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Michael Jastram edited this page Dec 12, 2013 · 119 revisions

This page provides an overview of the project status of the openETCS toolchain workpackage. In particular, there will be one section for each sprint. New sprints are added on top.

Sprint 32 (2-Dec-2013 - 13-Dec-2013)

Weekly Activities (12-Dec-2013)

  • Secondary Toolchain: Marielle started the work on D7.2, as we decided cut the evaluation process short.
  • Toolchain Development: We completed the first toolchain Sprint, which resulted in 5 resolved issues and a downloadable tool. Thanks to the team to make this happen.
  • 2nd Toolchain Sprint: The second sprint is underway. Please contribute, if you can. What's already clear is that we do not have enough people with Eclipse development expertise.
  • High-level Overview: Cecile created and maintains the Toolchain Feature Overview that shows what we have and what we are working on.

Weekly Activities (5-Dec-2013)

  • Secondary Toolchain: Escalation: We have a problem with respect to T7.2. Quote from Marielle: "Despite different calls, we are lacking (...) assessments and assessors. (...) Indeed, I am now totally demotivated to spend hours in unused documents."
  • This opinion was seconded by Jonas, and I agree that we have a problem here that needs to be escalated. We won't find a solution tomorrow, but we will raise awareness at the weekly meeting and decide on the next steps. I see roughly two possible courses of action:
    1. Escalate this issue to the project office, and delay the deadlines further to allow people to catch up.
    2. Acknowledge the problem and, in the spirit of a meritocracy, stop the process. Instead, we'll simply use tools where there are volunteers, rather than using tools that were identified through a thorough evaluation process. We would capture the results to date and this decision in D7.2.
  • I feel that option b is the more realistic one.
  • Toolchain Development: Development activities are accelerating, Cecile is active in mobilizing partners. We now have two "Scrums" for the toolchain development, Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 9:30. Please join us, if you have resources to participate in the toolchain development.
  • Toolchain Feature Overview: Cecile created a bitmap of the dataflow, which is shown on the Feature Overview page and allows you to quickly get an overview, without having to install Papyrus.
  • Toolchain release: Jonas and his team worked hard to set up a build server for the openETCS tool. Tomorrow, we should have access to a download that can quickly be installed and is preconfigured with ProR and Papyrus.
  • Delegates for external Projects: We still need delegates, see Collaborations. Any volunteers?

Sprint 31 (18-Nov-2013 - 29-Nov-2013)

Weekly Activities (28-Nov-2013)

  • Week-long SRS-Meeting in Berlin: Due to the WP3 meeting in Berlin, some WP7 activities were slowed down this week, as many people are active in both WPs.
  • Secondary Toolchain activities: Tool presentations continue, please check out the Secondary Tools Analyses Wiki page.
  • Toolchain Dataflow: Cecile created a model depicting the dataflow within the toolchain. You need to install Papyrus to view this.
  • Toolchain Development Scrums: We know have two "Scrums" for the toolchain development, Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 9:30. Please join us, if you have resources to participate in the toolchain development.
  • Toolchain Backlog: For now, we use the Toolchain issue tracer as the backlog. Once activities increase, we will follow Jonas' Process, which will track activities in project-specific issue trackers.
  • Next openETCS Release: The first Sprint will complete on December 6. We plan on having a continuous build system set up by then, and a public download site for openETCS.
  • Delegates for external Projects: We need to make sure that we are aware of outside activities, and that related projects outside openETCS are aware of our work. We created a list of all interesting projects. We still need delegates for shift2rail, Crystal, SafeCap and SAFE. Any volunteers?
  • January Workshop: If you have not done so already, please mark your calendar for the next face-to-face openETCS event January 15 - 17 in Munich. This will be a joint workshop for all WPs. We started to work on the WP7 agenda, please let us know if you think something important is missing. Also, be prepared for more activities to be tugged before or after the event.

Weekly Activities (21-Nov-2013)

  • Toolchain first release complete (D7.4): The official review of D7.4 has been completed, the document is now considered delivered.
  • Secondary Toolchain activities: Tool presentations continue, please check out the Secondary Tools Analyses Wiki page. As discussed last week, we made some changes to the process to accelerate the activities and adjusted the timeline.
  • Toolchain Dataflow: Cecile created a model depiciting the dataflow within the toolchain. You need to install Papyrus to view this. In the near future, you'll be able to use openETCS to view this.
  • Tool Development Weekly Telcos We started with weekly T7.3 telcos Thursdays at 9:30. If you can participate in these activities, please join us.
  • Toolchain Ambassador: We need to make sure that we are aware of outside activities, and that related projects outside openETCS are aware of our work. I am looking for a volunteer to take on this role.
  • January Workshop: If you have not done so already, please mark your calendar for the next face-to-face openETCS event January 15 - 17 in Munich. This will be a joint workshop for all WPs. We started to work on the WP7 agenda, please let us know if you think something important is missing.

Sprint 30 (4-Nov-2013 - 15-Nov-2013)

Weekly Activities (14-Nov-2013)

  • Secondary Toolchain activities: Please check out the Secondary Tools Analyses Wiki page.
  • Toolchain first release (D7.4): The official review phase of D7.4 will end tomorrow. Please provide feedback to Cecile, if you have not done so already.
  • Tool Development activities: Cecile worked a lot behind the scenes to get things ready for tool development (T7.3). Here are the details:
    • Tool Development Weekly Telcos Starting next week, we will have weekly telcos. We propose Thursdays, 10:00. We'll discuss tomorrow whether we'll stick with this time slot. Down the road, we may change to even shorter meetings, multiple times a week (following WP4's example)
    • Development Process: Cecile is working on a lightweight development process, which will be published tomorrow.
    • Status Page: We have a Status Page, which lists the ongoing T7.3 activities. This will be based on the Backlog Process that Jonas provided.
    • Using the Data Dictionary: We will use the development of the Data Dictionary to test the process. This resulted in a Design Specification. Sorry if you can't access it right now, as the Data Dictionary repository is still private.
  • January Workshop: If you have not done so already, please mark your calendar for the next face-to-face openETCS event January 15 - 17 in Munich. This will be a joint workshop for all WPs.

Weekly Activities (7-Nov-2013)

  • Secondary Toolchain activities: Please check out the Secondary Tools Analyses Wiki page.
  • Toolchain first release (D7.4): The official review phase of D7.4 has started. Please provide feedback to Cecile.
  • Data Dictionary: The data dictionary will be used as the first component for WP7 development.
  • Tool Webpage: We created a new menu item "tool" on and created a corresponding landing page, please check it out.

Sprint 29 (21-Oct-2013 - 01-Nov-2013)

Weekly Activities (01-Nov-2013)

  • Naming the Toolchain: The toolchain name is openETCS Extended Tool Construction Set, conveniently abbreviated as openETCS. Thanks to David for the suggestion.
  • Secondary Toolchain activities: Please check out the Secondary Tools Analyses Wiki page. The focus is now on V&V tools.
  • Toolchain Development activities: We started to sketch out various ideas regarding the development process, using the Data Dictionary as the concrete example to play around with.
  • Backlog Process: Jonas made a proposal for a light-weight process, how the backlog for WP7 will be filled. Please provide feedback!
  • Toolchain first release (D7.4): We will shortly enter the official review phase of D7.4. Please provide feedback to Cecile.

Weekly Activities (24-Oct-2013)

  • Secondary Toolchain activities: Please check out the Secondary Tools Analyses Wiki page and engage in the activities.
  • Criteria for Management Tools: The criteria have been completed and are available in O7.2.1
  • SysML/Papyus Training: Matthieu is organizing Training sessions. Please record your interest and availability.
  • D7.4 Tool chain first release: Please check out and comment the D7.4 draft. We will make a preliminary version of this document available by the end of the month and engage in a proper review phase. It would be great to have a solid document before starting the review, so please comment via the issue tracker. Cecile is driving these activities.
  • Naming the Toolchain: We have a number of naming suggestions for the toolchain. We will try to make a decision tomorrow. If we don't reach agreement quickly, we will launch a doodle.

Sprint 28 (07-Oct-2013 - 18-Oct-2013)

Weekly Activities (17-Oct-2013)

  • Secondary Toolchain activities: Please check out the Secondary Tools Analyses Wiki page and engage in the activities. The timeline has been updated. Tomorrow is the "End of contributions and review on criteria for management tools"
  • SysML/Papyus Training: Matthieu is organizing Training sessions. Please record your interest and availability.
  • D7.4 Tool chain first release: We will produce this, according to plan, by the end of October. This will be just a short document, describing where to download which version of Papyrus, how to configure it with ProR, and how to connect it to gitHub. Cecile will drive these activities.
  • Naming the Toolchain: With the release of the tool chain imminent, it would be nice to have a catchy name for it. Please make suggestions for a good name. It may seem silly, but a good name can help to increase awareness, allow us to identify with the tool, make it easier to be found on Google, etc. Thanks for your contributions!

Weekly Activities (10-Oct-2013)

  • Braunschweig Workshop: This week was dominated by the workshop, which was covering WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP7 activities.
  • D7.1 accepted by the PCC: The PCC voted on D7.1 and accepted it. A few issues have been identified that need clarification. These will be collected via the issue tracker and added to D7.1 as an Errata.
  • Secondary Toolchain activities: Please check out the Secondary Tools Analyses Wiki page and engage in the activities. Criteria have to be finalized, assessors are wanted, tool evaluations have to be made, etc. Marielle will post an updated timeline shortly.
  • D7.4 Tool chain first release: We will produce this, according to plan, by the end of October. This will be just a short document, describing where to download which version of Papyrus, how to configure it with ProR, and how to connect it to gitHub. Cecile will drive these activities.

Sprint 27 (23-Sep-2013 - 04-Oct-2013)

Weekly Activities (01-Oct-2013)

  • D7.1 Review is complete, D7.1 officially "delivered": The Review of D7.1 is closed, the deliverable is complete. Thank you to all for your hard work and your contributions, and in particular to Marielle, who was acting as the product owner on this deliverable.
  • Secondary Toolchain: We still need assessors, please contact Marielle if you can take on the assessment of a secondary tool.
  • Braunschweig: Final preparations for the Braunschweig Workshop were made.

Weekly Activities (26-Sep-2013)

  • D7.1 Review: One issue is left open, which will hopefully be resolved at the telco.
  • Secondary Toolchain: Contributors are invited to present their tools, sessions have been set up by Marielle for this purpose. Also, volunteers are wanted for assessments, please contact Marielle.
  • Workshop in Braunschweig: The agenda is pretty much complete.

Sprint 26 (9-Sep-2013 - 20-Sept-2013)

Weekly Activities (19-Sep-2013)

  • D7.1 Review: We are really, really close, only a few issues remain open.
  • *Secondary Toolchain: Feedback is coming in on the evaluation criteria.

Weekly Activities (12-Sep-2013)

  • Review of D7.1: As of this writing, only 4 (primarily technical) issues remained on D7.1. It was decided to resolve these bilaterally, without another review meeting. Once the reviewers approve D7.1., there will be a short period for vetoes, after which D7.1 will be considered delivered.
  • D7.1 Decisions: The decisions in D7.1 will not be official, until they have been voted for during the PCA meeting in October. If anybody plans on voting against, please conteact Michael or the project office, to find a solution.
  • WP-Workshops in Braunschweig: While the agenda is still being worked on, the date for the Braunschweig workshops (including WP7) now stands. Please check out the agenda to decide what you would like to attend, and save the date.
  • Secondary Tools Criteria: Marielle published a draft version of criteria template for secondary tools, but raised a number of questions, which we will briefly discuss at tomorrow's telco.
  • Vacation deputy T7.3: Cecille will be on vacation until the fall workshop, please contact Jan Peleska with urgent T7.3-related issues. Have a nice vacation, Cecille.

Weekly Activities (5-Sep-2013)

  • Review of D7.1: A lot of progress has been made on the deliverable D7.1, but a lot of open issues remain. Please, all help to resolve them. It's not clear what the conclusion and recommendation will be that all agree on, but the core ideas have been recorded in this wiki page.
  • More Review Meetings: Hopefully, we will conclude the D7.1 review next week. In tomorrow's telco we will find timeslots, please fill out the Doodle.
  • WP-Workshops in Braunschweig: While the agenda is still being worked on, the date for the Braunschweig workshops (including WP7) now stands. Please check out the agenda to decide what you would like to attend, and save the date.

Sprint 25 (26-Aug-2013 - 6-Sept-2013)

Weekly Activities (30-Aug-2013)

  • D7.1 review closed: Review meeting (telco) Tuesday 3rd of September 14:00 Issues have been assigned and can be taken into account by authors. Complements are welcomed
  • T7.2 Secondary Toolchain: The plan and timeline have been documented here. There are four subpages for the following four categories. All of these need to be checked, and completed:
  •   Verification and validation
  •   Model transformation and code generation
  •   Data, function and requirement management
  •   Safety activities supports page
  •   A data model will be proposed on github today to benchmark of SSRS supporting tools
  • some draft version of template of criteria are on github
  • T7.3 Toolchain Development: Beginning of Tool chain architecture plan

Sprint 24 (12-Aug-2013 - 23-Aug-2013)

Weekly Activities (23-Aug-2013)

  • D7.1 review ongoing: The first draft of D7.1 is complete, and currently under review. Details are documented in the review plan. Review will end Monday 26th evening Issues have been assigned and can be taken into account.

  • T7.2 Secondary Toolchain: The plan and timeline have been documented here. There are four subpages for the following four categories. All of these need to be checked, and completed:

  •   Verification and validation
  •   Model transformation and code generation
  •   Data, function and requirement management
  •   Safety activities supports page
  •   A data model will be proposed on github today to benchmark of SSRS supporting tools
  • T7.3 Toolchain Development:

Sprint 23 (29-Jul-2013 - 9-Aug-2013)

Weekly Activities (8-Aug-2013)

  • D7.1 review ongoing: The first draft of D7.1 is complete, and currently under review. Details are documented in the review plan.
  • Secondary Toolchain: The plan and timeline have been documented here. There are four subpages for the following four categories. All of these need to be checked, and completed:
  •   Verification and validation
  •   Model transformation and code generation
  •   Data, function and requirement management
  •   Safety activities supports page

Weekly Activities (1-Aug-2013)

  • D7.1 first draft ready: The first draft of D7.1 is complete, and currently under review. Details are documented in the review plan.
  • Secondary Toolchain: The plan and timeline have been documented here. There are four subpages for the following four categories. All of these need to be checked, and completed:
  •   Verification and validation
  •   Model transformation and code generation
  •   Data, function and requirement management
  •   Safety activities supports page
  • Case Study for data, function and requirement management: It was suggested by Marc Behrens to use a case study based on §6 - this has been documented on the wiki. We need a volunteer to sketch this out.

Sprint 22 (15-Jul-2013 - 26-Jul-2013)

Weekly Activities (25-Jul-2013)

  • Deliverable D7.1: For the next few weeks, the deliverable D7.1 will be our main focus. Everybody is invited to contribute. You can provide feedback and content via email, gitHub issues, gist or, as a committer, by editing the Latex.
  • Scope of D7.1: In particular, please check out pages 1-5, which define the scope of D7.1. If you disagree with anything written there, please speak up asap.
  • D7.1 Timeline: Originally, Appendix-Owners were supposed to have completed their chapters by the 24th, which did not happen. Therefore, we will give them more time, aiming to complete the document by the end of the month (31-Jul-2013). We will then have a review until 20-Aug-2013.
  • Secondary Toolchain: We are starting the evaluation of secondary tools. Please find all relevant information in the model-evaluation wiki. Don't be shy and get involved.

Weekly Activities (18-Jul-2013)

  • Deliverable D7.1: For the next few weeks, the deliverable D7.1 will be our main focus. We now have a total of 3 alternative tool chain proposals (Appendix A - C), all of them assuming Papyrus/SysML as the starting point.

  • D7.1 Timeline: We readjusted the timeline to accommodate the author's needs and the fact that Marielle will be on vacation. While Marielle is gone, I'll assume ownership of D7.1:

  • 24-Jul-2013: Appendix-Owners have completed their Appendices

  • 31-Jul-2013: First draft of D7.1 complete, start of review phase

  • 20-Aug-2013: Conclusion of review

  • Secondary Toolchain: We are starting the evaluation of secondary tools. Please find all relevant information in the model-evaluation wiki.

  • Topcased/Polarsys: There were a few discussions regarding Topcased (tool) and Polarsys (Eclipse Working Group). Specifically, two elements that are also part of Topcased have been selected for openETCS (Eclipse and Papyrus), and Polarsys and openETCS have similar goals. There already is some content on this in D7.1.

Sprint 21 (1-Jul-2013 - 12-Jul-2013)

Weekly Activities (11-Jul-2013)

  • Preparation of D7.1: The Paris Workshop kicked off the creation of D7.1., which is due by the end of the month. We will follow the following timeline:
  •   19-Jul-2013: The Review version of D7.1 will be complete
  •   14-Aug-2013: The final version will be released (technically with a 2-week delay, but I believe that this is acceptable in order to have enough time for the review).
  •   The Tool Selection Process has been described for a while
  • Action Items from Paris: We recorded a number of tasks (see minutes, please note that I updated them once more with IDs).
  •   T2: You have until Friday to propose alternative toolchains, in particular if they compensate for the lack of openness in Scade.  One alternative has been proposed (see below)
  •   T6: We need to clarify on how we will deal with closed-source solutions.  This should be captured in D7.1.
  •   T7: Who volunteers in secondary tool criteria definition? Who is willing to assess? Please contact Marielle.
  •   T9: Volunteers wanted for SSRS tools and SSRS support. Please respond asap to Marielle.
  • Alternative Open-Source tool chain with EFS und Xtend: On Thursday, Stan proposed an alternative tool chain based on EFS and Eclipse Xtend.
  • Telco on D7.1 Monday, 10:00: We reserved a 2-hour timeslot on Monday to kick off the D7.1 activities.

Weekly Activities (4-Jul-2013)

  • Paris: Many of you spent time in Paris this week for PCA, itea review and WP7.
  • itea Review: The review went well, congratulations to the team.
  • WP7 Workshop: Minutes and tasks are on the WP7 wiki. Please let me know if you have concerns, but don't edit the wiki directly.

Sprint 20 (17-Jun-2013 - 28-Jun-2013)

Weekly Activities (27-Jun-2013)

  • Review of O7.1.3_O7.1.7: This crucial output has been produced, Review will continue only until the 30th of June. Please make sure to provide feedback via gitHub tracker - obviously it is less than optimal to have such a short review period.
  • Paris Meetings next week: There are a number of meetings taking place next week with respect to itea review, PCA, SSRS and WP7. Please make sure that you are aware of what is taking place when. If you have questions, please contact the project office.
  • WP7 Workshop on Thursday: Please note the updated agenda. Also, please make sure that your RSVP (Doodle) is up to date, so that we can get a room of proper size (so far, we have 16 RSVPs).
  • Next week's telco is canceled due to the Paris meeting.

Weekly Activities (20-Jun-2013)

  • WP2 deliverables accepted by WP7: At last week's telco we decided to not initiate a separate sign-off for the latest WP2 deliverables.
  • Wp4 documents: These documents are open for comments
  •   V&V Plan
  •   Preliminary Safety Evaluation Criteria
  • FPP and PCA: These are close to finalization.
  • Dissemination: A dissemination project has been proposed.
  • WP7 Workshop: The Workshop Agenda has been updated to reflect the needs of WP4.
  • Assessments: Assessments that are not delivered today (Friday) will not be considered for the benchmark evaluation

Sprint 19 (3-Jun-2013 - 14-Jun-2013)

Weekly Activities (13-Jun-2013)

  • DoW and FPP: In preparation of the itea review, we noticed some discrepancies between the WP7 DoW and the revised FPP. We updated both, but would really appreciate if you could also have a look.
  • itea Review: Please make sure that you provide all necessary information to the project office. In particular, please verify the status of WP7 deliverables.
  • Tool Platform Evaluation: The document for the evaluation of tool platform is now ready for review - please provide plenty of comments and feedback. This effort is lead by Cecile.
  • Secondary Tools:
  •   Proposals are being accepted on the wiki page.
  •   We try to coordinate with WP4 to provide a list of criteria for VnV tools and Safety tools, we have planned to have a preliminary version for the end of June.
  •   An issue was raised during the VnV telco yesterday: Do we need technical presentations of the candidates for VnV and maybe secondary tools? See agenda below.
  • WP2 Deliverables: WP2 officially delivered all its deliverables in their final version, except D2.4 (which is due in September). A copy of these deliverables (for reference) was stored in the WP7 repository. Please note that D2.2 is labeled inside as "intermediate", even though it is the final version. A status summary has been created on the WP7 project page.
  • Model Evaluation:
  •   Lots of assessments are still missing: Deadline is 15th of June to have a final version of the document ready for the meeting of July!
  •   Looks like Why3 evaluation will be dropped in favor of GNATprove.
  •   Description on Core is still missing
  • SafeCap Presentation: On Tuesday (June 18th) at 10:30, there will be a GotoMeeting-Presentation on SafeCap. SafeCap is a project that may be of interest to the openETCS community. "The overall aim of the SafeCap project is to develop modelling techniques and tools for improving railway capacity while ensuring that safety standards are maintained."

Status of WP2 deliverables

ID Description Due Status Notes
D2.1c Report on existing methodologies 31-May-2013 delivered
D2.2c Set of requirements to be fulfilled according to CENELEC standards 31-May-2013 delivered Note that this document is incorrectly labeled as "intermediate".
D2.3c Definition of the overall process for the formal description of ETCS and the rail system it works in 10-Jun-2013 delivered
D2.4c Definition of the methods used to perform the formal description 30-Sep-2013 not yet due
D2.5c Methods and tools benchmarking methodology 31-Mar-2013 delivered
D2.6c - D2.9.c Requirements 15-May-2013 delivered Aggregate of D2.6c - D2.9c

Weekly Activities (6-Jun-2013)

  • T7.1: Benchmark on means and tools: we have started the assessment phase. Assessors, please fill the document O7.1.3_O7.1.7 by the 15th of June
  • T7.2: Benchmark on secondary tools: we are starting to investigate which examples are appropriate for the benchmark. Please check and update the wiki page.
  • Tools for SSRS activities: The choice of tools to support the SSRS activites has now a high priority level, Marielle created a wiki page for this purpose. Please check and complete your proposal.
  • Missing information: We are still missing benchmark information. Please complete asap CORE and Gnat Prove information.
  • Review of Requirement document: WP2 produced a preliminary requirements document (D2.6 to D2.9). The review is scheduled until May 15 - please be sure to participate, if you have a stake in this document.

Sprint 18 (20-Apr-2013 - 31-May-2013)

Weekly Activities (30-May-2013)

  • SSRS Activities: This week's SSRS Activities will directly affect WP7s activities. No results from the Munich workshop have been published yet.
  • Requirements Tool for SSRS: In order to start their activities, the SSRS team needs a compliant tool for requirements engineering. Finding such a tool is part of T7.2 (secondary tool chain). We may need to accelerate T7.2 activities to support the SSRS team.
  • WP2 deliverables: A number of WP2 deliverables are due by the end of this month (i.e. Friday), including D2.1 (final), D2.2 (final), D2.3 (final), D2.4 (intermediate), D2.6 - D2.9 (final). Once officially delivered, we should make sure they fulfill our expectations.
  • Benchmark activities: We are now late on the first step : providing items to the assessment (initial date was 17th of May).
  •   Ready for assessment: SCADE, ERTMSFormalSpec, EA-SysML, Event-B
  •   Not ready for assessment: CORE, Classical-B, Gnat-Prove, Papyrus- sysML, System C, Why3
  •   Noting on gitHub: GOPPR, PetriNet

Weekly Activities (23-May-2013)

  • Evaluation Document: Marielle started the creation of O7.1.3 (Evaluation of the models against the WP2 requirements) and O7.1.7 (Evaluation of the tools against the WP2 requirements) - feel free to check it out and comment.
  • Benchmark activities: We are still looking for assessors for some of the methods being evaluated. Please check the model evaluation wiki for what's missing and contact Marielle if you would like to volunteer.
  • No face-to-face WP7 meeting until July 4th: For the upcoming WP7 activities, we will not organize a face-to-face meeting. But please be prepared for an increased number of online meetings to bring T7.1 and T7.2 to conclusion.
  • Final Review of PCA: The PCA will be finalized soon and the review continues until June 4th. PCA and FPP can be found in the management repository.

Sprint 17 (06-Apr-2013 - 17-May-2013)

Weekly Activities (16-May-2013)

  • Model Evaluation (Marielle)
  • Urgent: model evaluators, please fill in list of criteria: Tomorrow (Friday) has been set as the deadline to provide information about your method/tool. Please provide this information by tomorrow, and contact Marielle if you have questions.
  • Benchmark activities on "secondary" means and tools: These activities have started and can be tracked on their wiki page. A corresponding email has been sent by Marielle. Please contact her if you would like to participate in these activities.
  • SCADE-Model available for assessment: Uwe officially announced the Scade model to be ready for assessment. He will assist anybody interested in the assessment process.
  • Ongoing Reviews (WP2)
  • Review of D2.6 - D2.9 (final): The review has been officially closed.The aggregated review comments are not yet available. The final version of D2.6 - D2.9 will be published ty 30-Sep-2013
  • Review of D2.4 (intermediate): The review comments have been aggregated, one item is still open. The review will continue until 18-May-2013. This is the review of the intermediate version, which will be published by 31-May-2013. The final version of D2.4 is due 30-Sep-2013.
  • Review of D2.1, D2.2 and D2.3. (final): No news here, to the best of my knowledge, reviews continue until 18-May-2013.
  • Status of ongoing reviews: Some of the ongoing reviews are documented int he governance repo. Finding a central place for documenting all ongoing reviews is under consideration.
  • Project Management (Michael)
  • Please ensure your effort for WP7: We have a lot of activities coming up in WP7: Marielle (T7.1 and T7.2) needs help with the model evaluations, and Cecille (T7.3) is preparing the implementation phase. We need to know who is going to provide resources for this work. The project office (Baseliyos) is currently updating their numbers and will announce it next week. Once the numbers are distributed, please check them and report errors back. Some numbers have been floating around the past few days, but we're still waiting for the official numbers.
  • Face-to-Face meeting: We were hoping that WP3 would organize a workshop that we could tag onto for some of our own activities, as well for a knowledge exchange with WP3. It seems that no WP3 workshop will take place. As none of the WP7 tasks leaders sees the need for a face-to-face meeting before our 4-Jul-2013 workshop, there will not be one.
  • Glossary and Bibliography: Cecille made a shared glossary and bibliography available (in Latex), please take advantage of it.
  • FPP and PCA: Updated versions of these documents are now available.

Weekly Activities (08-May-2013)

  • New shared Calendar: The Project Office is transitioning to a new shared calendar. IMPORTANT: You need to request read access from the project office.
  • You will NOT receive calendar invitations for WP7 events any more - instead, they will just pop up in your calendar.
  • As no invitations are sent any more, important events or changes will be announced on the mailing list.
  • Shorter Friday meetings: The PMB decided to shorten the Friday meetings to 15 minutes. The WP7 Telco will take place from 11:00 - 11:15. This is already reflected in the new shared calendar. Reviews: The following reviews are currently taking place (please let me know if I have forgotten any). Please be sure to participate in the review process if you are a stakeholder!
  • Until May 18th: D2.3 OpenETCS process proposed a description of the design process to apply during the project. This is a final version of the document.
  • Until May 18th: D2.4 OpenETCS methods gives an introduction to formal methods and will be complete after the decision meeting of July. This is an intermediate version of the document.
  • Until May 15th: D2.6 - D2.9 (Requirements). Please send your review results to Sylvain via the Review sheet (Excel)
  • Evaluations: Marielle initiated the next step of the benchmark evaluations:
  • Files are available for O7.1.3_O7.1.7_O7.1.9. Participating partners are invited to fill the corresponding Latex file by May 17th. 
  • Also, please check that all the elements necessary for the assessment are available on the model-evaluation repository and the wiki pages are updated.
  • When you have finished please to inform the assessors and Marielle that the assessment phase can start.
  • The evaluations are taking advantage of the gitHub issue tracker for their work. Please check it out if you are interested in the activities.
  • WP3 Meeting: Pierre-Francois Jauquet is currently evaluating the need for a WP3 meeting end of May/early June. Should such a workshop take place, WP7 should be prepared to use it to ensure that WP3 needs are incorporated into our method evaluation (beyond what's documented in the WP2 deliverables).

Sprint 16 (22-Apr-2013 - 03-May-2013)

Weekly Activities (02-May-2013)

  • Review of Requirement document: WP2 produced a preliminary requirements document (D2.6 to D2.9). The review is scheduled until May 15 - please be sure to participate, if you have a stake in this document.
  • Status of D2.3 (Definition of the overall process for the formal description of ETCS and the rail system it works in): This deliverable will be made within a day or two for review. This will be the draft for the final (rather than intermediate) deliverable.
  • Review Template and Evaluation Matrices: Marielle is currently working on a revision of the Review Template, which will also clarify the roles of the various matrices, see next item.
  • Evaluation Document: Marielle started the creation of O7.1.3 (Evaluation of the models against the WP2 requirements) and O7.1.7 (Evaluation of the tools against the WP2 requirements) - feel free to check it out and comment.
  • Review & Sign-off Process: There has been quite a bit of discussion regarding the review process and the (now renamed) sign-off, that has been taking place for deliverables to WP7. It is important that we have a clear understanding of a defined process and follow it. This issue has been escalated to the project office.
  • Assessors: We got new assessors, but are still looking for assessors for some of the methods being evaluated. Please check the model evaluation wiki for what's missing and contact Marielle if you would like to volunteer.
ID Description Due Status Notes
D2.1c Report on existing methodologies 31-May-2013 not yet due There will be few differences to the intermediate version.
D2.2c Set of requirements to be fulfilled according to CENELEC standards 31-May-2013 not yet due
D2.3c Definition of the overall process for the formal description of ETCS and the rail system it works in 31-May-2013 not due yet Review until 18-May-2013.
D2.4b Definition of the methods used to perform the formal description 31-May-2013 not yet due Review until 18-May-2013. According to Sylvain, it's due mid April; Marielle: "I think it is better to wait the results of WP7 Task1 to write this document, thus my proposal was to postpone its date. For the moment nothing is clearly decided."
D2.4c Definition of the methods used to perform the formal description 30-Sep-2013 not yet due
D2.5c Methods and tools benchmarking methodology 31-Mar-2013 delivered This deliverable is also the final deliverable.
D2.6c Set of requirements for the model used and the modeling process: 15-May-2013 not yet due Review until 15-May-2013. D2.6 - D2.9 are contained in one document (in the D2.6 folder)
D2.7c Intermediate Set of requirements for API 31-May-2013 not yet due
D2.8c Set of requirements for the tools used 31-May-2013 not yet due
D2.9c Set of requirements for the tools used 31-May-2013 not yet due

Weekly Activities (25-Apr-2013)

  • WP7 Workshop Materials: The materials from the workshop are now online - enjoy.
  • Review of Review Template (O7.1.3): Please provide feedback by May 3 to Marielle.
  • Evaluation Matrices: The session on April 16 in Munich initiated a lot of activities and discussions regarding this topic. Amongst others, it was decided to create a tool artifact matrix and a compliance matrix. So right now, there are three matricees:
  • WP2: Requirements to be fulfilled by Tools to be used within openETCS by Merlin as part of D2.2. The review period for D2.2 has been extended to 3-May-2013.
  • WP4: Jan Welte distributed a Safety Evaluation Criteria Matrix via email.
  • WP4 Marc Behrens distributed a V&V Evaluation Criteria Matrix via email.
  • Subsystem-Requirements Specification: There is now a repository for these activities.
  • QA Plan: A revised QA-Plan is available, feedback is requested by Friday to DB (Rico and Baseliyos) Review results of D2.1, D2.2 and D2.5: We closed collecting feedback on the deliverables and distributed a summary of the results. The raw feedback is also available. Parallel to this, there was the announcement that D2.1 and D2.5 are being updated again.
  • Assessors: We are still looking for assessors for some of the methods being evaluated. Please check the model evaluation wiki for what's missing and contact Marielle if you would like to volunteer.

Evaluation Results of WP2 Deliverables

We just closed the evaluations of three deliverables that are important for WP7. You find the raw feedback and snapshots of the deliverables on gitHub. You find a summary of the feedback below. The rating took place on a scale from 2 (Accept) to -2 (Reject).

  • D2.1 Methodologies (almost final version)
  •   The deliverable was accepted with a score of 1.5.  There were 6 people evaluating it.
  •   At least one reviewer considers the document preliminary: "I miss more details on support tools such as requirement tracing, team organization and versionning. These are considered as 1 criteria and such kind of tools are not explicitly covered. "
  •   While another rates it as excellent on all aspects: "Excellent state of the art document"
  •   Considering the relatively consistent rating (almost all scores were 1 or 2), we consider this deliverable sufficient for our WP7 activities.
  • D2.2 CENELEC requirements (intermediate)
  •   The deliverable was weakly accepted with a score of 1.17.    However, this is due to one rating of -1, while all others were 1 or 2. There were 6 people evaluating it.
  •   The negative rating was associated with low confidence of the reviewer (Jonas Helming).  I would suggest for Merlin and Jonas to get in touch to understand the concerns.
  •   One reviewer (Marc Behrens) posed a number of specific questions that should be addressed in the next version of this document
  •   Considering the relatively consistent rating (almost all scores were 1 or 2), we consider this a sufficient intermediate deliverable for our WP7 activities.
  • D2.5 Benchmarking Methodology (final)
  •   The deliverable was weakly accepted with a score of 1.17.    There were 7 people evaluating it.
  •   The strongest criticism was with respect to the scope.  The reviewer (Stefan Rieger) found the content of the document incomplete with respect to its title (and by extension, I would guess, with respect to the FPP).  He states that "it does not contain any process or methodology for benchmarking as the title suggests. Thus, in my opinion it is an incomplete and not a final document".
  •   Considering that this is a final deliverable, we need to discuss further within WP7 on whether this deliverable can serve as the foundation for benchmarking in its current form.

Sprint 15 (8-Apr-2013 - 19-Apr-2013)

Weekly Activities (18-Apr-2013)

  • WP7 Workshop: The workshop this week in Munich was very constructive. Workshop artefacts (minutes, videos, etc.) are being circulated right now.
  • Upload your Workshop slides: Marielle created a repository location for the presenter's slides - please upload your materials, ideally converted to PDFs.
  • WP1 UnConference: More activities will take place next week Monday and Tuesday.
  • Next WP7 Workshop on July 4 in Paris: We decided to organize WP7 workshop right after the itea review in Paris, so please save the date. This event will take place right after the decision on method, tools and tool platform have been made. So the objective of this workshop will be the dissemination of the results of the corresponding deliverables (D7.1 and D7.2).
  • Reviews of WP2 Deliverables: Please provide feedback on the completed WP2 deliverables by Monday, April 22.

Weekly Activities (11-Apr-2013)

  • Reviews of WP2 Deliverables: Please provide feedback on the completed WP2 deliverables by Friday, April 12:
  •    D2.1 Methodologies (almost final version).
  •    D2.2 CENELEC requirements (intermediate).
  •    D2.5 Benchmarking Methodology (final).
  • WP7 Workshop: The agenda received further updates - please check for the latest information. In particular, the events for April 22 and 23 were added. Please update your attendance status accordingly.
  • Criteria: Marielle created a first draft of tool evaluation criteria. It is my understanding that this list will be further discussed on April 16 at the evaluation matrix session at 16:00.
  • Method Evaluation Presentations: Marielle created a guildeline for the content to be presented. We encourage the presenters to structure their content as shown there, to aid the comparison of methods. Further, we encourage presenters to create and/or maintain a wiki page describing their approach following this template.
  • Assessors wanted: We need volunteers to assess the model evaluations. Please contact Marielle if you would like to volunteer. In particular, we need assessors for Core, Classical B, Gnat Prove and GoPRR.

Sprint 14 (25-Mar-2013 - 05-Apr-2013)

Weekly Activities (4-Apr-2013)

  • Munich Workshop: All information regarding the Munich workshop (starting Monday, April 15) can be found in the WP7 wiki. Please make sure that the information shown there is up to date, especially if you offering a talk or a training.
  • Dinner on Monday, April 15: We are happy to announce that DB Netz will sponsor a dinner on Monday, April 15 in Munich on site - thank you very much. If you intend to stay for dinner, please indicate this on the following Doodle by Monday, April 8, so that we know how much food to order.
  • WP2 Deliverables: Due to the safety strategy discussions, the delivery of some WP2 deliverables was postponed - here is the status of the 9 deliverables. Others have already been delivered in their final (or almost final) version (D2.1, D2.5).

Status Deliverables

As of April, all updated deliverables should be available. The deliverables can be found in the WP2 repository.

Note that technically, three intermediate deliverables are delayed, and three intermediate deliverables will be revised once more. This is no big deal. We now expect all deliverables end of March.

ID Description Due Status Notes
D2.1b Report on existing methodologies 15-Mar-2013 delivered This is almost the final version, which will provide informations on the interviews. It should not alter the summaries on the methods.
D2.2b Set of requirements to be fulfilled according to CENELEC standards 15-Mar-2013 delivered
D2.3b Definition of the overall process for the formal description of ETCS and the rail system it works in 12-Apr-2012 postponed A review version will be distributed by Marielle on April 12.
D2.4b Definition of the methods used to perform the formal description 15-Apr-2013 not yet due According to Sylvain, it's due mid April; Marielle: "I think it is better to wait the results of WP7 Task1 to write this document, thus my proposal was to postpone its date. For the moment nothing is clearly decided."
D2.5b Methods and tools benchmarking methodology 31-Mar-2013 delivered This deliverable is also the final deliverable.
D2.6b Set of requirements for the model used and the modeling process: n/a postponed Sylvain: D2.6 to 9 is delayed in order to reflect what was decided on the safety strategy. It will not cause change in the main “requirements” part, but mostly on the process part (and it should be minor). I do not have an ETA for the moment, because I will wait for the MoM of Charleroi workshop to be finalized before updating my document.
D2.7b Intermediate Set of requirements for API n/a postponed see above
D2.8b Set of requirements for the tools used n/a postponed see above
D2.9b Set of requirements for the tools used n/a postponed see above

Weekly Activities (28-Mar-2013)

  • QA Document: Work on the QA document document continued.
  • Safety Strategy Minutes:* The Minutes of the Paris meeting have been published. The minutes are complemented by a figure provided by Mr. Jauquet (attached). It has been planned to incorporate the figure into the minutes. The results from the meeting will be used to revise the WP2 deliverables.
  • Status Deliverables WP2: Three documents that are relevant for WP7 have been delivered. Note that the requirements repository is private. Therefore, the links will only work if you are logged into gitHub and if you have read access to the repository.
  •    **D2.1b Report on existing methodologies:** This is almost the final version, which will provide informations on the interviews. It should not alter the summaries on the methods.
  •    **D2.2b Set of requirements to be fulfilled according to CENELEC standards:** The current version states "preliminary" in the document, even though it should be intermediate.
  •   **D2.5b Methods and tools benchmarking methodology:** This deliverable is already the final deliverable, ahead of time.  Thanks!
  • WP7 Workshop, Day 1: The agenda of the workshop on April 15th is now complete. The activities on the 15th are open to the public, so please spread the word (the link provided is public, too). Please make sure that your attendance status in the Doodle is correct.
  • WP7 Workshop, Day 2: The WP7 activities on the second day are coordinated by Marielle and also documented on the workshop page.
  • WP1 UnConference: The activities for the UnConference are coordinated by Mr. Jacob and Dr. Hase and are currently documented in the doodle. (check the comments). One definite activity is the 1-day ERTMSFormalSpecs training on the 17th (please update the doodle if you plan to attend).

Sprint 13 (11-Mar-2013 - 22-Mar-2013)

Weekly Activities (21-Mar-2013)

  • Toolchain repository is now public: As decided by the PMB
  • Status of WP2 Deliverables: All intermediate deliverables will be available end of March, the precise status is, documented here.
  • Use of a semi-formal model: One result of the safety-meeting in Paris was the there will be a semi-formal model as an intermediate to the final model.
  • QA document: A revised version of the QA document is available. As this affects our work (even though it is not a direct input), we have to make sure it fits our needs.

Status Deliverables

In March, a number of WP2 deliverables are due. The deliverables can be found in the WP2 repository.

Note that technically, three intermediate deliverables are delayed, and three intermediate deliverables will be revised once more. This is no big deal. We now expect all deliverables end of March.

ID Description Due Status Notes
D2.1b Report on existing methodologies 15-Mar-2013 delivered This is almost the final version, which will provide informations on the interviews. It should not alter the summaries on the methods.
D2.2b Set of requirements to be fulfilled according to CENELEC standards 15-Mar-2013 delivered The current version states "preliminary" in the document, even though it should be intermediate.
D2.3b Definition of the overall process for the formal description of ETCS and the rail system it works in 31-Mar-2013 not yet due
D2.4b Definition of the methods used to perform the formal description 31-Mar-2013 not yet due According to Sylvain, it's due mid April; Marielle: "I think it is better to wait the results of WP7 Task1 to write this document, thus my proposal was to postpone its date. For the moment nothing is clearly decided."
D2.5b Methods and tools benchmarking methodology 31-Mar-2013 delivered This deliverable is also the final deliverable.
D2.6b Set of requirements for the model used and the modeling process: 31-Mar-2013 not yet due
D2.7b Intermediate Set of requirements for API 31-Mar-2013 not yet due
D2.8b Set of requirements for the tools used 31-Mar-2013 not yet due
D2.9b Set of requirements for the tools used 31-Mar-2013 not yet due

Weekly Activities (14-Mar-2013)

  • Paris Workshop: This week was dominated by the paris workshop, results are being disseminated. There were few other activities this week.
  • Userstories: The userstories have been published (Sharepoint).
  • Glossary/Terminology: WP2 (Jan Welte) distributed via email a first catalogue of word from the English and German FPP, which will serve as the starting point for a glossary.
  • New deliverables from WP2: There were some announcements on WP2 deliverables. Next week, I'll create a summary of the updated deliverables that are relevant for WP2.

Sprint 12 (25-Feb-2013 - 08-Mar-2013)

Weekly Activities (07-Mar-2013)

  • WP2 Deliverables: There are preliminary versions of WP2 deliverables available. The intermediate versions are due mid March. The aim is to launch a discussion of the contents of these documents. To do so, please respond to the messages that were sent by Mariellle, Sylvain and Guillaume. The deliverables are:
  • D2.3 (Definition of the overall process for the formal description of ETCS and the rail system it works in)
  • D2.4 (Definition of the methods used to perform the formal description)
  • D2.5 (Methods and tools benchmarking methodology)
  • QA Plan: An intermediate version of the QA plan is available. Feedback is requested by Rico by March 18.
  • Eclipse Platform Evaluation Propsal: The Proposal got accepted.
  • Governement Proposal: There is a new Proposal by Bernd Hekele (DB)
  • API Requirements: Pierre-Francois Jauquet distributed a preliminary API Requirements documents. As of this writing, it was only distributed via email.
  • Paris Workshop March 11-13: There will be a workshop on "requirements on API" and "safety strategy" in Paris. For WP7, Marielle will attend. If you have questions or would like to attend, please coordinate with Marielle. The program is confirmed (apart from a few minor issues).

Weekly Activities (28-Feb-2013)

  • WP7 workshop: The workshop now stands, the various model evaluation teams are assigned to time slots (this effort is lead by Marielle). Please make sure that you have accommodation, if you decide to attend. DB will help with accommodation.
  • Project Plan Matures: The WP leaders and the Project Office are almost done with the overall project plan. WP7 coordination with all other WPs is complete.
  • Benchmarking Activities: Preparation for the benchmarking has started, lead by Marielle.

Sprint 11 (11-Jan-2013 - 22-Feb-2013)

Goals: Reviewing WP2 Deliverables

Weekly Activities (21-Feb-2013)

  • WP7 Workshop: There will be a WP7 Workshop in Munich from 4/15 (afternoon) - 4/16 (morning). This event is co-hosted with the WP1 UnConference. If you are participating in a WP7 method evaluation, we strongly encourage you to participate.
  • WP1 UnConference: The UnConference provides an opportunity for method evaluators to offer trainings and to continue networking.
  • WP2 Requirements Review Feedback: WP2 summarized some important disagreements on the requirements deliverable and will work on resolving these. Please participate in the discussion if you are a stakeholder.
  • WP2 Deliverables D2.1 and D2.2 accepted: Quite a while ago, WP2 produced the two deliverables Methodology-Report (D2.1) and Report on CENELEC EN 50128 compliance (D2.2). We consider these deliverables as accepted as well.

Weekly Activities (14-Feb-2013)

  • Project Plan Matures: The Project Office distributed an aggregated version of the project schedule. The DoW has been updated to reflect this information. Particularly important for us are the WP2 deliverables.
  • WP2 Schedule: WP2 will provide three versions of each deliverable: a preliminary, an intermediate and a final version. 6 preliminary deliverables have been produced, the rest are due end of February. The intermediate deliverables will be available mid and end of March.
  • WP2 Deliverables: Methodology-Report (D2.1), Report on CENELEC EN 50128 compliance (D2.2) and Requirements Synthesis (D2.6, D2.7, D2.8, D2.9)
  • Feedback on WP2 Deliverables: We promised high-level feedback on the requirements by tomorrow (Friday). You can still give feedback. As a preliminary result, the WP7 community seems to weakly accept it. Weaknesses exist especially in Chapters 7 and 8. The final result will be published tomorrow.
  • Model Evaluation: Please note the updates on the wiki pages of the model evaluation: And Benchmark activities.
  • WP7.1 Task leadership: Last late year, CEA withdrew as task leader for WP7.1, and Systerel took over interim leadership. CEA is now engaged again and is actively supporting Marielle. Considering that the task will complete in the middle of this year anyway, we decided that it does not make sense to switch task leadership again. Therefore, Systerel will take on permanent leadership of WP7.1.
  • WP7 workshop: Announced for a long time, we can finally plan a WP7 workshop. The reason for the delay was the pending project plan. Due to the delivery schedule of WP2, it makes sense to plan the workshop in a way, such that we can give timely feedback to the intermediate WP2 deliverables. This would suggest early April (a separate email will be send shortly).

Sprint 10 (21-Jan-2013 - 8-Feb-2013)

The goal of this Sprint is the finalization of the overall project plan, including time line and dependencies to other WPs.


The following deliverables from WP2 are now available:

  • Methodology-Report
  • D2.1: Report on existing methodologies
  • Report on CENELEC EN 50128 compliance
  • D2.2: Set of requirements to be fulfilled according to CENELEC standards (state-of-the-art)
  • Requirements Synthesis
  • D2.6: Set of requirements for the model used and the modeling process:
  • D2.7: Set of requirements for API:
  • D2.8: Set of requirements for the tools used:
  • D2.9: Set of requirements for the verification and validation process:

Weekly Activities (07-Feb-2013)

  • Model Evaluation Repository: (since Dec-12): Please visit the model-evaluation project to follow the activities. Currently, five evaluations have artefacts in git (Classical B, Event-B, SysML, GNATprove and Why3). Also check out the wiki for information on how to contribute.
  • Model Description Template: Matthias Güdemann provided a template for the model description, which should facilitate comparing models. (Example, provide Feedback)
  • Overall Project Plan / WP coordination: (since 14-Jan): This week, another coordination meeting took place, this time in Cologne. The project office is currently aggregating the information. Expect changes to the WP7 DoW next week to reflect the new information.
  • WP7 workshop: (time tbd): We are currently deciding whether there will be a stand-alone WP7 workshop, or whether it will be held together with another WP (WP2 or WP3). Expect more information and a doodle next week.
  • Open Workshop on Formal Methods (FM) for openETCS: (time tbd): This is NOT a WP7 event, but an even organized by the project office. (Doodle Poll)
  • Requirements from WP2 (D2.3): WP2 produced a draft deliverable, that is essential for the work in WP7. They expect feedback by next week Friday (15-Feb). Please provide feedback using this form.

Sprint 9 (07-Jan-2013 - 18-Jan-2013)

The goal of this Sprint is to prepare for the change request meeting in Munich (1/15 and 1/16), and to take actions from the result of this meeting.

Further, the prototyping efforts will continue.

Sprint Break (17-Dec-2012 - 4-Jan-2013)

Happy Holidays!

Sprint 8 (03-Dec-2012 - 14-Dec-2012)

The goal of this Sprint is to start work on the actual tasks. This work is lead by the task leaders.

Acquisition of Representative Subset of ERTMS requirements

A crucial input of the prototyping is a representative subset to be formalized. Such a subset has not yet been defined yet (even though prototyping has already started, see below). We need to work with WP2 to create such a subset as quickly as possibly, ideally taking the prototyping work already into account.


There are already a number of prototyping activities underway. It is important to align these activities. Known activities are listed at EvaluationProposal

Sprint 7 (19-Nov-2012 - 30-Nov-2012)


The WP2 meeting in Paris fell into the middle of this sprint. Therefore, the goal of this sprint is validation of the DoW with all participants and validation of the timeline.

Sprint 6 (05-Nov-2012 - 16-Nov-2012)


Same as for Sprint 5


In particular due to the delay from WP3b (because of the missing WP leader), we extend the review of the DoW by one sprint iteration.

Also, in order to actually start working, input from WP2 is needed (which is not yet available). Therefore, this will be a relatively quiet sprint.

Sprint 5 (22-Oct-2012 - 16-Nov-2012)


  • Resolve all open tracker issues
  • Solicit feedback from interfacing work packages mainly (WP2 and WP3b)
  • Straighten out the schedule (inputs, outputs, dates) and validate with other work packages.


At the end of the sprint, there were still two tracker issues open. We got some great feedback from WP2 (WP3b did not have a leader at that point). The schedule was straightened out, except task 1.

Sprint 4 (08-Oct-2012 - 19-Oct-2012)

In this sprint, the task managers are responsible for achieving their sprint goals. At this point, this is:

"Distill their task description in the DoW into a 1-page section that has well defined subtasks with inputs and outputs".

Sprint 3 (17-Sep-2012 - 28-Sep-2012)

This time we split the ownership of the sprint between the different sections, see below.


Expertise of the participants is documented on the Team page.

Name hours
Daniel Plagge 10h
Hardi Hungar 12h
Jonas Helming 20h
Marielle Petit-Doche 40h
Stanislas Pinte 40h

Owners of the chapters of the DoW:

  1. Core Tool Chain Analyses and Recommendations: Stanislas Pinte
  2. Supporting Tools Analyses and Recommendations: Marielle Petit-Doche
  3. Define and Develop Tool Chain: Jan Pelska
  4. Develop Open Source Ecosystem: Jonas Helming


Goal: "Validate the DoW with all stakeholders"

Sprint 2 (3-Sep-2012 - 14-Sep-2012)

The "owner" of this sprint is Stanislas Pinte.


Expertise of the participants is documented on the Team page.

Name hours
Cecile Braunstein 25h
Chokri Mraidha ??
Christophe Gaston ??
Daniel Plagge 5h
Jan Peleska 8h
Jonas Helming 40h
Michael Jastram 5h
Silvano dal Zilio ??
Stanislas Pinte 40h
Virgile Prevosto ??


Goal: "Adapt and refine the DoW as we see fit, coordinating with other WPs as needed"

We won't practice proper Scrum at this time - for instance, trying to perform "Daily Scrums" currently does not make much sense. Over time, we will adapt more and more Scrum practices, as we see fit.


  • If you participate in this sprint, please let the group know (via this list) how much time you will spend on this iteration.
  • Please go ahead and work on the document. At least initially, please report your activities on the mailing list.
  • Don't ask to add new content, just do it. If thinks are unclear or you want to comment, then please write these in the margin (the way I already did).
  • Whether you participate or not, please take advantage of this sprint to explore our tools: Make a clone of the repository and use Latex to modify the document.
  • I didn't apply the Latex template from Fabien yet. Maybe someone would like to do this?
  • It's not clear to me what the best process for contributing is for those that are not committers yet. The ecosystem project should be able to provide us with some guidance. Please pose such question on the ecosystem mailing list. For now, you can use gist to submit patches.
  • I'd like to use the Friday 11:00 slot for discussion. Please let me know if you think we should have a telco sooner than that.

Sprint 1 (16-Aug-2012 - 29-Aug-2012)


Expertise of the participants is documented on the Team page.

Name Company Munich hours
Merlin Pokam AEbt yes 12
Norbert Schäfer AEbt yes 4
Klaus-Rüdiger Hase DB yes
Stanislas Pinte ERTMS Solutions no 28
Uwe Steinke Siemens yes 8
Alexander Stante FhG yes
Michael Ditze TWT ?
Jens Gerlach FhG ?
Michael Jastram Formal Mind yes 20
Fabien Belmonte Alstom no 8
Total 6


B-4 Familiarize ourselves with the tool chain

Note: Considering the available resources and the state of the project, the best use of time is to get up to speed with the tools to be used, considering that most team members have no experience with it yet.

ID Task Owner h
T-11 Create a personal gitHub account. Familiarize youself with the account all
T-12 Create a Repo on your gitHub account (this will be public, so don't add anything openETCS-specific). all
T-13 Create a few wiki pages on your repo, and cross-link them. all
T-14 Explore the Issue tracker by creating an issue, and closing it. all
T-15 If time permits: Get involved with other WP3a team members and clone someone else's repository. Then make a change and find a way to commit those changes to the other repo. all


Unprocessed relevant information goes here, for now.

From David MENTRÉ

A comment of older email sent in August.

[ About Sprint Backlog ] Le 07/08/2012 23:22, Michael Jastram a écrit :

Compile a list of target tools

Fernando Mejia of Alstom already compiled a pretty extensive list of available formal methods and presented it at an openETCS meeting. This should be used as starting point.

Moreover, I am maintaining a list of Free Software that can be used for formal verification:

This can also be used as input.

Best regards, david

B-1 Organize the work package

ID Task Owner h
T-1 Create and review the Workpackage charter.
T-2 Complete the DoW description1 by collaborating with the WP3b leader to make sure the separation of WP3a and WP3b is clearly defined.
T-3 Follow the openETCS process and create a proper project or contribution for the work to be done.

B-2 Compile a list of WP3a deliverables and their deadlines

ID Task Owner h
T-4 Create backlog items, based on deliverables and in collaboration with product owner.
T-5 Identify and document dependencies to other WPs.
T-6 Identify backlog items with no or few dependencies (to be used for subsequent sprints).

B-3 Precompile a list of target tools

ID Task Owner h
T-7 Create list of tool evaluation criteria.
T-8 Create and document the infrastructure for documenting tools (Wiki? Latex? ...?).
T-9 Compile a list of target tools.
T-10 For each tool: evaluate against criteria.

Questionnaire for M3.1.2

Proposed by Silvano Dal Zilio

Just to put, in a writing form, the proposal I put forward after our lunch break. The idea is to send a questionnaire asking the participants some information on the tools they plan to use/develop/integrate during in the context of the project.

This questionnaire could be merged with other similar initiative at the WP level, so that we do not send several similar questionnaire in a short period.

For task M3.1.2, it would be useful to have the following information.

  1. name of the tool you want to interface
  2. type of tool (Modeler/editor; simulation, test-generation, code generator; ...)
  3. contact email
  4. url for documentation
  5. list of projects or toolboxes (only list the representative examples) where the tool has been integrated + some information on the toolchain architecture that has been used (e.g. Eclipse Modeling / OSGI)
Clone this wiki locally