have special conventions.

Register Declarations

The general form of a register declaration is

register name size n @ d is (templates) { ... }

Each of the "size n", "@ d", and "is (templates)" sections is optional, but if present, they must be specified in the above order.

  • A declaration

    register name size n ... { ... }

    is equivalent to

    register name ... { param size = n; ... }
  • A declaration

    register name ... @ d ... { ... }

    is equivalent to

    register name  ... { param offset = d; ... }

Field Declarations

The general form of a field object declaration is

field name @ [highbit:lowbit] is (templates) { ... }

or simply

field name @ [bit] ... { ... }

specifying a range of bits of the containing register, where the syntax [bit] is short for [bit:bit]. Both the "@ [...]" and the is (templates) sections are optional; in fact, the "[...]" syntax is merely a much more convenient way of defining the (required) field parameters lsb and msb.

For a range of two or more bits, the first (leftmost) number always indicates the most significant bit, regardless of the bit numbering scheme used in the file. This corresponds to how bit fields are usually visualized, with the most significant bit to the left.

The bits of a register are always numbered from zero to n - 1, where n is the width of the register. If the default little-endian bit numbering is used, the least significant bit has index zero, and the most significant bit has index n - 1. In this case, a 32-bit register with two fields corresponding to the high and low half-words may be declared as

register HL size 4 ... {
    field H @ [31:16];
    field L @ [15:0];

If instead big-endian bit numbering is selected in the file, the most significant bit has index zero, and the least significant bit has the highest index. In that case, the register above may be written as

register HL size 4 ... {
    field H @ [0:15];
    field L @ [16:31];

This is useful when modeling a system where the documentation uses big-endian bit numbering, so it can be compared directly to the model.

Conditional Objects

It is also possible to conditionally include or exclude one or more object declarations, depending on the value of a boolean expression. This is especially useful when reusing source files between several similar models that differ in some of the details.

The syntax is very similar to the #if statements used in methods.

#if (enable_target) {
    connect target (
        interface signal;

One difference is that the braces are required. It is also possible to add else branches, or else-if branches.

#if (modeltype == "Mark I") {
} #else #if (modeltype == "Mark II" {
} #else {

The general syntax is

#if ( conditional ) { object declarations ... }
#else #if ( conditional ) { object declarations ... }
#else { object declarations ... }

The conditional is an expression with a constant boolean value. It may reference parameters declared at the same level in the object hierarchy, or in parent levels.

The object declarations are any number of declarations of objects, session variables, saved variables, methods, or other #if statements, but not parameters, is statements, or in each statements . When the conditional is true (or if it's the else branch of a false conditional), the object declarations are treated as if they had appeared without any surrounding #if. So the two following declarations are equivalent:

#if (true) {
    register R size 4;
} #else {
    register R size 2;

is equivalent to

register R size 4;

In Each Declarations

In Each declarations are a convenient mechanism to apply a pattern to a group of objects. The syntax is:

in each (template-name, ...) { body }

where template-name is the name of a template and body is a list of object statements, much like the body of a template. The statements in body are expanded in any subobjects that instantiate the template template-name, either directly or indirectly. If more than one template-name is given, then the body will be expanded only in objects that instantiate all the listed templates.

The in each construct can be used as a convenient way to express when many objects share a common property. For example, a bank can contain the following to conveniently set the size of all its registers:

in each register { param size = 2; }

Declarations in an in each block will override any declarations in the extended template. Furthermore, declarations in the scope that contains an in each statement, will override declarations from that in each statement. This can be used to define exceptions for the in each rule:

bank regs {
    in each register { param size default 2; }
    register r1 @ 0;
    register r2 @ 2;
    register r3 @ 4 { param size = 1; }
    register r4 @ 5 { param size = 1; }

An in each block is only expanded in subobjects; the object where the in each statement is present is unaffected even if it instantiates the extended template.

An in each statement with multiple template names can be used to cause a template to act differently depending on context:

template greeting { is read; }
template field_greeting is write {
    method write(uint64 val) {
        log info: "hello";
in each (greeting, field) { is field_greeting; }
template register_greeting is write {
    method write(uint64 val) {
        log info: "world";
in each (greeting, register) { is register_greeting; }

bank regs {
    register r0 @ 0 {
        // logs "hello" on write
        field f @ [0] is (greeting);
    // logs "world" on write
    register r1 @ 4 is (greeting);

Global Declarations

The following sections describe the global declarations in DML. These can only occur on the top level of a DML model, i.e., not within an object or method. Unless otherwise noted, their scope is the entire model.

Import Declarations

import filename;

Imports the contents of the named file. filename must be a string literal, such as "utility.dml". The -I option to the dmlc compiler can be used to specify directories to be searched for import files.

If filename starts with ./ or ../, the compiler disregards the -I flag, and the path is instead interpreted relative to the directory of the importing file.

Note that imported files are parsed as separate units, and use their own language version and bit order declarations. A DML 1.4 file is not allowed to import a DML 1.2 file, but a DML 1.2 file may import a DML 1.4 file.

Template Declarations

Templates may only be declared on the top level, and the syntax and semantics for such declarations have been described previously.

Templates share the same namespace as types, as each template declaration defines a corresponding template type of the same name. It is illegal to define a template whose name conflicts with that of another type.

Bitorder Declarations

bitorder order;

Selects the default bit numbering scheme to be used for interpreting bit-slicing expressions and bit field declarations in the file. The order is one of the identifiers le or be, implying little-endian or big-endian, respectively. The little-endian numbering scheme means that bit zero is the least significant bit in a word, while in the big-endian scheme, bit zero is the most significant bit.

A bitorder declaration should be placed before any other global declaration in each DML-file, but must follow immediately after the device declaration if such one is present. The scope of the declaration is the whole of the file it occurs in. If no bitorder declaration is present in a file, the default bit order is le (little-endian). The bitorder does not extend to imported files; for example, if a file containing a declaration "bitorder be;" imports a file with no bit order declaration, the latter file will still use the default le order.

Constant Declarations

constant name = expr;

Defines a named constant. expr must be a constant-valued expression.

Parameters have a similar behaviour as constants but are more powerful, so constants are rarely useful. The only advantage of constants over parameters is that they can be used in typedef declarations.

Loggroup Declarations

loggroup name;

Defines a log group, for use in log statements. More generally, the identifier name is bound to an unsigned integer value that is a power of 2, and can be used anywhere in C context; this is similar to a constant declaration, but the value is allocated automatically so that all log groups are represented by distinct powers of 2 and can be combined with bitwise or.

A maximum of 63 log groups may be declared per device (61 excluding the built-in Register_Read and Register_Write log groups.)

Typedef Declarations

typedef declaration;
extern typedef declaration;

Defines a name for a data type.

When the extern form is used, the type is assumed to exist in the C environment. No definition of the type is added to the generated C code, and the generated C code blindly assume that the type exists and has the given definition.

An extern typedef declaration may not contain a layout or endian int type.

If a struct type appears within an extern typedef declaration, then DMLC will assume that there is a corresponding C type, which has members of given types that can be accessed with the . operator. No assumptions are made on completeness or size; so the C struct may have additional fields, or it might be a union type. An empty member list is even allowed; this can make sense for opaque structs. DML variables of extern struct type are initialized such that any members of the C struct which are unknown to DML are initialized to 0.

Nested struct definitions are permitted in an extern typedef declaration, but an inner struct type only supports member access; it cannot be used as a standalone type. For instance, if you have:

extern typedef struct {
    struct { int x; } inner;
} outer_t;

then you can declare local outer_t var; and access the member var.inner.x, but the inner type is unknown to DML so you cannot declare a variable local typeof var.inner *inner_p;.

Extern Declarations

extern declaration;

Declares an external identifier, similar to a C extern declaration; for example,

extern char *motd;
extern double table[16];
extern conf_object_t *obj;
extern int foo(int x);
extern int printf(const char *format, ...);

Multiple extern declarations for the same identifier are permitted as long as they all declare the same type for the identifier.

Header Declarations

header %{

Specifies a section of C code which will be included verbatim in the generated C header file for the device. There must be no whitespace between the % and the corresponding brace in the %{ and %} markers. The contents of the header section are not examined in any way by the dmlc compiler; declarations made in C code must also be specified separately in the DML code proper.

This feature should only be used to solve problems that cannot easily be handled directly in DML. It is most often used to make the generated code include particular C header files, as in:

header %{
#include "extra_defs.h"

The expanded header block will appear in the generated C file, which usually is in a different directory than the source DML file. Therefore, when including a file with a relative path, the C compiler will not automatically look for the .h file in the directory of the .dml file, unless a corresponding -I flag is passed. To avoid this problem, DMLC inserts a C macro definition to permit including a companion header file. For instance, if the file /path/to/hello-world.dml includes a header block, then the macro DMLDIR_HELLO_WORLD_H is defined as the string "/path/to/hello-world.h" within this header block. This allows the header block to contain #include DMLDIR_HELLO_WORLD_H, as a way to include hello-world.h without passing -I/path/to to the C compiler.

DMLC only defines one such macro in each header block, by taking the DML file name and substituting the .dml suffix for .h. Furthermore, the macro is undefined after the header. Hence, the macro can only be used to access one specific companion header file; if other header files are desired, then #include directives can be added to the companion header file, where relative paths are expanded as expected.

See also footer declarations, below.

Footer Declarations

footer %{

Specifies a piece of C code which will be included verbatim at the end of the generated code for the device. There must be no whitespace between the % and the corresponding brace in the %{ and %} markers. The contents of the footer section are not examined in any way by the dmlc compiler.

This feature should only be used to solve problems that cannot easily be handled directly in DML. See also header declarations, above.

Export Declarations

export method as name;

Exposes a method specified by method to other C modules within the same Simics module under the name name with external linkage. Note that inline methods, shared methods, methods that throw, methods with more than one return argument, and methods declared inside object arrays cannot be exported. It is sometimes possible to write wrapper methods that call into non-exportable methods to handle such cases, and export the wrapper instead.

Exported methods are rarely used; it is better to use Simics interfaces for communication between devices. However, exported methods can sometimes be practical in tight cross-language integrations, when the implementation of one device is split between one DML part and one C/C++ part.

Example: the following code in DML:

method my_method(int x) { ... }
export my_method as "my_c_function";

will export my_method as a C function with external linkage, using the following signature:

void my_c_function(conf_object_t *obj, int x);

The conf_object_t *obj parameter corresponds to the device instance, and is omitted when the referenced method is independent.

Resolution of overrides

This section describes in detail the rules for how DML handles when there are multiple definitions of the same parameter or method. A less technical but incomplete description can be found in the section on templates.

  • Each declaration in every DML file is assigned a rank. The set of ranks form a partial order, and are defined as follows:

    • The top level of each file has a rank.
    • Each template definition has a rank.
    • The block in an in each declaration has a rank.
    • If one object declaration has rank R, then any subobject declaration inside it, also those inside an #if block, has rank R.
    • param and method declarations has the rank of the object they are declared within. This includes shared methods.
    • If an object declaration contains is T, then that object declaration has higher rank than the body of the template T.
    • If one file F1 imports another file F2, then the top level of F1 has higher rank than the top level of F2.
    • A declaration has higher rank than the block of any in each declaration it contains.
    • An in each block has higher rank than the templates it applies to
    • If there are three declarations D1, D2 and D3, where D1 has higher rank than D2 and D2 has higher rank than D3, then D1 has higher rank than D3.
    • A declaration may not have higher rank than itself.
  • In a set of method or param declarations that declare the same object in the hierarchy, then we say that one declaration dominates the set if it has higher rank than all other declarations in the set. Abstract param declarations (param name; or param name : type;) and abstract method definitions (method name(args...);) are excluded here; they cannot dominate a set, and a dominating declaration in a set does not need to have higher declaration than any abstract param or method declaration in the set.

  • There may be any number of untyped abstract definitions of a parameter (param name;).

  • There may be at most one typed abstract definition of a parameter (param name : type;)

  • There may be at most one abstract shared definition of a method. Any other shared definition of this method must have higher rank than the abstract definition, but any rank is permitted for non-shared definitions. For instance:

    template a {
        method m() default {}
    template b {
        shared method m() default {}
    template aa is a {
        // OK: overrides non-shared method
        shared method m();
    template bb is b {
        // Error: abstract shared definition overrides non-abstract
        shared method m();
  • When there is a set of declarations of the same a method or param object in the hierarchy, then there must be (exactly) one of these declarations that dominates the set; it is an error if there is not.

  • If there is a method or param that is not declared default, then it must dominate the set of declarations of that method or parameter; it is an error if it does not.

  • In the above two rules, "the set of declarations" of an object does not include declarations that are disabled through an #if statement, or definitions that appear in a template that never is instantiated in an object. However, the rules do also apply to shared method declarations in templates, regardless whether the templates are used. For instance:

    template t1 {
        method a() {}
        shared method b() {}
    template t2 is t1 {
        // OK, as long as t2 never is instantiated
        method a default {}
        // Error, even if t2 is unused
        shared method b() default {}
  • If the set of declarations D1, D2, ..., Dn of a method M is dominated by the declaration Dn, then:

    • If there is a k, 1 ≤ k ≤ n-1, such that Dk dominates the set D1, ..., Dn-1, then the symbol default refers to the method implementation of Dk within the scope of the method implementation of Dn.
    • If not, then default is an illegal value within the method implementation of Dn.

It follows that:

  • The following code is illegal, because it would otherwise give T a higher rank than itself:

    template T {
        #if (p) {
            group g is T {
                param p = false;
  • Cyclic imports are not permitted, for the same reason.

  • If an object is declared twice on the top level in the same file, then both declarations have the same rank. Thus, the following declarations of the parameter p count as conflicting, because neither has a rank that dominates the other:

    bank b {
        register r {
            param p default 3;
    bank b {
        register r {
            param p = 4;

Comparison to C/C++

The algorithmic language used to express method bodies in DML is an extended subset of ISO C, with some C++ extensions such as new and delete. The DML-specific statements and expressions are described in Sections Method Statements and Expressions.

DML defines the following additional built-in data types:

int1, ..., int64, uint1, ..., uint64

Signed and unsigned specific-width integer types. Widths from 1 to 64 are allowed.


The generic boolean datatype, consisting of the values true and false. It is not an integer type, and the only implicit conversion is to uint1

DML also supports the non-standard C extension typeof(expr) operator, as provided by some modern C compilers such as GCC.

DML deviates from the C language in a number of ways:

  • All integer arithmetic is performed on 64-bit numbers in DML, and truncated to target types on assignment. This is similar to how arithmetic would work in C on a platform where the int type is 64 bits wide (though in DML, int is an alias of int32). Similarly, all floating-point arithmetic is performed on the double type.

    For instance, consider the following:

    local int24 x = -3;
    local uint32 y = 2;
    local uint64 sum = x + y;

    In C, the expression x + y would cast both operands up to unsigned 32-bit integers before performing a 32-bit addition; overflow gives the result is 232 - 1, which is promoted without sign extension into a 64-bit integer before stored in the sum variable. In DML, both operands are instead promoted to 64-bit signed integers, so the addition evaluates to -1, which is stored as 264 - 1 in the sum variable.

    Formally, if any of the two operands of an arithmetic binary operator (including bitwise operators) has the type uint64, then both operands are promoted into uint64 before the operation; otherwise, both operands are promoted into int64 before the operation. If any operand has floating-point type, then both operands are promoted into the double type.

  • Comparison operators (==, !=, <, <=, > and >=) do not promote signed integers to unsigned before comparison. Thus, unlike in C, the following comparison yields true:

    int32 x = -1;
    uint64 val = 0;
    if (val > x) { ... }
  • The shift operators (<< and >>) have well-defined semantics when the right operand is large: Shifting by more than 63 bits gives zero (-1 if the left operand is negative). Shifting a negative number of bits is an error.

  • Division by zero is an error.

  • Signed overflow in arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, <<) is well-defined. The overflow value is calculated assuming two's complement representation; i.e., the result is the unique value v such that vr (mod 264), where r is the result of operation using arbitrary precision arithmetic.

  • Local variable declarations must use the keyword local, session, or saved; as in

    method m() {
        session int call_count = 0;
        saved bool called = false;
        local int n = 0;
        local float f;

    Session and saved variables have a similar meaning to static variables as in C: they retain value over function calls. However, such variables in DML are allocated per device object, and are not globally shared between device instances.

    Unlike C, multiple simultaneous variable declaration and initialization is done through tuple syntax:

    method m() {
        local (int n, bool b) = (0, true);
        local (float f, void *p);
  • Plain C functions (i.e., not DML methods) can be called using normal function call syntax, as in f(x).

    In order to call a C function from DML, three steps are needed:

    • In order for DML to recognize an identifier as a C function, it must be declared in DML, using an extern declaration.

    • In order for the C compiler to recognize the identifier when compiling generated C code, a function declaration must also be declared in a header section, or in a header file included from this section.

    • In order for the C linker to resolve the symbol, a function definition must be present, either in a separate C file or in a header or footer section.


    int foo(int i)
        return ~i + 1;


    int foo(int i);


    // tell DML that these functions are available
    extern int foo(int);
    extern int bar(int);
    header %{
        // tell generated C that these functions are available
        #include "foo.h"
        int bar(int);  // defined in the DML footer section
    footer %{
        int bar(int i)
            return -i;


    SRC_FILES=foo.c bar.dml
  • Assignments (=) are required to be separate statements. You are still allowed to assign multiple variables in one statement, as in:

    i = j = 0;
  • Multiple simultaneous assignment can be performed in one statement through tuple syntax, allowing e.g. the following:

    (i, j) = (j, i);

    However, such assignments are not allowed to be chained.

  • If a method can throw exceptions, or if it has more than one return argument, then the call must be a separate statement. If it has one or more return values, these must be assigned. If a method has multiple return arguments, these are enclosed in a parenthesis, as in:

    method divmod(int x, int y) -> (int, int) {
        return (x / y, x % y);
    (quotient, remainder) = divmod(17, 5);
  • Type casts must be written as cast(expr, type).

  • Comparison operators and logical operators produce results of type bool, not integers.

  • Conditions in if, for, while, etc. must be proper booleans; e.g., if (i == 0) is allowed, and if (b) is allowed if b is a boolean variable, but if (i) is not, if i is an integer.

  • The sizeof operator can only be used on lvalue expressions. To take the size of a datatype, the sizeoftype operator must be used.

  • Comma-expressions are only allowed in the head of for-statements, as in

    for (i = 10, k = 0; i > 0; --i, ++k) ...
  • delete and throw can only be used as statements in DML, not as expressions.

  • throw does not take any argument, and catch cannot switch on the type or value of an exception.

  • Type declarations do not allow the use of union. However, the extern typedef construct can be used to achieve the same result. For example, consider the union data type declared in C as:

    typedef union { int i; bool b; } u_t;

    The data type can be exposed in DML as follows:

    header %{
        typedef union { int i; bool b; } u_t;
    extern typedef struct { int i; bool b; } u_t;

    This will make u_t look like a struct to DML, but since union and struct syntax is identical in C, the C code generated from uses of u_t will work correctly together with the definition from the header declaration.

Method Statements

All ISO C statements are available in DML, and have the same semantics as in C. Like ordinary C expressions, all DML expressions can also be used in expression-statements.

DML adds the following statements:

Assignment Statements

target1 [= target2 = ...] = initializer;
(target1, target2, ...) = initializer;

Assign values to targets according to an initializer. Unlike C, assignments are not expressions, and the right-hand side can be any initializer — such as compound initializers ({...}) for struct-like types.

The first form is chaining assignments. The initializer is executed once and the value it evaluates to is assigned to each target.

The second form is multiple simultaneous assignment. The initializer describes multiple values — one for each target. This can be done either through:

  • Providing an initializer for each target through tuple syntax, e.g.:
(a, i) = (false, 4);
  • Performing a method call where each target is a return value recipient, e.g.:
method m() -> (bool, int) {
(a, i) = m();

Targets are updated simultaneously, meaning it's possible to e.g. swap the contents of variables through the following:

(a, b) = (b, a)

Local Statements

local type identifier [= initializer];
local (type1 identifier1, type2 identifier2, ...) [= initializer];

Declares one or multiple local variables in the current scope. The right-hand side is an initializer, meaning, for example, that compound initializers ({...}) can be used.

The initializer must provide the exact number of values needed to initialize the variables, and they must be of compatible type. Multiple values can be provided either through:

  • Providing an initializer for each variable through tuple syntax, e.g.:
local (bool a, int i) = (false, 4);
  • Performing a method call where each return value initializes a variable, e.g.:
method m() -> (bool, int) {
local (bool a, int i) = m();

In the absence of explicit initializer expressions, a default "all zero" initializer will be applied to each declared object.

Session Statements

session type identifier [= initializer];
session (type1 identifier1, type2 identifier2, ...) [= (initializer1, initializer2, ...)];

Declares one or multiple session variables in the current scope. Note that initializers of such variables are evaluated once when initializing the device, and thus must be a compile-time constant.

Saved Statements

saved type identifier [= initializer];
sabed (type1 identifier1, type2 identifier2, ...) [= (initializer1, initializer2, ...)];

Declares one or multiple saved variables in the current scope. Note that initializers of such variables are evaluated once when initializing the device, and thus must be a compile-time constant.

Return Statements

return [initializer];

Returns from method with the value(s) specified by the argument. Unlike C, the argument is an initializer, meaning, for example, return values of struct-like type can be constructed using {...}.

The initializer must provide the exact number of values corresponding as the return values of the method, and they must be of compatible type. Multiple values can be provided either through:

  • Providing an initializer for each return value through tuple syntax, e.g.:
method m() -> (bool, int) {
    return (false, 4);
  • Performing a method call and propagating the return values:
method n() -> (bool, int) {
    return m();

Delete Statements

delete expr;

Deallocates the memory pointed to by the result of evaluating expr. The memory must have been allocated with the new operator, and must not have been deallocated previously. Equivalent to delete in C++; however, in DML, delete can only be used as a statement, not as an expression.

Try Statements

try protected-stmt catch handle-stmt

Executes protected-stmt; if that completes normally, the whole try-statement completes normally. Otherwise, handle-stmt is executed. This is similar to exception handling in C++, but in DML there is only one kind of exception. Note that Simics C-exceptions are not handled. See also throw.

Throw Statements


Throws (raises) an exception, which may be caught by a try-statement. This is similar to throw in C++, but in DML it is not possible to specify a value to be thrown. Furthermore, in DML, throw is a statement, not an expression.

If an exception is not caught inside a method body, then the method must be declared as throws, and the exception is propagated over the method call boundary.

Method Calls

(d1, ... dM) = method(e1, ... eN);

A DML method is called similarly as a C function, with the exception that you must have assignment destinations according to the number of return values of the method. Here a DML method is called with input arguments e1, ... eN, assigning return values to destinations d1, ... dM. The destinations are usually variables, but they can be arbitrary L-values (even bit slices) as long as their types match the method signature.

If the method has no return value, the call is simply expressed as:


A method with exactly one return value can also be called in any expression, unless it is an inline method, or a method that can throw exceptions. For example:

method m() -> (int) { ... }
if (m() + i == 13) { ... }

A method call (even if it is throwing or has multiple return values) can be used as an initializer in any context that accepts non-constant initializers; i.e., in assignment statements (as shown above), local variable declarations, and return statements. For example:

// declare multiple variables, and initialize them from one method call
local (int i, uint8 j) = m(e1);

// Propagate all return values from a method call as the return values of the
// caller.
return m(e1)

Template-Qualified Method Implementation Calls

Every object, as well as every template type, has a templates member to allow for calling particular implementations of that object's methods, as opposed to only the final overriding implementations that are reachable directly. Specifically, templates allows for invoking any particular implementation as provided by a specified template instantiated by the object. Such invocations are called template-qualified method implementation calls, and are made as follows:

template t {
    method m() default {
        log info: "implementation from 't'"

template u is t {
    method m() default {
        log info: "implementation from 'u'"

group g is u {
    method m() {
        log info: "final implementation"

method call_ms() {
    // Logs "final implementation"
    // Logs "implementation from 'u'"
    // Logs "implementation from 't'"

Template-qualified method implementation calls are primarily meant as a way for an overriding method to reference overridden implementations, even when the implementations are provided by hierarchically unrelated templates such that default can't be used (see Resolution of overrides.) In particular, this typically allows for ergonomically resolving conflicts introduced when multiple orthogonal templates are instantiated, as long as all conflicting implementations are overridable, and one of the following is true:

  • The implementations can be combined together by calling each one of them, as long as that can be done without risking e.g. side-effects being duplicated.
  • The implementations can be combined by choosing one particular template's implementation to invoke (typically the one most complex), and then adding code around that implementation call in order to replicate the behaviour of the implementations of the other templates. Ideally, the other templates would provide methods that may be leveraged so that their behaviour may be replicated without the need for excessive boilerplate.

The following is an example of the first case:

template alter_write is write {
    method write(uint64 written) {

    method alter_write(uint64 curr, uint64 written) -> (uint64);

template gated_write is alter_write {
    method write_allowed() -> (bool) default {
        return true;

    method alter_write(uint64 curr, uint64 written) -> (uint64) default {
        return write_allowed() ? written : curr;

template write_1_clears is alter_write {
    method alter_write(uint64 curr, uint64 written) -> (uint64) default {
        return curr & ~written;

template gated_write_1_clears is (gated_write, write_1_clears) {
    method alter_write(uint64 curr, uint64 written) default {
        local uint64 new = this.templates.write_1_clears.alter_write(
            curr, written);
        return this.templates.gated_write.alter_write(curr, new);

// Resolve the conflict introduced whenever the two orthogonal templates are
// instantiated by also instantiating gated_write_1_clears when that happens
in each (gated_write, write_1_clears) { is gated_write_1_clears; }

The following is an example of the second case:

template very_complex_register is register {
    method write_register(uint64 written, uint64 enabled_bytes,
                          void *aux) default {
        ... // An extremely complicated implementation

template gated_register is register {
    method write_allowed() -> (bool) default {
        return true;

    method on_write_attempted_when_not_allowed() default {
        log spec_viol: "%s was written to when not allowed", qname;

    method write_register(uint64 written, uint64 enabled_bytes,
                          void *aux) default {
        if (write_allowed()) {
            default(written, enabled_bytes, aux);
        } else {

template very_complex_gated_register is (very_complex_register,
                                         gated_register) {
    // No sensible way to combine the two implementations by calling both.
    // Even if there were, calling both implementations would cause each field
    // of the register to be written to multiple times, potentially duplicating
    // side-effects, which is undesirable.
    // Instead, very_complex_register is chosen as the base implementation
    // called, and the behaviour of gated_register is replicated around that
    // call.
    method write_register(uint64 written, uint64 enabled_bytes,
                          void *aux) default {
        if (write_allowed()) {
                written, enabled_bytes, aux);
        } else {

in each (gated_register, very_complex_register) {
    is very_complex_gated_register;

A template-qualified method implementation call is resolved by using the method implementation provided to the object by the named template. If no such implementation is provided (whether it be because the template does not specify one, or specifies one which is not provided to the object due to its definition being eliminated by an #if), then the ancestor templates of the named template are recursively searched for the highest-rank (most specific) implementation provided by them. If the ancestor templates provide multiple hierarchically unrelated implementations, then the choice is ambiguous and the call will be rejected by the compiler. In this case, the modeller must refine the template-qualified method implementation call to name the ancestor template whose implementation they would like to use.

A template-qualified method implementation call done via a value of template type functions differently compared to compile-time object references. In particular, this.templates within the bodies of shared methods functions differently. The specified template must be an ancestor template of the value's template type, the object template, or the template type itself; furthermore, the specified template must provide or inherit a shared implementation of the named method. It is not sufficient that the method is simply declared shared such that it is part of the template type: the implementation itself must also be shared. For more information, see the documentation of the ENSHAREDTQMIC error message.

After Statements

after ...: method(e1, ... eN);

The after statement sets up the given method call (the callback) such that it will be performed with the provided arguments at a specified point in the future. There are three different forms of the after statement, syntactically determined through what appears before the : — each form corresponds to different specifications of at what future point the method should be called.

A method call suspended using an after statement will be performed at most once per execution of the after statement; it will not recur. If it's desirable to have a suspended method call recur, then the called method must itself make use of after to set up a method call to itself.

The referenced method must be a regular or independent method with no return values. It may not be a C function, or a shared method. The only exception to this is that the send_now operation of hooks is also supported for use as a callback.

All method calls suspended via an after statement are associated with the object that contains the method containing the statement. It is possible to cancel all suspended method calls associated with an object through that object's cancel_after() method, as provided by the object template.

Note: We plan to extend the after statement to allow for users to explicitly state what objects the suspended method call is to be associated with.

After Delay Statements

after scalar unit: method(e1, ... eN);

In this form, the specified point in the future is given through a time delay (in simulated time, measured in the specified time unit) relative to the time when the after delay statement is executed. The currently supported time units are s for seconds (with type double), ps for picoseconds (with type uint64), and cycles for cycles (with type uint64).

Every argument to the called method is evaluated at the time the after statement is executed, and stored so that they may be used when the method call is to be performed. In order to allow the suspended method call to be represented in checkpoints, every input parameter of the method must be of serializable type. This means that after delay statements cannot be used with methods that e.g. have pointer input parameters. unless the arguments for those input parameters are message component parameters of the after.


after 0.1 s: my_callback(1, false);

The after delay statement is equivalent to creating a named event object with an event-method that performs the specified call, and posting that event at the given time, with associated data corresponding to the provided arguments.

Hook-Bound After Statements

after hookref[-> (msg1, ... msgN)]: method(e1, ... eM);

In this form, the suspended method call is bound to the hook specified by hookref. The point in the future when the method call is executed is thus the next time a message is sent through the specified hook.

The binding syntax -> (msg1, ... msgN) is used to bind each component of the message received to a corresponding identifier, called a message component parameter. These message component parameters can be used as arguments of the called method, thus propagating the contents of the message to the method call.

Every argument to the called method which isn't a message component parameter is evaluated at the time the after statement is executed, and stored so that they may be used when the method call is to be performed. In order to allow the suspended method call to be represented in checkpoints, every input parameter of the method must be of serializable type, unless that input parameter receives a message component. This means that hook-bound after statements cannot be used with methods that e.g. have pointer input parameters, unless the arguments for those input parameters are message component parameters of the after.

Example use:

hook(int, float) h;

method my_callback(int i, float f, bool b) {

method m() {
    after h -> (x, y): my_callback(x, y, false);

method send_message() {
    // Assuming m() has been called once before, this 'send_now' will result in
    // `my_callback(1, 3.7, false)` being called.
    h.send_now(1, 3.7);

If the hook has only one message component, the syntax -> msg can be used instead, and if the hook has no message components, then the binding syntax can be entirely omitted. Any message component parameter can be used for any number of arguments, but cannot be used as anything but a direct argument. For example, using the definitions of h and my_callback as above, the following use of after is valid:

after h -> (x, y): my_callback(x, x, false)

Note that the first message component is used multiple times, and the second is not used at all.

In contrast, the following use of after is invalid:

after h -> (x, y): my_callback(i, y + 1.5, false)

as the message component parameter y is used, but not as a direct argument.

Immediate After Statements

after: method(e1, ... eN);

In this form, the specified point in the future is when control is given back to the simulation engine such that the ongoing simulation of the current processor may progress, and would otherwise be ready to move onto the next cycle. This happens after all entries to devices on the call stack have been completed.

Immediate after statements are most useful to avoid ordering bugs. It can be used to delay a method call until all current lines of execution into the device have been completed, and the device is guaranteed to be in a consistent state where it is ready to handle the method call.

Semantically, the immediate after statement is very close to after 0 cycles: ..., but has a number of advantages. In general, the immediate after statement is designed to execute the callback as promptly as possible while satisfying the semantics stated above, while after 0 cycles: ... is not. In particular, in Simics, callbacks delayed via after 0 cycles are always bound to the clock associated with the device instance, which is not always that of the processor currently under simulation — in such cases the simulated processor may progress indefinitely without the posted callback being executed. The immediate after statement does not have this issue. In addition, if an immediate after statement is executed while the simulation is stopped (due to a device entry such as an attribute get/set performed from a script/CLI) then the callback is registered as work, thus guaranteeing that it is called before the simulation starts again.

Within a particular device instance, method calls suspended by immediate after statements are executed in order of least recently suspended; in other words, FIFO semantics. The order in which method calls suspended by immediate after statements are executed across multiple device instances is not defined.

Within an immediate after statement, every argument provided to the called method is evaluated at the time the after statement is executed, and stored so that they may be used when the method call is to be performed. Unlike the other forms of after statements, the input parameters of the method are never required to be of serializable type, meaning pointers can be passed as arguments to the callback. But beware: pointers to stack-allocated data (pointers to or within local variables) must never be passed as arguments. The stack with which the after statement is executed is not preserved, so any pointers to stack-allocated data will point to invalid data by the time the callback is called. The DML compiler has some checks in place to warn about the most obvious cases where pointers to stack-allocated data are provided as arguments, but it is unable to detect all cases. It is ultimately the modeller's responsibility to ensure it doesn't happen.

To detail a scenario exemplifying the kind of issues that immediate after may be leveraged to solve, consider the following device, which needs to communicate with a manager device and receive permission in order to perform a particular action. Its function is simple: once prompted, the device will raise a signal to the manager in order to request permission, and waits for it to respond with an acknowledgement. Once received, the device lowers the signal to the manager and performs the action it just received permission for. In order to implement the asynchronous logic needed for this, a simple FSM is used.

param STATE_IDLE = 0;
saved int curr_state = STATE_IDLE;

port manager_link {
    connect manager {
        interface signal;

    implement signal {
        method signal_raise() {

method request_permission_for_action() {
    if (curr_state != STATE_IDLE) {
        log error: "Request already in progress";
    curr_state = STATE_EXPECTING_ACK;

method on_acknowledgement() {
    if (curr_state != STATE_EXPECTING_ACK) {
        log spec_viol: "Received ack when not expecting it";
    curr_state = STATE_IDLE;

This device has a subtle bug: it can't handle if the manager responds to the signal_raise() call synchronously. The FSM transitions to the state capable of handling the acknowledgement only after the signal_raise() call returns, so if the manager responds synchronously — as part of the signal_raise() call — then on_acknowledgement will be called while the device still considers itself to be in its idle state.

This bug can be solved in numerous ways — the most obvious is to transition the state before making the signal_raise() call — but immediate after provides a solution which doesn't require carefully managing the FSM's logic, by delaying the call to on_acknowledgement until the device is done with all other logic.

implement signal {
    method signal_raise() {
        after: on_acknowledgement();

This guarantees that the FSM is able to finish its current line of execution and properly transition itself to its new state before it's asked to manage any response of manager, even if the manager responds synchronously.

Log Statements

log log-type[, level [ then subsequent-level ] [, groups] ]: format-string, e1, ..., eN;

Outputs a formatted string to the Simics logging facility. The string following the colon is a normal C printf format string, optionally followed by one or more arguments separated by commas. (The format string should not contain the name of the device, or the type of the message, e.g., "error:..."; these things are automatically prefixed.) Either both of level and groups may be omitted, or only the latter; i.e., if groups is specified, then level must also be given explicitly.

A Simics user can configure the logging facility to show only specific messages, by matching on the three main properties of each message:

  • The log-type specifies the general category of the message. The value must be one of the identifiers info, warning, error, critical, spec_viol, or unimpl.

  • The level specifies at what verbosity level the log messages are displayed. The value must be an integer from 1 to 4; if omitted, the default level is 1. The different levels have the following meaning:

    1. Important messages (displayed at the normal verbosity level)

    2. High level informative messages (like mode changes and important events)

    3. Medium level information (the lowest log level for SW development)

    4. Debugging level with low level model detail (Mainly used for model development)

    If the log-type is one of warning, error or critical, then level may only be 1.

  • If subsequent-level is specified, then all logs after the first issued will be on the level subsequent-level. You are allowed to specify a subsequent-level of 5, meaning no logging after the initial log.

    If the log-type is one of warning, error or critical, then subsequent-level may only be either 1 or 5.

  • The groups argument is an integer whose bit representation is used to select which log groups the message belongs to. If omitted, the default value is 0. The log groups are specific for the device, and must be declared using the loggroup device-level declaration. For example, a DML source file containing the declarations

    loggroup good;
    loggroup bad;
    loggroup ugly;

    could also contain a log statement such as

    log info, 2, (bad | ugly): "...";

    (note the | bitwise-or operator), which would be displayed if the user chooses to view messages from group bad or ugly, but not if only group good is shown.

    Groups allow the user to create arbitrary classifications of log messages, e.g., to indicate things that occur in different states, or in different parts of the device, etc. The two log groups Register_Read and Register_Write are predefined by DML, and are used by several of the built-in methods.

The format-string should be one or several string literals concatenated by the '+' operator, all optionally surrounded by round brackets.

See also Simics Model Builder User's Guide, section "Logging", for further details.

Assert Statements

assert expr;

Evaluates expr. If the result is true, the statement has no effect; otherwise, a runtime-error is generated. expr must have type bool.

Error Statements

error [string];

Attempting to compile an error statement causes the compiler to generate an error, using the specified string as error message. The string may be omitted; in that case, a default error message is used.

The string, if present, should be one or several string literals concatenated by the '+' operator, all optionally surrounded by round brackets.

Foreach Statements

foreach identifier in (expr) statement

The foreach statement repeats its body (the statement part) once for each element given by expr. The identifier is used to refer to the current element within the body.

DML currently only supports foreach iteration on values of sequence types — which are created through Each-In expressions.

The continue statement can be used within a foreach loop to continue to the next element, and the break statement can be used to exit the loop.

#foreach identifier in (expr) statement

In this alternative form the expr is required to be a DML compile-time constant, and the loop is completely unrolled by the DML compiler. This can be combined with tests on the value of identifier within the body, which will be evaluated at compile time.

DML currently only supports #foreach iteration on compile-time list constants.

For example:

#foreach x in ([3,2,1]) {
    #if (x == 1) foo();
    #else #if (x == 2) bar();
    #else #if (x == 3) baz();
    #else error "out of range";

would be equivalent to


Only #if can be used to make such selections; switch or if statements are not evaluated at compile time. (Also note the use of error above to catch any compile-time mistakes.)

The break statement can be used within a #foreach loop to exit it.

Select Statements

select identifier in (expr) where (cond-expr) statement else default-statement

The select statement resembles a C switch statement and is very similar to the foreach statement, but executes the statement exactly once for the first matching element of those given by expr, i.e., for the first element such that cond-expr is true; or if no element matches, it executes the default-statement.

#select identifier in (expr) where (cond-expr) statement #else default-statement

In this alternative form the expr is required to be a DML compile-time constant, and cond-expr can only depend on compile-time constants, apart from identifier. The selection will then be performed by the DML compiler at compile-time, and code will only be generated for the selected case.

DML currently only supports #select iteration on compile-time list constants.

Note: The select statement has been temporarily removed from DML 1.4 due to semantic issues, and only the #select form may currently be used. The select statement will be reintroduced in the near future.

#if and #else Statements

#if (condition) { true_body } #else { false_body }

The #if statement resembles a C if statement. The difference being that the #if statement must have a constant-valued condition and the statement is evaluated at compile-time. The true_body of the #if is only processed if the condition evaluates to true, and will be dead-code eliminated otherwise.

Similarly, the #else statement can immediately follow the body of an #if statement and the false_body will only be processed if the condition in the preceding #if evaluates to false.


All ISO C operators are available in DML, except for certain limitations on the comma-operator, the sizeof operator, and type casts; see Section Comparison to C/C++. Operators have the same precedences and semantics as in C

DML adds the following expressions:

The Undefined Constant


The constant undefined is an abstract compile-time only value, mostly used as a default for parameters that are intended to optionally be overridden. The undefined expression may only appear as a parameter value and as argument to the defined expr test (see below).



To reference something in the DML object structure, members may be selected using . and -> as in C. (However, most objects in the DML object structure are proper substructures selected with the . operator.) For example,

this.size # a parameter
dev.bank1 # a bank object
bank1.r0.hard_reset # a method

The DML object structure is a compile-time construction; references to certain objects are not considered to be proper values, and result in compile errors if they occur as standalone expressions.

Some DML objects are proper values, while others are not:

  • session/saved variables are proper values

  • Composite object references (to bank, group, register, etc.) are not proper values unless cast to a template type.

  • Inside an object array, the index variable (named i by default) may evaluate to an unknown index if accessed from a location where the index is not statically known. For instance, in group g[i < 4] { #if (i == 0) { ... } }, the #if statement is invoked once, statically, across all indices, meaning that the i reference is an unknown index, and will yield a compile error.

  • A reference to a param member is a proper value only if the parameter value is a proper value: A parameter value can be a reference to an object, an object array, a list, the undefined expression, or a static index (discussed above), in which case the parameter is not allowed as a standalone expression.

  • When the object structure contains an array of objects, e.g. register r[4] { ... }, then a reference to the array itself (i.e. r as opposed to r[0]), is not considered a proper value.

If a DML object is not a proper value, then a reference to the object will give a compile error unless it appears in one of the following contexts:

  • As the left operand of the . operator

  • As the definition of a param

  • As a list element in a compile-time list

  • As the operand of the defined operator

  • A method object may be called

  • An object array may appear in an index expression array[index]

  • An unknown index may be used as an index to an object array; in the resulting object reference, the corresponding index variable of the object array will have an unknown value.

Method References as Function Pointers

It is possible to retrieve a function pointer for a method by using the prefix operator & with a reference to that method. The methods this is possible with are subject to the same restrictions as with the export object statement: it's not possible to retrieve a function pointer to any inline method, shared method, method that throws, method with more than one return argument, or method declared inside an object array.

For example, with the following method in DML:

method my_method(int x) { ... }

then the expression &my_method will be a function pointer of type:

void (*)(conf_object_t *, int);

The conf_object_t * parameter corresponds to the device instance, and is omitted when the referenced method is independent.

Note that due to the precedence rules of &, if you want to immediately call a method reference converted to a function pointer, then you will need to wrap parentheses around the converted method reference. An example of where this may be useful is in order to call a non-independent method from within an independent method:

independent method callback(int i, void *aux) {
  local conf_object_t *obj = aux;
  (&my_method)(obj, i);

New Expressions

new type

new type[count]

Allocates a chunk of memory large enough for a value of the specified type. If the second form is used, memory for count values will be allocated. The result is a pointer to the allocated memory. (The pointer is never null; if allocation should fail, the Simics application will be terminated.)

When the memory is no longer needed, it should be deallocated using a delete statement.

Cast Expressions

cast(expr, type)

Type casts in DML must be written with the above explicit cast operator, for syntactical reasons.

Semantically, cast(expr, type) is equivalent to the C expression (type) expr.

Sizeoftype Expressions

sizeoftype type

The sizeof operator in DML can only be used on expressions, not on types, for syntactical reasons. To take the size of a datatype, the sizeoftype operator must be used, as in

int size = sizeoftype io_memory_interface_t;

Semantically, sizeoftype type is equivalent to the C expression sizeof (type).

DML does not know the sizes of all types statically; DML usually regards a sizeoftype expression as non-constant and delegates size calculations to the C compiler. DML does evaluate the sizes of integer types, layout types, and constant-sized arrays thereof, as constants.

Defined Expressions

defined expr

This compile-time test evaluates to false if expr has the value undefined, and to true otherwise.

Each-In Expressions

An expression each-in is available to traverse all objects that implement a specific template. This can be used as a generic hook mechanism for a specific template, e.g. to implement custom reset patterns. For example, the following can be used to reset all registers in the bank regs:

foreach obj in (each hard_reset_t in (regs)) {

An each-in expression can currently only be used for iteration in a foreach statement. The expression's type is sequence(template-name).

An each-in expression searches recursively in the object hierarchy for objects implementing the template, but once it finds such an object, it does not continue searching inside that subobject. Recursive traversal can be achieved by letting the template itself contain a method that descends into subobjects; the implementation of hard_reset in utility.dml demonstrates how this can be done.

The order in which objects are given by a specific each-in expression is not defined, except for that it is deterministic. That is, for a particular choice of template X and object Y in an each X in (Y) expression, for a particular iteration of the device model, and for the particular DMLC build used, the order in which objects are given by that expression is guaranteed to be consistent.

List Expressions

[e1, ..., eN]

A list is a compile-time only value, and is an ordered sequence of zero or more expressions. Lists are in particular used in combination with foreach and select statements.

A list expression may only appear in the following contexts:

  • As the list to iterate over in a #foreach or #select statement

  • As the value in a param or constant declaration

  • As a list element in another compile-time list

  • In an index expression, list[index]

  • As the operand of the defined operator

Length Expressions





Used to obtain the length of a list, sequence, object-array, or value-array expression. This expression is constant for each form but sequence expressions.

The value-array form can only be used with arrays of known constant size: it can't be used with pointers, arrays of unknown size, or variable-length arrays.

Bit Slicing Expressions


expr[e1:e2, bitorder]


expr[e1, bitorder]

If expr is of integer type, then the above bit-slicing syntax can be used in DML to simplify extracting or updating particular bit fields of the integer. Bit slice syntax can be used both as an expression producing a value, or as the target of an assignment (an L-value), e.g., on the left-hand side of an = operator.

Both e1 and e2 must be integers. The syntax expr[e1] is a short-hand for expr[e1:e1] (but only evaluating e1 once).

The bitorder part is optional, and selects the bit numbering scheme (the "endianness") used to interpret the values of e1 and e2. If present, it must be one of the identifiers be or le, just as in the bitorder device-level declaration. If no bitorder is given in the expression, the global bit numbering (as defined by the bitorder declaration) is used.

The first bit index e1 always indicates the most significant bit of the field, regardless of the bit numbering scheme. If the default little-endian bit numbering is used, the least significant bit of the integer has index zero, and the most significant bit of the integer has index n - 1, where n is the width of the integer type.

If big-endian bit numbering is used, e.g., due to a bitorder be; declaration in the file, or using a specific local bit numbering as in expr[e1:e2, be], then the bit corresponding to the little-endian bit number n - 1 has index zero, and the least significant bit has the index n - 1, where n is the bit width of expr. Note that big-endian numbering is illegal if expr isn't a simple expression with a well-defined bit width. This means that only local variables, method parameters, device variables (registers, data etc), and explicit cast expressions are allowed. For little-endian numbering, any expressions are allowed, since there is never any doubt that bit 0 is the least significant bit.

If the bit-slicing expression results in a zero or negative sized range of bits, the behavior is undefined.

Stringify Expressions


Translates the value of expr (which must be a compile-time constant) into a string constant. This is similar to the use of # in the C preprocessor, but is performed on the level of compile time values, not tokens. The result is often used with the + string operator.

String Concatenation Expressions

expr1 + expr2

If both expr1 and expr2 are compile-time string constants, the expression expr1 + expr2 concatenates the two strings at compile time. This is often used in combination with the # operator, or to break long lines for source code formatting purposes.

Compile-Time Conditional Expressions

condition #? expr1 #: expr2

Similar to the C conditional expression, with the difference that the condition must have a constant value and the expression is evaluated at compile-time. expr1 is only processed if the condition is true and expr2 is only processed if condition is false, so an expression like false #? 1/0 #: 0 is equivalent to 0.

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