This is a Minetest modpack to allow for minor tweaks that I wanted. Currently, the additions are:
- Provides an alternative Red Dye.
- Provides for 'charcoal' by allowing crafting of Coal Lump in furnace. This could provide a way for new players to get torches (presupposing the existence of furnaces).
- Provides a non-toxic use of Red Mushrooms.
Doesn't do anything new, yet. I'm trying to create a furnace which emits a signal when it runs out of fuel or cookable material or is full of cooked material.
The extended ideal would be setting up register functions for:
- no fuel (useful for fuel adding systems)
- no cookable (useful for raw ingredient adding systems)
- cooking started (useful for raw ingredient adding systems)
- cooked (useful for storage movement systems)
- full cooked (useful for storage movement systems)
- Create a 'Charcoal Lump' fuel
- Ideally, it should use one group:tree as raw, one group:tree as fuel, produce one 'Charcoal Lump' which will burn for at least three times as long as one group:tree.
- Create 'Charcoal Kiln' node
and/or 'Charcoal Mound'item.- A kiln should require clay to build and be reusable.
- ~~A mound should require dirt and sticks and be consumed.~~Done: shaped, uses 7 dirt and 2 sticks; when Charcoal Mound is combined with 2 group:tree in a shapeless recipe, a Coal Lump is crafted.
- Get a good texture for 'Charcoal Mound'; current texture is ... abstract.
- All of the furnace mod.
- Torches are useful very early.
- Trees are frequently available.
- Dirt is frequently available.
- Charcoal was historically produced by burning wood under a sealed mound of dirt.
- The sticks in the mound recipe represent a little waste and the two sticks the player rubbed together to start the fire.