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Answers to the exercises in Theoretical Neuroscience, Dayan and Abbott (2001)

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Answers to the exercises in Theoretical Neuroscience, Dayan and Abbott (2001)

Part I: Neural Encoding and Decoding

Chapter 1: Neural Encoding I; Firing rates and spike statistics

1. Generate spikes for 10 s (or longer if you want better statistics) using
a Poisson spike generator with a constant rate of 100 Hz, and record
their times of occurrence. Compute the coeffcient of variation of the
interspike intervals, and the Fano factor for spike counts obtained
over counting intervals ranging from 1 to 100 ms. Plot the interspike
interval histogram. 

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2. Add a refractory period to the Poisson spike generator by allowing
the firing rate to depend on time. Initially, set the firing rate to a
constant value, r(t) = r0. After every spike, set r(t) to 0, and then
allow it to recover exponentially back to r0 with a time constant TauRef
that controls the refractory recovery rate. In other words, have r(t)
obey the equation 

TauRef(dr/dt) = r0 - r

except immediately after a spike, when it is set to 0. Plot the
coeffcient of variation as a function of TauRef over the range 1 ms <=
TauRef <= 20 ms, and plot interspike interval histograms for a few
diferent values of TauRef in this range. Compute the Fano factor for
spike counts obtained over counting intervals ranging from 1 to 100 ms
for the case TauRef = 10 ms.

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8. MATLAB® file c1p8.mat contains data collected and provided by Rob
de Ruyter van Steveninck from a fly H1 neuron responding to an approximate
white-noise visual motion stimulus. Data were collected
for 20minutes at a sampling rate of 500Hz. In the file, rho is a vector
that gives the sequence of spiking events or nonevents at the sampled
times (every 2 ms). When an element of rho is one, this indicates the
presence of a spike at the corresponding time, whereas a zero value
indicates no spike. The variable stim gives the sequence of stimulus
values at the sampled times. 

Calculate and plot the spike-triggered average from these data over the range 
from 0 to 300 ms (150 time steps). (Based on a problem from Sebastian Seung.)

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9. Using the data of problem 8, calculate and plot stimulus averages
triggered on events consisting of a pair of spikes (which need not necessarily
be adjacent) separated by a given interval (as in figure 1.10).

1) Plot these two-spike-triggered average stimuli for various separation
intervals ranging from 2 to 100 ms. (Hint: in MATLAB® , use convolution
for pattern matching: e.g. find(conv(rho,[1 0 1])==2) will
contain the indices of all the events with two spikes separated by 4

2) Plot, as a function of the separation between the two spikes,
the magnitude of the difference between the two-spike-triggered average
and the sum of two single-spike-triggered averages (obtained
in exercise 8) separated by the same time interval. 

3)At what temporal separation does this difference become negligibly small. 
(Based on a problem from Sebastian Seung.)

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10. Using the data of problem 8, find the spike-triggered average stimulus
for events that contain exactly two adjacent spikes separated by
various different intervals ranging from 2 to 100 ms (e.g. for 4 ms,
the event [1 0 1] but not the event [1 1 1]). This is distinct from
exercise 9 in which we only required two spikes separated by a given
interval, but did not restrict what happened between the two spikes.
Compare results of the exclusive case considered here with those of
the inclusive two-spike-triggered average computed in exercise 9. In
what ways and why are they different? (Based on a problem from
Sebastian Seung.)

Chapter 2: Neural Encoding II: Reverse correaltion abd visual receptive fields

Chapter 3: Neural decoding

Chapter 4: Information theory

Part II: Neurons and Neural Circuits

Chapter 5: Model neurons I: Neuroelectronics

Chapter 6: Model neurons II: Conductances and morphology

Chapter 7: Network models

Part III: Adaptation and Learning

Chapter 8: Plasticity and learning

Chapter 9: Classical conditioning and reinforcement learning

Chapter 10: Representational Learning


Answers to the exercises in Theoretical Neuroscience, Dayan and Abbott (2001)






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