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jbreffle authored Aug 31, 2017
1 parent 7586e98 commit 084e082
Showing 1 changed file with 150 additions and 1 deletion.
151 changes: 150 additions & 1 deletion Ch7
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def Ex1():
a) Consider network activities v(theta) that are steady-state solutions of
equation 7.36, satisfying
v(theta) = [ h(theta) + pi/2[integral]-pi/2 ( (dtheta'/pi) * (-gamma0 +
gamma1*(cos(2(theta - theta')))*v(theta'))) ]
in response to input h(theta) = Ac(1 - q + q cos(2theta)) as in equation
7.37. Assuming that v(theta) is symmetric about theta = 0, show that
v(theta) takes either the form
v(theta) = alpha [cos(2theta) - cos(2thetaC)]+
or the form
v(theta) = alpha cos(2theta) + vtheta
In the case of equation 2,which applieswhen thetaC < pi/2 and forwhich
thetaC defines the width of the orientation tuning curve, by calculating
the integral
pi/2[integral]-pi/2 (dtheta'/pi) (-gamma0 + gamma1*(cos(2(theta -
show that alpha and thetaC must satisfy the consistency conditions
alpha = (A*c*epsilon) / (1 - lambda1 *(thetaC - sin(4thetaC))/pi
cos(2thetaC) = (lambda0/pi) ( sin(2thetaC)) - 2thetaC(cos(2thetaC)) - (
(1-epsilon) / epsilon) (1 - (lambda1/pi)(thetaC - ( (sin(4thetaC)) / 4))
b) In the case of equation 3, calculate alpha and v0.
c) For values lambda0 = 7.3, lambda1 = 11, c = 1, and A = 40 Hz, use the
MATLAB® function fzero to find the value of thetaC that satisfies the
consistency condition in equation 4 as a function of q for 0 < q =< 1.
For q = 0.1 and c = 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.8, solve for alpha, and thereby
reproduce figure 7.10B. Repeat the plots for lambda1 = 0. At what value
of q does thetaC fall below pi/2. This corresponds to a model in which
feedforward orientation tuning is sharpened only by inhibition, and
the model lacks contrast invariant tuning.
d) Numerically integrate equation 7.36 for the sets of parameters in
(c) to confirm your results. Use 100 neurons with preferred values
evenly spaced between -pi/2 and pi/2.
e) Plot thetaC - sin(4thetaC)/4 for 0 =< thetaC =< pi/2. What is its maximum
value? As q -> 0 (so that (1 - q)/q -> infintity), calculate (from
equation 4) a condition on lambda1 that ensures there will always be a
solution with thetaC < pi/2. This defines a marginal phase in which the
recurrent connections create a tuned output even from untuned input, and
it constitutes what is called a continuous attractor.

def Ex2():
A Hopfield associativememory network has activities for individual
units, va for a = 1, 2, . . . ,N (or collectively v), that take values of
either +1 or -1, and are updated at every discrete time step of the network
dynamics by the rule
va(t + 1) = sgn( SIGMA(Maa' * va' (t)))
sgn(z) = (+1 if z >= 0
-1 if z < 0
Here M is a matrix constructed from P “memory” vectors vm (m =
1, 2, . . .P), also composed of elements that are either +1 or -1, through
the sum of outer products
Maa' = (1 - Delta,a,a') SIGMA(VamVam)
Note that the diagonal elements ofMare set to zero by this equation.
Consider a 100-element network (N = 100). Construct P memory
states by randomly assigning +1 and -1 values with equal probabilities
to the N elements of each vm. Using these memory vectors, set
the matrix of synaptic weights according to equation 6. Then, study
the behavior of the network by iterating equation 5. Tomeasure how
close the state of the network at time t, v(t), is to a particularmemory
state, define the overlap function q(t) = v(t) * vm/N. This is equal to 1
if v(t) = vm, is near zero if v(t) is unrelated to vm, and is equal to -1 if
v(t) = -vm. Set the initial state v(0) so that it has a positive overlap,
q(0),with memory state v1. Plot q(t) as the network evolves fromthis
state according to equation 5. Final values of q(t) near one indicate
successful recovery of the memory. Do the same starting from v(0)
close to the inverse of the memory state -v1. What accounts for this
behavior? Determine the range of q(0) values (about v1) that assures
successfulmemory recovery for different values of P. Startwith P = 1
and increase it untilmemory recovery fails even for q(0) = 1. Atwhat
P value does this occur?

def Ex3():
Repeat exercise 2 with the matrixM replaced by
Maa' = (1 - deltaaa' )
Maa' = (1 - deltaaa') Sigma(Vam * Cmm' * Va'm')
where Cmm' is the m,m' element of the inverse of the matrix
Compare the performance and capacity of the associative memory
constructed using this matrix with that of the associative memory in
exercise 2.

def Ex4():
Build and study a simple model of oscillations arising from the interaction
of excitatory and inhibitory populations of neurons. The
firing rate of the excitatory neurons is rE, and that of the inhibitory
neurons is rI and these are characterized by equations 7.50 and 7.51.
Set MEE = 1.25, MIE = 1, MII = 0, MEI = -1, gammaE = -10 Hz, gammaI = 10
Hz, tauE = 10 ms, and vary the value of tauI. The negative value of gammaE
means that this parameter serves as a source of background activity
(activity in the absence of excitatory input) rather than as a threshold.
Show what happens for tauI = 30ms and for tauI = 50 ms. Find the value
of tauI for which there is a transition between fixed-point and oscillatory
behavior, thereby verifying the results obtained analytically in
chapter 7 on the basis of equation 7.53.

def Ex5():
'''MATLAB files c7p5.m and c7p5sub.m perform a numerical integration
of a two-unit, nonlinear, symmetric recurrent network with a
threshold linear activation function F(I) = beta[I]+ and plot the results.
Here, the dynamics come from
dv/dt = -v + F(M * v + h)
with v = (v1, v2) and h1 = h2 = 1. The weight matrix in this example
isM = [0 -1 ; -1 0],which tends tomake v1 and v2 compete. Execute
c7p5.m to see the consequences of regimes of high (beta = 2) and low
(beta = 0.5) activation (which is equivalent to large and small recurrent
weights). For these two values of beta, plot the nullclines (the locations
in the v1-v2 phase planewhere dv1/dt = 0 and dv2/dt = 0). You should
find one fixed point for beta = 0.5 and three for beta = 2. Linearize the
network about the fixed point with v1 = v2 and derive a condition on
beta for this fixed point to be stable. (Based on a problem from Dawei

def Ex6():
Plot the results of exercise 5 for the inputs h = (0.75, 1.25) and h =
(0.5, 1.5). By plotting nullclines for these values of h, explain the
resulting behavior. (Based on a problem from Dawei Dong.)

def Ex7():
Use the expression
fu(s - epsilon, g - mu) = A * e** ( -(s-epsilon)**2 / 2sigmas**2) N ( (g
- gamma) / sigmag)
where A, epsilon, sigmas, mu, and sigmag are parameters and N is the
(sigmoidal) cumulative normal function
N(z) = integral[z, -infinity] (dx (1/root(2pi)) e**(-x**2 / 2 ) = 1 -
(-1/2) erfc (z / root(2) )
Plot fu(s - epsilon, g - mu) and find values of the parameters that make it
roughly match the gain-modulated response of figure 7.6B. Using
w(epsilon, mu) = exp(-(epsilon + ,mu)2/2sigma2
w), evaluate the integral in equation 7.15
in terms of a single cumulative normal function to show that the
resulting tuning curves are functions of s + g, and assess how the
tuning width depends on sigmas, sigmag and sigmaw.

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